PlanetCricket from WCL 4 - WC 6th Match

Ok. Signups will close after DSB signs up. I'll put him into the database and start the game after that and there will be no more signups.
I'm still the only spinner that's not a batsman :) I guess that means I'll be playing most games :D
First Name: Dan
Initials: DW
Surname: Thompson
Date Of Birth: 14/6/1993
Type: Bowler
Interested in Captaining: No

Basic Attributes

Leadership: 70
Ambition: 70
Injury Proneness: 70

Batting Hand: Right
Bat Position (FC): 9
Bat Position (OD/T20): 9
Scoring Speed: 90

Batting Attributes

Bat/Bowl Potential: 75
Skill - Front Foot: 25
Skill - Back Foot: 20
Skill - Off Side: 20
Skill - On Side: 20
Skill - vs Pace: 20
Skill - vs Spin: 20

Bowl Arm: Right
Bowling Classification: Fast

Bowling Attributes:

Skill: 80
Consistency: 65
Variation: 65
Movement: 70

Fielding Position: Cover

Fielding Attributes

Throwing: 70
Speed: 70
Catching - Near: 80
Catching - Far: 80
How important is bat/bowl potential do you reckon?
Who knows. It could improve me a bit so I just stacked it up, but I wouldn't have a clue.
Outrageous Fortune is on! Bye :laugh
Fiji Fixtures for 2009 Season Announced

4 May 2009 - Fiji Vs Singapore @ PC Arena, Fiji - WL4
6 May 2009 - Jersey Vs Fiji @ St Helier, Jersey - WL4
8 May 2009 - Nepal Vs Fiji @ Kirtipur, Nepal - WL4
10 May 2009 - Fiji Vs Germany @ PC Arena, Fiji - WL4
12 May 2009 - Fiji Vs USA @ PC Arena, Fiji - WL4

PlanetCricket/Fiji captain, Riz Khan has been asked to submit his 16 man squad for the WL4 this season. 20 players are available for selection which will mean 4 players miss out for the first season.

For the first season, games will be played every 2 days starting from Thursday.

hedger_14 added 5 Minutes and 15 Seconds later...

3 PlanetCricket players have been given IPL contracts. These 3 players were Akshay Sharma who signed for Kolkata for 425K, Andy Sugden for 425K and Jono Choie signed for Deccan for 425K. The only other PC player to be involved in the auction was Shaun Raje, on which no bids were placed. Some players deliberately opted out of the IPL such as Brendon Hedger and Callum Gray although some stated that they wanted to be a part of the IPL auction but weren't given the chance to be. Who knows what players of Fiji nationality will do in the IPL.
And me. Which team was I at, Deccan?

NOTE - Don't like the level of competition for the wicketkeeper's slot. Might get nasty :p
Who's in the squad with us at Deccan? Who am I training with? :D
Rolling in the cash :D

Hey Hedgy, Mumbai Indians don't even have a keeper, Can I get a transfer.:D

And me. Which team was I at, Deccan?

NOTE - Don't like the level of competition for the wicketkeeper's slot. Might get nasty :p

focus men, country before cash ;)

WCL 4 16-Man Squad

  • Brendon Hedger
  • Callum Gray
  • Riz Khan
  • Varun Rustagi
  • Andrew Peters
  • Akshay Sharma
  • Andy Sugden
  • Viral Shah
  • Shawn Raje
  • Gorro Anvekar
  • Meet NJ
  • Jono Choie
  • Dan Thompson
  • Vikas Kumar
  • Brendon Finch
  • Seshadri Haarithan
Sorry for the guys who missed out, probably will get played in WCL 3 :)

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