Make a player

I thought the batting could be higher but then I left it at competent.
Gautam Gambhir - 26 yo, BT Rating=5,555,555
LH Batsman, RH Spin Bowler, superb batting form, proficient bowling form, sublime fitness.
An attacking player with superb leadership skills and superb experience.
Stamina: 	superb 	Wicket Keeping:	superb
Batting: 	elite 	Concentration: 	elite
Bowling: 	superb 	Consistency: 	elite
Fielding: 	elite

Tarzan added 6 Minutes and 14 Seconds later...

Mahendra Singh Dhoni - 27 yo, BT Rating=7,777,777
RH Batsman, RM Bowler, superb batting form, worthless bowling form, sublime fitness.
A destructive player with superb+ leadership skills and superb experience.
Stamina: 	superb 		Wicket Keeping: elite
Batting: 	elite 		Concentration: 	elite
Bowling: 	worthless 	Consistency: 	elite
Fielding: 	superb
Gautam Gambhir - 26 yo, BT Rating=5,555,555
LH Batsman, RH Spin Bowler, superb batting form, proficient bowling form, sublime fitness.
An attacking player with superb leadership skills and superb experience.
Stamina: 	superb 	Wicket Keeping:	[B]superb[/B]
Batting: 	[B]elite [/B]	Concentration: 	[B]elite[/B]
Bowling: 	[B]superb[/B] 	Consistency: 	[B]elite[/B]
Fielding: 	[B]elite[/B]

Tarzan added 6 Minutes and 14 Seconds later...

Mahendra Singh Dhoni - 27 yo, BT Rating=7,777,777
RH Batsman, RM Bowler, superb batting form, worthless bowling form, sublime fitness.
A destructive player with superb+ leadership skills and superb experience.
Stamina: 	[B]superb[/B] 		Wicket Keeping: [B]elite[/B]
Batting: 	[B]elite [/B]		Concentration: 	[B]elite[/B]
Bowling: 	worthless 	Consistency: 	elite
Fielding: 	superb

You must be joking :eek: :eek:
Shoaib Akthar
RH Batsmen, RF Bowler, Worthless Batting Form, Worthless Bowling Form, Dead Fitness
An attacking player with feeble leadership skills and strong experience
Stamina: Worthless Wicket-Keeping: Worthless
Batting: Feeble Concentration: Woeful
Bowling: Elite Consistency: Wonderful
Fielding: Woeful
That's about right.
was wonderig.. what would you people give Shane Warney in leadership skills ? :rolleyes:
naaa... Elite is a bit too much.. afterall he has never led a team at International level.
So what, he is a better captain that Ponting. He lead the worst team in the IPL to victory isnt that enough
RH Batsmen, RLS Bowler, Superb Batting Form, Superb Bowling Form, Sublime Fitness
An attacking player with Elite leadership skills and Elite experience
Stamina: Elite Wicket-Keeping: Elite
Batting: Elite Concentration: Elite
Bowling: Elite Consistency: Elite
Fielding: Elite

Thats perfect (in both meanings of the word)
15. ShAkTi MaKwAnA (15151515)

RH Batsman, RH Spin Bowler, superb batting form, superb bowling form, sublime fitness.
A cautious player with superb leadership skills and elite experience.

Part of the "All Time Greatest" squad
Plays For: 	Krazzy Kingz
Nationality: 	India
Age: 		21 Years Old
Battrick Rating:1,321,142
Wages: 		£241,515 p/w

Stamina:  	superb  	Wicket Keeping:  sensational
Batting: 	elite 		Concentration: 	elite
Bowling: 	sensational 	Consistency: 	elite
Fielding: 	elite

This is perfect... .

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