Random Thoughts

Define stats tracking? In EA 05 for example in like a County Season or Tour, the stats get tracked for that individual season/tour, but they don't get carried on or anything like that

Stats for the season/tour would be cool enough. But I'm trying to find out which is better - the '04 game or the '05 game. Because if '05 has the same stats tracking as '04, I'll buy that for the improved graphics.
I cant :( Don't have the game, just saw it being played for a little bit at a friends house.

It looked similar to EA 07 where you can tour a nation and see how players are performing on tour.

The best part abotu that game is how realistically the ball beats the bat. looks delicious
I'll be in that position in a year. Can't wait till it's all over, it's gonna be a struggle to get to uni and do a good course. I worked out that, the IB is harder than A Levels and Harder to get into English uni's with, where as the A Levels are easier to do, and easier to get into uni with. The big difference though is that the IB sets you up for the university's better than the A Levels do.

Pretty stupid, imo. IB is ridiculously hard. Not just the courses but the workload. It's worth it though. Do well and you'll be way ahead of those around you in college.

I had a few friends who did IB and they all mentioned how stupid difficult it was and the amount of work they would have. They even had homework to do over the summer holidays :eek: They also couldn't come out in the weekends as much either because they had stuff to do.

I'm not so sure whether it's helped them so far. A-levels have definitely helped me at university, first year economics and statistics is basic, I don't really need to turn up to lectures anymore. And if I had done accounting then there would be no point turning up to those lectures either. A-levels are still difficult, but they're manageable. Not too much work or anything. It's still just a few exams though that decide your grade for the entire year; like IB except that's over two years.
I had a few friends who did IB and they all mentioned how stupid difficult it was and the amount of work they would have. They even had homework to do over the summer holidays They also couldn't come out in the weekends as much either because they had stuff to do.

The IB workload is un real, they could very well be on a par with A Levels, if not just a bit more difficult, but it's so much harder to actually pass. Before you even take the exams to get the Diploma, you have to pass 3 elements, C.A.S (Creativity, Action and Service), T.O.K( Theory of Knowledge) and the Extended Essay. CAS is a doss, it's T.O.K and the EE which really get to people. The subjects are pretty hard in themselves, but it mostly depends on the combinations you take.

I would say I take possibly one of the easiest combinations possible at my school, but it's difficult, but no way does my combination have nearly as much work as one such as HL Chemistry, Maths and Physics.
I love how at pretty much any time of day on any day of the week I can get out of the blue text messages of of a mate about how he is in a karaoke bar.
4 on the bounce. Tomorrow will be my last hangover until my first paycheck. These cocktails we are gonna sell are lethal!
Nothing is worse then a Purple Rain at this local club called Priory. I did it and 5 minutes later I was out cold with my mate lol. Lots of flames, snorting and swirling of substances in wine glasses :S
Doing law readings is boring. They take ages as well, especially if you're listening to Led Zep at the same time :)
The IB workload is un real, they could very well be on a par with A Levels, if not just a bit more difficult, but it's so much harder to actually pass. Before you even take the exams to get the Diploma, you have to pass 3 elements, C.A.S (Creativity, Action and Service), T.O.K( Theory of Knowledge) and the Extended Essay. CAS is a doss, it's T.O.K and the EE which really get to people. The subjects are pretty hard in themselves, but it mostly depends on the combinations you take.

I would say I take possibly one of the easiest combinations possible at my school, but it's difficult, but no way does my combination have nearly as much work as one such as HL Chemistry, Maths and Physics.

IBs is much harder than A Levels. I have a friend who did IBs this year, but she's exceptional and I'm pretty sure she'll do really well(she got into Berkeley), but she says most other people find IBs hard. I considered switching to IBs, but I think A Levels is much better. Especially if you're going to USA - A and A* is the same thing there, so works out. Getting an A is pretty simple.

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