Is this what radio entertainment has come to?


International Coach
Jul 14, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
Australians would of heard all about this in the news. A radio show hosted by Kyle Sandilands and Jackie-O held a segemnt during the week where a teenager was hooked up to a lie detector and the mother would ask questions.

But this went horribly wrong as the girl revealed that she had been rapped at the age of 12 (currently 14) and the mother even knew about it.

For those who havnt heard the audio here it is Click here!

Kyle has been sacked from Channel 10's TV show "Australian Idol" and his radio career is also in jeopardy.

And what kind a sick mother would put there child on a radio show doing a lie detector test full well knowing what this girl has been through?

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I think its the mothers fault. Stupid bitch.

Not really good form from Kyle Sandilands though, he should of known it would turn ugly.

I think the blame should of been thrown onto the mother.
I'd blame the host. These radio shows have a time delay before what is said is broadcasted. The host should have never let what was said air, and should have cut it off the second rape was mentioned. But he kept it going, and so he deserves the blame.
I'd blame the host. These radio shows have a time delay before what is said is broadcasted. The host should have never let what was said air, and should have cut it off the second rape was mentioned. But he kept it going, and so he deserves the blame.

Yes, on pretty much all radio there is a 7 second delay. But for this segment/program they decided to broadcast it live. Idiots.
We have TV show in India on same concept. Of course they dont ask questions like "Were you ***** by anyone?"
Well to be fair they didn't ask that.

But the whole point of the segment is such a stupid concept. Maybe if they did the lie detector thing with adults and it was more light humored they could get away with it. But to question a 14 year old about sex and drugs is just wrong. Especially on the mothers behalf, what an absolute pathetic idiot.
We even had debate n the show format in Parliament. :eek:

The questions have toned down after that.
Why was the mother being such a bitch publicizing her daughters faults?
Australians would of heard all about this in the news. A radio show hosted by Kyle Sandilands and Jackie-O held a segemnt during the week where a teenager was hooked up to a lie detector and the mother would ask questions.

But this went horribly wrong as the girl revealed that she had been rapped at the age of 12 (currently 14) and the mother even knew about it.

For those who havnt heard the audio here it is Click here!

Kyle has been sacked from Channel 10's TV show "Australian Idol" and his radio career is also in jeopardy.

And what kind a sick mother would put there child on a radio show doing a lie detector test full well knowing what this girl has been through?

After reading your summation, I have no desire to listen to the audio and validate it's existence.

But here is the problem. Every generation feels the need to push the boundaries. In the days of black and white TV, entertainment was pretty staid and each generation has pushed the limits. So the obvious conclusion of that is that you'll eventually reach a point where it is just so far beyond reasonable boundaries it is beyond description. I am not saying that it is totally unhealthy to push boundaries, just there is an eventual conclusion. If each generation did not push boundaries then entertainment media would have died years ago, as each generation feels the need to push beyond the last. Most probably though in the media we have now pushed those boundaries beyond what is reasonable by anyone's imagination.

I don't think it's unreasonable to prosecute pretty much everyone involved in this horror, which passes as entertainment, with the exception of the girl.
This kind of thing would never happen on radio 4.

Ha ha, but then again does anything ever happen on radio 4!?:D Having moved out to NZ a while ago I crave for a shipping forecast in the middle of a tense Test match! "And so Flintoff is on a hat-trick that could seal the fate of the whole series....and Radio 4 listeneners are off to hear how things are in Dogger Bank" :D:facepalm
I'm not a Kyle fan and he has never struck me as a particularly likeable person, but I think he's been crucified pretty much because of a tongue slip. Certainly he said the wrong thing, but I'm disgusted to see the mother's actions, number 1 putting her daughter through something like this, and especially knowing about the rape and not reporting it.

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