Friendly Battles

@puneeth your entry has been added lets see if any more entries are submitted till the deadline today.

i will loss

Don't lose heard already let the the deadline get over and we'll see in who's favour the voting goes,by the way it was your first try on wallies and you can improve in the future!

which tutorial you have followed

Making a wallpaper is really easy if you want to make it simple like puneeth than just make a new document of the size of your wall it depends on you,then create a new layer go to the paint bucket tool and fill the background with black,then open your render and blend it into your wally,apply any necessary effects to your render which depends on how your wally will look,create a new layer and draw a shape using the rectangular marque tool I would prefer a rectangle then press shift+backspace to apply color to it you can change the color by going to the layer's blending options and applying color overlay and choose the color of your choice Note: This is where your text will go so don't make it very large,then make the opacity of the rectangle you just made to 50% or 40% then it will look like transparent and give a good effect to your wally then the final touches grab the text tool write your text and apply the color of your choice then place it over the top of the rectangle you just created it will give a cool effect to your creations this technique works best in avvys,then to finish your wally apply any necessary text you want like in puneeth's wally he has written the wall on the right size and the name of dravid on the left and after that apply a border that matches your background like if your render is blue then apply a border with a dark color.

then save your work as jpg format and also save it as psd format as a backup if you will need to do any changes in it later.

Hope this helps:)
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All of you have spoiled your entries by cartooning renders.
Wish I could prove you wrong, but unfortunately I'm not at town and I'm using an alternative source, that does not have GFX materials.
Ok here are the entries you guys can vote now







Current Standing:


I have added Megh's vote now as he voted before the deadline but in the last theme sleep nanda also posted his vote to viren before the deadline so I guess this counts!
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