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How Was WM24?

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Fire Colin Delany I HATE THAT GUY, waste of a roster spot

Good story but :p I havent followed much but i think you should return Kane to the ole lightin linda mcmahon on fire person he used to be, like the wwe may be doing now

Listen up, turn it up and rock it out
Party on, I wanna hear you scream and shout
This is real, as real as it gets
I came to get down to get some f****** respect
Taking it back to hardcore level
You better be ready, put your pedal to the metal
Taking it back to hardcore level
You better be ready, put your pedal to the metal.


Good Ol' JR and The King welcome us to Monday Night Raw Live as we head to our first Segment!

1st Segment
A Celebration - DX Style!


DeGeneration X's
music interruptsTo Be Loved, as the fans go crazy! HBK and HHH Come down to the ring, as they set off their pyro with the DX Chops! They talk how Shawn is once again, WWE Champion, before Triple H Gets Ready "Leeeeeeeeeettt'sss Get Ready To...." but *Hey Nothin' You Can Say* comes over the speakers and Randy Orton struts out, smirking "Shawn Shawn Shawn! The Hasbeen Kid reigns again, over some Extreme Freak who points to himself, Gee, that sounds like YOU SHAWN!" as Orton's voice becomes mocking, yet angry. "Shawn, One month ago, the management suspended me, because I said a few bad things about poor old DX.... BUT I'M BACK! The Legend Killer will not lay down for anybody! Hunter, You know you're better than the Hasbeen Kid, why aren't you with someone, succesful, and talented, like Me?" taunts Orton. "Well Gee Randy, probably because I don't hang out with people who are idiotic, cheating, dic...." says Triple H, before Shawn cuts him off "Whoah! Hunter, you can't say that!" "What? Decepting?" replied Hunter, "Oh Don't worry" replied Shawn, before Orton strutted down to the ring "Oh Shawn look, he's not scared of us! Oh no he looks angry, we better act scared Shawn!" "Oh God Oh God! I knew this would happen!" shouted Shawn as he ran around the ring. Orton looked more and more pissed off, as he entered the ring. "You know, your little jokes don't amuse me! I AM THE LEGEND KILLER! AND YOUR TITLE - IT WILL....BE.....MINE!" "Oh Yeah Orton? Well tonight, how about a Tag Team match, DX vs you and a partner of your choice?" Orton nods at Triple H, "But how about we remind you who we are! I am a 12 time World Champion, I am the Cerebral Assasain, The Game Triple H! And my partner, the Showstopper, Mr. Wrestlemania, The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels! And Together Randy, We are your worst nightmare, We Are DE-GENERATION X!" DX Crotch Chop Orton, before their music hits and they leave the ring, laughing at Orton. (88)

2nd Segment


Kofi Kingston dftd Umaga

Back elbow connects, Kingston staggers backward. Massive backbreaker, Kingston got planted. 1 - 2 - no 3 though. Umaga walks into a trip. Dropkick connects...Umaga goes down like a skanky hooker. Hard back suplex on Umaga. 1 - 2 - no 3 though. Cool looking suplex on Umaga. 1 - 2 - almost a 3. Kofi Kingston hits a rolling kick on Umaga. Kofi Kingston misses a clothesline. Full nelson on Kingston...i remember when Warlord used to do that. God he sucked. 1 - 2 - kick out. Umaga scores with a standing spinebuster. 1 - 2 - almost a 3. Back elbow connects, Kingston staggers backward. Chop hits Kingston...that was stiffer than a 14 year old at a stripper convention. Kingston pushes out of a Umaga hold. Kick by Kofi the facial regions. Break that nose! Yeah! Cool looking suplex on Umaga. Kofi Kingston moves in for the kill. Cool Runnings!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Jeff Hardy has a chair. Umaga turns and takes a brutal shot to the head. Kingston is next to take a hard shot. J. Hardy has demolished everyone! (62)

Umaga lost 1 point of overness from this match. Kofi Kingston gained 2 points of overness from this match. This sets up the fued between Jeff Hardy and Kofi Kingston.

