

i need help.i had problems with my windows so i had to format the windows drive and re-installed windows xp.previously i was using 08 and now after instlling cricket 2002 i am not able to patch the game.cause when i click on wcxpinstall or any other software installation or setup it say error and send error report now i am not able to install any thing whoose setup program are in my drive. what is the problem?

can anyone help.... :helpme:

yourse friend

sorry :huh: i previously was using win 98 instead 08
i know what u mena it says something aobut a error and then says "send error report to ms" or "dont send"...hmmmmmmmmmmm, u may have a virus...does this happen with all the programs or just that one. If it is just that one try and redownload wcexpinstall and try to install it again. U said u reformatted your cpu correct? *waits for answer* ok so....did u burn your old wcexp file onto a cd and then put it on your cpu because if u did that...the rar files are all read only's. So that mya be the cause it is not working.

So in may not be working because
1. You may have a virus
2. You just may have to redownload it
3. The files might be read only(highlight all the files, right click, properties, and at the bottom check off read only or u can just redownload them)

Questions for You
1. Does this happen(error repor that u mentioned) to all your programs?
2. Did u get wcexp files off a cd?
First stuff, turn off error reporting. Right click on My Computer and click on properties. Go to the advanced tab. Click on 'error reporting' then turn off error reporting. This will help avoid the screen asking whether to report to Psychrosoft, atleast we call it that way :lol: . Also make sure that the virtual memory settings are okay. And as amir said, scan for viruses.
When the error window appears, click on the blue link at the bottom saying click here for further technical details or something similar and tell me what file if any it mentions ( dll or exe usually)
i don`t think it is a virus
look i deleted the wcxpinstall i had and extracted it again
so tht problem is solved but any other setup like
the kazaa setup the ocx setup and all other setup which i have are not working look :
for kazaa setup this error:
error signature
AppName: kmd.exe AppVer: ModName: kmd.exe
ModVer: Offset: 00069023
for ocx :
Common OCX Installer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
error signature:
AppName: install-ocx.exe AppVer: ModName: install-ocx.exe
ModVer: Offset: 00006823

and for every installation or setup like i downloaded the setup of media player 9 acdsee and all other same problem occurs.

and for every one
reporting details vineet which you asked
this problem includes:information regarding the condition of (x) any e.g acx,kazaa installer when the problem occurred ;the operating system version and computer hardware in use ;your digital product id ;which could be used to identify your liscence ;and the internet protocol address of your computer

and then it was written that we do this and this etc......

no i have been using many programs and all those setup are necessary and difficult to download all of them again with my dial up connetion.

here is a image ......


  • untitled.JPG
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click start|run and type "SFC /purgecache"
"sfc /scannow"
hmmmmmm...if alot of your exes are working that aitna good sign. I once had that problem luckily my dad fixed it and foudn out it was a virus.
hi vineet some prompt window opened and closed
nothing changed
and another problem is happening in xp
when i am using the net during the net
a window appears saying
"windows is shutning down in 1 minutes save all program in progress"
whats that ?
It's the worm. Get the fix from Misrosoft's site.

Also check out the topic in other stuff forum regarding virus exploit.
ya it was the virus you all were very right
it was badly affected
when i installed the nortron it found about 1000 viruses
it took me five hors to fix it
i also had to format two of my hard disks which were effected by those viruses
thank god
it was not a big loss
cause my computer is now sav :OOO:

thanks for the help again

but all my setup are lost during that process :unsure:

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