sports personality of the year

who do you think should win?

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So you guys are saying that sitting on a bike, peddling as fast as you can and picking up 3 gold medals in a sport where all the tracks are the same, and if your good at one of the events your good at them all, is a better achievement than winning a world title over a tonne of races, where the track and conditions are all different and there is a high risk of danger?

I don't think so!

PS: Sorry for the long winded sentence that may not make sense in parts :p
That's what I'm saying. Cycling is all about man power and F1 is all about who has the fastest car. So yeah, right result.
You have to drive the bloody thing at enormous speeds, with cars trying to overtake you/you trying to overtake cars. You've just degraded Formula1 driving as if it can be done by anyone, which is the biggest load of **** I've ever heard.

F1 Skills > Cycling Skills
F1 World Title > Cycling Gold Medals
F1 > Cycling
Maybe it's not about the medals in cycling, it is the fact he won 3 golds. You've just downgraded cycling to as if anyone could win 3 golds.

I'm surprised the BBC didn't fix it so Hamilton won, seeing as the F1 is on the BBC next year.

Well done Britain. A rich man's sport didn't come out on top.
Unfortunately, it just added to what was an Olympic love-in. Seemed because BBC only show a couple of main sporting events, the main one had to be one of those that they show.
You might say that, but then ask what was the most important and exciting sporting event this year? The answer is, the Olympics.
I never said Cycling was easy, nor did I imply it. I just simply said F1 driving is a harder skill. Where as you implied F1 has nothing to do with skill.
You might say that, but then ask what was the most important and exciting sporting event this year? The answer is, the Olympics.

The last lap of the Brazillian Grand Prix was easily more exciting and important than all of the Oympics.
The last lap of the Brazillian Grand Prix was easily more exciting and important than all of the Oympics.

Last lap of F1.
CL final penalties
Wimbledon final

To name but three (there are more too) were more exciting than the Olympics.
Lee, your lack of respect for F1 is simply amazing. I'd probably say that Lewis Hamilton has a higher level of fitness than Chris Hoy, he's performing in the far more demanding sport, his body is exposed to massively high levels of G Force which puts huge strain on the muscles, F1 is very much an endurance sport. Hamilton's achievements in F1 are far more impressive than Hoy's. Hoy may have performed well, but as Treva put, he's racing on basically the same tracks time and time again, in a sport where if you're good at 1 event you'll be good at the others. Lewis deserved the award far more, that's not saying Cycling's an easy sport, winning 3 medals takes a heck of alot of skill and talent, but F1 is far more demanding, and requires much higher levels of skill.
Lee, your lack of respect for F1 is simply amazing. I'd probably say that Lewis Hamilton has a higher level of fitness than Chris Hoy, he's performing in the far more demanding sport, his body is exposed to massively high levels of G Force which puts huge strain on the muscles, F1 is very much an endurance sport. Hamilton's achievements in F1 are far more impressive than Hoy's. Hoy may have performed well, but as Treva put, he's racing on basically the same tracks time and time again, in a sport where if you're good at 1 event you'll be good at the others. Lewis deserved the award far more, that's not saying Cycling's an easy sport, winning 3 medals takes a heck of alot of skill and talent, but F1 is far more demanding, and requires much higher levels of skill.

Couldn't have put it better myself, and I didn't. Just read this post for my thoughts on the matter, and not my poor explanation up the page :p
The last lap of the Brazillian Grand Prix was easily more exciting and important than all of the Oympics.
Some guy's car broke down because his engineers were stupid and our "champion" gets 5th!?

I doubt you watched any of the Olympics.

skater added 0 Minutes and 35 Seconds later...

I do respect F1, but it's a rich man's sport and the machine does 80% of the work.
Do you know anything about F1? His car did not break down, they decided to take a risk with dry tires in the rain in order to win points. He had to go slow and he happened to be over taken on the final corner. That's quality sporting action. The Olympics is a huge event that lasts over two weeks, which has less than half the excitement of a Formula1 season.
Chris Hoys thighs weigh more than Hamiltons car.

Where was Shane Williams. Shows how crappy it is again. Shane Williams voted the best rugby player on the planet, that's a hell of an achievement. If it was a football player he'd be guaranteed the award. He at least deserved a nomination, I would say more than Calzaghe, Murray and you could definitely argue a few of the olympians but you may as well give them there moment because nobody gives a toss for the next 4 years.
I agree with Shane Williams (and not just becuase he has always been my favourite rugby player) I think he won the Welsh award ahead of Calzaghe so no reason why he shouldn't have been nominated.

I would have gone for Hamilton, even though I find F1 incredibly boring. Chris Hoy is an incredible athlete, but he only won 3 golds because he got the chance to do so, where as the majority of our Olympians concentrated on one event as their sport allows. I'm pretty sure Victoria Pendleton would have won 3 golds had the women had as many events as the men.

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