3rd Segment

Rhino dftd Chris Jericho

DDT by Chris Jericho. Rhino takes a rana from Chris Jericho. 1 - 2 - kick out. Rhino reverses a Chris Jericho hammerlock. Rhino hits a right hand. Big clothesline on Jericho. 1 - 2 - no 3 though. Jericho walks into a slammy shoulder thing. 1 - 2 - kick out before the 3. Big clothesline on Jericho. Jericho blocks a punch. I missed what happened for a few minutes as i went to get a beer...i'm going to take an educated guess and say that Bruiser Brody made a stunning return and beat everyone up, then left. I'm sticking with that story until proven wrong. 1 - 2 - shoulder up. Really cool stunner-type thing out of the corner from Chris Jericho, Rhino might be dead. 1 - 2 - kick out before the 3. Second rope flying axe handle, Rhino goes down. Dropkick connects...Rhino goes down like a skanky hooker. Rhino pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Flying shoulder tackle by Rhino sends Jericho to the mat. Lifting DDT by Rhino. The referee is out, as he goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. Rhino slides out and grabs a chair, then gets back in the ring. Chair shot missed! Chris Jericho ducked it, and now grabs the chair. Rhino takes the shot instead! Wait - the referee is back up, and is calling for the bell. He's disqualifying Chris Jericho for using a chair! Rhino ends up with a cheap victory. Jericho grabs the referee, then nails him with a right hand! Dozens of people hit the ring to stop any further incident. (75)

4th Segment


The Tag Fued Continues

Rhodes & Holly are in the ring, were they talk about their loss at Backlash, Londrick come out and challenge them to singles match, choose who goes into the match, and we have a 2nd match for later tonight!(70)

5th Segment


You're Fired, And That's The Bottom Line!

Stone Cold's, in his GM Office, when William Regal storms in and asks him what the heel he's doing to which Stone Cold replies "Firing Your God Damn Ass! Get Out! Your fired!" When Regal doesn't move, it's a Stunner for him!(95)

6th Segment


Will You Partner Me?
DraVen Matrix is backstage, when Randy Orton comes over. He proposes that they tag together tonight. DraVen Matrix accepts, and they walk off discussing their plan for tonight.(75)

7th Segment


Mr Kennedy dftd Sabu

Kennedy walks into a high dropkick from Sabu. Kennedy takes a thrown chair to the face. Thrown slam by Sabu. DDT by Sabu. Kennedy counters a backdrop with a kick to the face. Kennedy chair shots Sabu. Spear by Mr. Kennedy. 1 - 2 - shoulder up. Sabu reverses a hip toss. I missed what happened for a few minutes as i went to get a beer...i'm going to take an educated guess and say that Bruiser Brody made a stunning return and beat everyone up, then left. I'm sticking with that story until proven wrong. 1 - 2 - shoulder up. Back heel kick off the second rope, Kennedy goes down. 1 - 2 - 2.999 Mr. Kennedy pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Kennedy slams Sabu. They brawl to the outside and into the crowd. Mr. Kennedy punches Sabu on the outside. 1 - 2 - no 3 though. Hard right hand connects, Sabu falls to the concrete floor. They wind up back in the squared circle. Mr. Kennedy gets taken down out of nowhere. Hard back suplex on Kennedy. Sabu has Mr. Kennedy down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Off the top - Triple Jump Moonsault, forget about it. 1....2...3! Mr. Kennedy offers a handshake to Sabu...and he accepts it! (73)

Mr. Kennedy lost 1 point of overness from this match. Sabu gained 1 point of overness from this match.

8th Segment

Welcome Back!


A video is played, hyping the upcoming debut of Molly Holly. (80)

Molly Holly gained 1 point of overness from this angle.

