Dhoni's gloves


International Coach
Sep 7, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
Was it really necessary to stop the game because his gloves had a tiny strap across the webbing?

Is this rule concerning keeping gloves' webbing really that important?

Great catch btw
I don't think so, I might just help him cling the ball a bit better though...
Well if it's against the rules then obviously it is that important to stop the game, as he'd be gaining an unfair advantage and therefore cheating.

I haven't seen it, btw.
The thing is, Dhoni says that they're the replica of his gloves that he used in the Test series. So if that is the case then it is poor from the officials point of view if they haven't caught it, i mean i'd be more worried that he'd been using gloves which were against the rules in the Tests rather than the Tri-angular series.

The thing is its one of those rules which is a bit like a batsmen calling for a runner. The rules state that the runner be wearing the exact same kit as the batsmen, therefore meaning if a right hander wanted a runner, the batsmen would have to be right handed OR wearing right handed kit, but when G.Jones asked for a runner in the Indian series last winter, Andrew Strauss took to the field wearing his kit, left handed.

You can either be quite relaxed on rules, or straight to the point, you can't be the ICC and just say no to one thing, but let another case off.
Give him Gills gloves. He will start dropping them. :p

Just kidding. But it would be nice if Dhoni gets his gloves signed by Gilly, I know I would have asked him for that.
If the webbing of the glove is oversized, it obviously gives the wearer an advantage. I believe the dimensions of the gloves came to light when Dhoni had taken a difficult catch with little more than the webbing wrapped around the ball.
Its not a big Deal...I say that Jayasuriya used more wider bat in 1996 world cup..But who gonna measure it..Its all part of the game.And they don't make real difference..
Means If you give Jhonty Rhods's shoes to Munaf then also Dadaji can't field.I know i am not making sense.
Means If you give Jhonty Rhods's shoes to Munaf then also Dadaji can't field.

:rtfl If only I had not given you reps just few days back.

Its simple. Umpires noticed it and got it replaced. Its not as he was hiding anything like squash ball in his gloves. The umpires had eyes and they could see it. Also he got them from Melbourne.
Not a big deal according to me... When asked to change, Dhoni did it.

I dont think it will give an unfair advantage always to the keeper.
Having used both types of gloves I can tell you that it is a pretty big deal. The extra strap supporting the webbing is a huge help to clinging onto the wide ones.
I dont think it will give an unfair advantage always to the keeper.

Yes they give. There was time when keepers used to have these huge webbings and I saw Boucher take some exceptional diving cathces. Its more helpful in diving catches cos the webbing does not allow the bowl to pop out.
If it was Gilchrist with illegal gloves there would be an uproar.

He broke the rules, simple as that. I feel he should also be fined or given a match ban. I don't care if it was intentional or not, it was cheating.
If it was Gilchrist with illegal gloves there would be an uproar.

He broke the rules, simple as that. I feel he should also be fined or given a match ban. I don't care if it was intentional or not, it was cheating.

No people would say "Hes got that much webbing and still cant catch."
But if he caught well in the test series then something like this would happen "i hte the whle aus team bcoz warne tkes drugs nd gilly is a cheater who cnt use a norml wikey glve nd sharma is pontings bunny."

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