PCWF Retribution Card 20/08/07

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The camera shows Chesney Daniels sitting at a desk, in a posh, expensive office. There is a dartboard on the wall, with a picture of PCWF superstars Crabbe and Goyle on. There are darts sticking out of the wall around the dartboard, however, the picture seems unharmed. On the desk, there is a pile of papers, the top one displaying a picture of a flower. They appear to have been drawn by Chez himself. There are three pictures on the desk, one of Cho Chang, one of Hermione, and one of his sister, Ginny. These are positioned next to the computer that Chez is staring blankly at. After a minute, he picks up the picture of Ginny, and licks it, before returning it to its position on the desk. He strokes the computer, and picks up his webcam, turning it to show a cricket ball, and what appears to be sun tan lotion. Chez then puches himself in the face, grunting feebly. He then types something, before punching himself again. He starts crying, and muttering something in Lancastrian. Bored of punching himself, he wheels over to the large bookshelf, placed up against the wall of the office. He picks a book out of it - "Yurtle the Turtle", and begins hitting himself on the face with it, for no apparent reason. He scoots his way back to the computer, and headbutts the keyboard a few times. He appears to be saying "Thank you very motch" under his breath, along with a few random words, such as Gullehble, True Friehnds, and Rugbeh. He then plays with his mouse a bit, until a knock on the door is heard.

Chez: Unless you're Crahbbe or Goyul, cuhm in!

Seemingly ignoring his first five words, Crabbe and Goyle walk through the door, and over to Chez at the desk, who is staring up at them with a look of horror on his face.

Crabbe: Erm, Chez? What do you think you're doing?

Chez: Playen Ruhnscahpe.

Goyle: Err, why? You're meant to be moving out, Chez, this is our office now. You're not co-owner any more.

Chez: Ah am! Ah invented this cuhmpany, ahm takin' the nahme, ahnd Chris Greenall with meh! Ahm quitting!

Crabbe: Oh, Chez, do you ever learn? You have to stop this whining! Every single day, you throw a strop, saying you're quitting, or you deserve to be co-owner, or you're turning gay, or whatever. You won't win anything by throwing these kiddy strops! Because we're clever, and due to the gullibleness of some people, we're now co-owners with Johnny, not you. We deserve it, as we RPed better than you. Though, not hard, you're a shocking RPer. But, regardless, you no longer have any power, at all. You missed your chance, Chez. You were co-owner, now you're not. We're only invincible because we're better than everybody else, Chez. We wouldn't be invincible if we weren't so good. But we are, we can't help being better than you. But you know you're rubbish, don't you? There's not anything you're good at! You're awful at wrestling, football, everything! You're awful at making friends, you're not good in bed, what can you do? Not to mention the fact you're so incredibly argumentative. You have to dispute everything, Chez! You're not co owner. Your fed is awful. And, you're gay. I could go on, but, I'm bored of not giving you beatings. Goyle, let's do it.

Crabbe and Goyle look at each other, and nod. Crabbe walks over to the dartboard, and pulls the darts out of the wall around it, before peeling the picture of himself and Goyle off of it. Goyle lifts Chez to his feet, and takes him over to the dartboard, hoisting him up against it, his head restnig on the board. Crabbe walks away, and turns, lining up a shot. He throws the dart, which soars right into Chez's left eye.

Goyle: Bullseye! Nice one, Crabbe!

Crabbe nods, and throws another dart, flying into Chez's right eye. Chez whimpers in pain, and in the slight moment his mouth is open, Crabbe throws another dart, lodging itself right into the back of Chez's throat. Chez doubles over in pain, and Goyle removes the dartboard from the wall, smashing it on the back of Chez's neck, causing him to swallow the dart. He collapses to the floor.

Crabbe: Wasn't that fun, Chez? A nice game of Darts. Want to play computers now, friend?

Chez: Do ah ever? Wahnt to play Fuhtbahl Manager with meh? I'm Mahnchester Unahted, and Ahm gonna get in the top half of the Conference this season!

Crabbe: No, I have a different idea. How about, 'Hit Chez On The Head With The Monitor"?

Chez: Ah don't think ah've played that! How do yer play?

Goyle: Oh, something like this.

Crabbe and Goyle look at each other and nod. Goyle lifts the monitor up from the desk, and lifts it high above his head. Goyle slams the monitor down, screen first, onto Chez's head. However, it doesn't smash, and just bounces off Chez's head with a dull thud. Trying again, Goyle slams it onto Chez's face, this time smashing, cutting Chez's face open. However, as they forgot to remove the power cables, sparks fly out across the room, landing on the desk, setting it alight. The fire covers the whole table, and the camera shows the flames reflected in Chez's punctured eyes, as the view fades to black...

To be continued.

right, didn't have time to do a big one this week, so ill finish it next week.
So you used Chez without his permission again? Sorry, your RP has been disqualified.
My RP will be later today, few hours.
Here we go, another attack on me. I am waiting for Connor to come here and say it doesnt count as an RP.

Other problems with it is that you use my character without permission, break kayfabe, have Daniels in a wheelchair when he isnt and use the accent which is being dropped.
sorry, as im now co-owner its also my choice. especially not yours zorax, you never had power.
Connor has implemented rules now, and that RP is against them. It shouldnt count according to those
So if I was to go and write an RP where I attack you would it be allowed?

What if Zorax wrote an RP where he attacked you?
this isnt a discussion thread. you missed the deadline, lock it, its too late.
It is a valid question which is on-topic in an RP thread, as it is about the RPs. Please answer it
Please don't argue in this thread. I'd like this closed now and any further discussions in the discussion thread.
Excuse me? I think youll find you arnt the mod round here.

But if you have to be awkward, Ill repost my questions in the discussion thread.
Are you saying I'm being awkward? I just don't want this thread full of discussion stuff. That's what I made the discussion thread for (obviously).
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