9th Segment


Brian Kendrick dftd Hardcore Holly by DQ

Brian Kendrick vs Hardcore Holly : Spinning back kick from Brian Kendrick. Hardcore kicks Brian Kendrick in the gut to reverse the momentum. Kendrick takes a headbutt from Hardcore Holly. Hardcore Holly misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee by mistake. Death valley driver by Hardcore Holly, Brian Kendrick is down and hurt. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out. Hardcore Holly misses a clothesline. Legsweep out of Nowhere. Where is Nowhere, and why do moves keep coming out of there? Does it have a factory? Kendrick crushes Hardcore with a big legdrop. Hooks the leg for a two count. Springboard dropkick from Brian Kendrick. Nicely done. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Brian Kendrick gets taken down out of nowhere. Spear by Hardcore Holly. Pin, but Kendrick is out just before the three count. Brian Kendrick elbows Hardcore Holly in the face to break a hammerlock. Hardcore Holly has lost it! He floors Brian Kendrick and starts raining down punches like a psycho! The referee tries to break it up...and gets thrown to one side. The referee is calling for the DQ! Hardcore has caused a DQ through his hatred of Brian Kendrick. Cody Rhodes comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Cody Rhodes spins Kendrick around. Cody Rhodes hits the Snap DDT! Brian Kendrick has been left down on the canvas, where is London!. This is our answer as a video pops up. (74)

10th Segment


Err... GF? Oh Right The Attack!

We go to the back where we see Paul London, and... Mickie James layed out on a stack of tables, with Paramedics quickly coming, we see Graffiti saying RhOdEs + HoLlY > KeNdRiCk + LoNdOn + HiS Gf! Jeez which ones dyslexic!(61)

11th Segment


DeGeneration X dftd Randy Orton + DraVen Matrix

Matrix drives a thrust kick into the chest of HBK. HBK walks into a jaw breaker. 1 - 2 - kick out. Matrix tags out to Randy Orton. Orton \ Matrix whip HBK into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Back elbow connects, HBK staggers backward. 1 - 2 - no 3 though. HBK gets slammed. HBK pushes out of a Randy Orton hold. Delayed brainbuster suplex, HBK held that one for ages. Tag to Triple H. Triple H with a spinning neckbreaker on Orton. Full nelson on Orton...i remember when Warlord used to do that. God he sucked. Orton reverses a waistlock. Tag between Randy Orton and DraVen Matrix. HHH walks into a jaw breaker. HHH gets hit with a wicked powerbomb thing out of the corner. 1 - 2 - kick out before the 3. HHH gets caught with a belly to belly suplex from Matrix. HHH ducks a wild right hand. Big piledriver on Matrix. James Michaels comes running down the aisle with a chair! HHH whips DraVen Matrix into the ropes. HBK II jumps onto the apron with the chair! Collision between HBK II, Matrix, and the chair! DraVen Matrix staggers back into a roll up! 1...2...3! It's over! DX climb opposite turnbuckles, working the crowd as they celebrate their victory. (69)

Randy Orton was sluggish and didn't put much effort in.

Overall: 74%
Tickets: $361,080, 9027 people
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The WWE has just announced that 4 superstars - Batista, JTG, Shad and Randy Orton have been released. All 4 complained to Management that they were unhappy and Batista, JTG and Shad were released first, Orton was unhappy becaus of his position on the card, due to his quick Gimmick changes, and his suspension and then his horrid performance Monday Night, he was then released, after refusing ot Wrestle, all 4 are expected to join TNA Wrestling.
Ok folkies, to spice this bugger up YOU! have a chance to be the next WWE star, no this is not Tough Enough I think.... But Yeah, sign up girls! Just PM with your details,

Full Name: Bob McNicholls or if you want a nickname Bob "The Stealartist" McNicholls
Shortened Name: Bob Mc
Gender: Male
Birth Month: December
Age(In the game it has to be over 18): 31
Weight(Heavy or Lightweight): Heavyweight
Nationality: Antarctican
Primary Finisher(Impact, Submission, Top rope, corner, ground): Artistry At It's Best
Secondary Finisher(Impact, Submission, Top rope, corner, ground): Bobson Splash
Gimmick: Daredevil
Disposition(Heel, Face, Tweener): Face

Goto for a list of gimmicks Enjoyoyoy :p

Eyes are a wonderful thing.
well I didn't see the post anyway
i have already pm you tobes

I will come with christy hemme as well
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Sorry guys, my games been deleted some how, meaning I can't continue this :(
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