Misunderstood Me!!!

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National Board President
Feb 14, 2006
U know the thread i posted on the stumps i did not mean have 4 stumps. heres wot i meant ok say i get Natwest stumps for odi but then say i also put in Hutch stumps in my directory wot wud happen would the hutch ones replace the Natwest ones

so cud u guys tell me thanks
You really didn't need another thread for this. Anyway, it's impossible, you can't have two files called the same thing in the same directory.
Can a mod close this thread?
ok so i cnt have two sets of stumps but.....theres another thinh i want to ask so instead of starting another thread i will ask here b4 u close it so plez reply

ok u know the AI Extreme Patch well say i put the bowling file of that in my root directory and the batting file of tutsis 4.0 patch will that work

please reply thank u
You'll have to switch between the two files.
Next time, instead of starting new threads in the wrong forum, find the download thread for the AI patch in question or start a new thread in the Cricket2005 forum.
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