Rise of Legends

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International Coach
Sep 30, 2004
Online Cricket Games Owned
Anyone getting this game? :)

Its the sequal to Rise of Nations, but this time, instead of history its set in an entirely new Fantasy setting. Something like what Blizzard set out to do with Warcraft. There are 3 totally unique factions, the Vinci, who are very advanced in terms of technology, the Alin, masters of magic, and the Cuotl, an alien race.

The concept I think is brilliant, imagine Technology vs Magic. :)
I always say that if there are too many factions then a game cannot be balanced. Look at aoe3, 8 different factions, ES have released 6 different patches, yet there are still several imbalanced things. With 3 factions it should be alot easier. :p

If anyone wants to try out the demo, go here. It has multiplayer features. :cool:

Fine. I request a mod to merge the 2 threads.
gold639 said:
Fine. I request a mod to merge the 2 threads.

That thread requires details of game being discussed, not just a link.
Please follow the tradiation of the thread.:)
Topic locked.

Post about new games in "new games and info", keeping in mind the "traditions" of the thread of course. ;)
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