New details on Cricket 2005...

Asjad said:
Yes, if you haven't read the news already, its due for next week, where you can play 1 match; as/between autralia, west indies and england at the oval in the champions trophy mode, 6 overs aside, which means you get to bat and bowl.
oh really..and is this for anyone to download..or like i assume for only those who pre-order..
razzreloaded said:
oh really..and is this for anyone to download..or like i assume for only those who pre-order..
For anyone. Codies are obviously confident enough to relase a demo before the games release, unlike EA, who as usual want to fleece fans of their money without them having the oppurtunity to check out the game.
andrew_nixon said:
For anyone. Codies are obviously confident enough to relase a demo before the games release, unlike EA, who as usual want to fleece fans of their money without them having the oppurtunity to check out the game.

Oh yes, its all a big conspiracy :rolleyes:
You make me laugh
zreh said:
Oh yes, its all a big conspiracy :rolleyes:
You make me laugh
So why else are EA not releasing a demo before the games release? Would you expect the trailer for a major Hollywood film to be released after the film? Of course you wouldn't, unless the film was rubbish.
andrew_nixon said:
For anyone. Codies are obviously confident enough to relase a demo before the games release, unlike EA, who as usual want to fleece fans of their money without them having the oppurtunity to check out the game.
i dont understand one it so hard for you to get this through your cranium.... EA is releasing a demo..if you are so desperate to play the demo then wait till its out, its not a compulsion that you have to purchase the game...they are not holding you at gun point..geez

Shailesh said:
it's not conspiracy, it's business.
yeah codies need all the business they can get..since they have been out of the game for so long :D

andrew_nixon said:
So why else are EA not releasing a demo before the games release? Would you expect the trailer for a major Hollywood film to be released after the film? Of course you wouldn't, unless the film was rubbish.
u know you make me LMAO... cause you are trying to compare a movie to a game..anyways since you want to talk on that note...have you seen a trailer for a small budget or art movie the way you see a large budget hollywood movie..cmon use your head sometimes...
all the large scale EA games have demos...Cricket 2005 is like an art movie...
razzreloaded i think andrew is rite about the movie trailer thing...coz just 8 days to the game release and to hell with thge demo not even a single official video released...not do u call that an art film or a porn film :P

anyways for ur info i WILL be buying both c2k5 n BLIC
Although in this argument, I'm not really supporting any side, I would like to say this --

There are some games for which demos aren't released. Yet they turn out spectacular. eg. Grand Theft Auto series.
Lack of a demo doesn't mean they're hiding a bad product or a B-movie. Yes, even in the case of movies this is true. I myself haven't seen any trailer for Million Dollar baby or other top movies in the theaters here, but these movies were gems
The movie trailer is probably not the right analogy, but three simple questions still stand.

Why are EA not releasing a demo before the games release?

Is it because they're afraid that the demo will not be a fair representation of the game? And if that is the case, then why?
Andrew I think it is a wise decision to hold off on buying Cricket 2005 until game reviews come out. I think Ea is worried that people will hear the same old ragged commentary, same old fielders skating on the ground, same old and some new bugs in the game and then not invest their money in the game as they have a choice now that BLIC too is coming out. Ea would have definately released a demo by now if there wasn't any other cricket game coming out at the same time.
razzreloaded said:
oh really..and is this for anyone to download..or like i assume for only those who pre-order..

For the PC version it can be downloaded for free, thats all i know.
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fanirama said:
Although in this argument, I'm not really supporting any side, I would like to say this --

There are some games for which demos aren't released. Yet they turn out spectacular. eg. Grand Theft Auto series.
Lack of a demo doesn't mean they're hiding a bad product or a B-movie. Yes, even in the case of movies this is true. I myself haven't seen any trailer for Million Dollar baby or other top movies in the theaters here, but these movies were gems
exactly my point... :clap

andrew_nixon said:
The movie trailer is probably not the right analogy, but three simple questions still stand.

Why are EA not releasing a demo before the games release?

Is it because they're afraid that the demo will not be a fair representation of the game? And if that is the case, then why?
well andrew i dont think the demo has anything to do with the fair representation of the game, it is a possibility that they have been workin on minor improvements of the game during this time and a previous demo might not include all the imporovements they made, which is why once the final product is complete they can always release a demo. Whats the point of releasing a demo when the final product is not complete.
do keep in my mind that no matter what people say, BLIC has been working on their product for a much longer time compared to Cricket 2005. so they are more concerned in meeting their deadline for the final product. I would really like for the game to be released on the deadline date rather than have it pushed back for a little demo.
I like games which already have demo before release which give us some idea of how the game will be.Codemasters as usual will have this logo that "It does not reprenst the quality of final product" :D

I am not going to get cricket 2005 and dowload the demo when they release it but I am very surprised not to see any official video, with high level of detail and better texture quality I thought at least the video will be better than BLIC.

May be we are expecting too much from BLIC, but thanks to RG atleast we know what to expect as they have been very honest.
razzreloaded said:
do keep in my mind that no matter what people say, BLIC has been working on their product for a much longer time compared to Cricket 2005. so they are more concerned in meeting their deadline for the final product. I would really like for the game to be released on the deadline date rather than have it pushed back for a little demo. just shot yourself in the foot their. BLIC took their time to release the game, and EA have rushed it, so hence no demo. Why did they rush it? Was somebody holding a gun to their head? No. So why hurry? If their game is so good, and people would buy it without a demo, then they could have taken their time right? I mean, Codemaster poses no threat, so why rush to release it at the same date as BLIC? Answer me that.

I'll tell you why-BLIC does pose a threat to their business, so they want to steal their buisness. The game is exactly the same as C2K4-with a little make up. Thats all. No video-why? Because they are afraid of losing whatever few customers they have left to BLIC. Elementery, really. And if this don't convince you, nothin will...just go ahead and get ripped of by EA once again...
ZoraxDoom said: just shot yourself in the foot their. BLIC took their time to release the game, and EA have rushed it, so hence no demo. Why did they rush it? Was somebody holding a gun to their head? No. So why hurry? If their game is so good, and people would buy it without a demo, then they could have taken their time right? I mean, Codemaster poses no threat, so why rush to release it at the same date as BLIC? Answer me that.

I'll tell you why-BLIC does pose a threat to their business, so they want to steal their buisness. The game is exactly the same as C2K4-with a little make up. Thats all. No video-why? Because they are afraid of losing whatever few customers they have left to BLIC. Elementery, really. And if this don't convince you, nothin will...just go ahead and get ripped of by EA once again...
i stand by what i said, just cause you dont like EA for their past efforts doesnt mean i do the same. this is probably the last time ill say it, i havnt criticized BLIC all i said is that i support EA no matter what they do, but you havnt even played the game yet and are jumping to conclusions...thats a very immature attitude..
and you know what i like blowin up my money on EA cause i play most of their sports titles not just cricket...
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