How Did Your Favourite Members Fare? Check Out The Results of Our Annual Awards Voting!

Best non young member

Congratulations @CerealKiller for winning the Best Non-Young Member award. Your contributions to the community have been outstanding, and your commitment to helping others is truly inspiring. Your knowledge, experience and willingness to share them have made a significant difference in our community. Thank you for all you do, and we look forward to your continued participation and leadership in the future.

Votes Percentage​
@Na Maloom Afraad37%
@Na Maloom Afraad 923E92AE-57F8-401E-8442-E70BA845754E.jpeg
Wow gutted missing out on a top prize but thankful for the votes I got!

I know I’m somewhat a villain in certain sections of the forum but always felt appreciated in general, means a great deal!

Congrats to the winners, and thanks to @Manish. and co. for all the work in making these awards a reality.
Thanks to the folks who voted for me and my apologies for being unable to participate in the nominations and voting process. Congratulations to all the winners and to the staff team here for organising all of it and of course to @manish for the presentation! Here’s to another good year at PlanetCricket. :cheers
Thanks for organizing the awards @Manish. :cheers

Did not expect to win a couple of awards I won, I would've been perfectly content with the league awards. But now I'm just mad I lost to that ageist, Malik-hating Tala. I'm gonna let my hate for him overshadow the awards I've won. Just as it should be.

On a sidenote, can we bar @wasteyouryouth from taking part next year? I don't think it's very fair for the rest of us.

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