Swine Flu pandemic

Is this going to be serious?

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Swine flu has been confirmed in NZ :( Quite a few students caught it and a number of passengers have been isolated.
My mate's cousin apparently has it and he's been 'quarantined', so he's one of the few people in Sydney to have it.

Though I think this 'virus' is a load of Shoaib Akhtar lies.
My mate's cousin apparently has it and he's been 'quarantined', so he's one of the few people in Sydney to have it.

Though I think this 'virus' is a load of Shoaib Akhtar lies.

In Mexico which is a third world country some have no access to medicine or no good doctors.
Swine flu case in Isleworth :D

Or it might be, a teacher from West Thames (about 0.1 miles away from my school) who travelled to Mexico has checked herself in at West Middlesex Hospital.

I love how people panic and assume that the virus will spread through an entire town infecting everyone. Although, the cashier at Tesco was coughing on my money as he handed it to me...

EDIT: All clear it seems. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/8023627.stm

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OMG, we're all going to turn into zombies!!!!!! :p

Seriously though, I see the first death has happened in America. Still don't think it is too serious at the moment, depends how quickly it is contained. Of course the Scottish cases are quite near my parents, so I hope it doesn't spread near them, but I think our better medical facilities should mean this might kill one or two absolute max here. As for less developed countries like Mexico or even over in Asia, it remains to be seen what happens.
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When it starts killing healthy adults outside of Mexico, you may want to get it slightly more worried. Even then though, something like 3,500 people infected, 160 dead. Quite a small death-infection ratio. Avian bird flu H5N1, was it that strain? Had a death-infection ratio of about 50%.
When it starts killing healthy adults outside of Mexico, you may want to get it slightly more worried. Even then though, something like 3,500 people infected, 160 dead. Quite a small death-infection ratio. Avian bird flu H5N1, was it that strain? Had a death-infection ratio of about 50%.
Did you start this virus? I remember you writing on here about a year ago about how there needs to be a disaster now and again to ease overcrowding of the world's population.
If this turns into a global crisis I'll eat my hat.

As someone on another forum said, news sites should really be focusing on the five and half thousand people Mexico hanged/shot last year for drugs related crimes.
Well the uni have been spooked. We're all being forced to clean our hands with this detergent stuff before heading into the main building. So many students living in such close proximity means that we are obviously more likely then other places to get it. If I turn into a zombie you have permission to shoot me, but not enjoy it ;)
Yay for over-reactions. We've done nowt at college and we supply food to the public as well as students/staff.
Even then though, something like 3,500 people infected, 160 dead.
I heard on the radio today that it might actually be only about 7 dead from swine flu. Normal everyday Seasonal Flu kills people in spades and we don't worry about that.
Great, a news story saying there is no swine flu. By any chance did that website also carry stories saying "No Plane Crash", "Train arrives at destination on time", "Petrol Prices same as Yesterday", "World didn't end today"....?

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