The End of the world: 2011?

kodos said:
Yes we are all going to die but not every single person on planet Earth will die in 2011. It will take millions and maybe billions of years till the world will come to an end, so there should be nothing to fear.
and i heard its not goign to end until the sun blows up which is going to be in 100 million years
hey isnt the world supposed to blow up this year the bloke/bible/ other thing predicted the twin tower disaster and some other stuff said nuclear war this year. i doubt it but nuclear war does seem to be getting closer with the USA vs IRAN scuffle atm
I don't listen to this stuff as far as i am concerned when your times up it is up there is nothing you can do about it.
yo world is not going to end in 2011 wat ever those guys said in the documentary is caudvaulop,rubbish,piffle who ever was talking in the documentary is just bored to death and hasnt got anything productive to do in his life absolut nonsense! :D
ZoraxDoom said:
Apparently, the sun will reach its highest ever temperature on the year 2011. This will cause it to release giant flaming fireballs, which would be unstoppable, and would be headed straight to our blue planet. The moon, and any of the closer planets to the sun (Mercury, Venus) will be completely destroyed, including the Earth. Scientific re-search has been carried to see if it is true, and it is. It was a TV documentry displayed on CNN, which my sister happened to watch and told me about.
Is this possibly true? Or is my sister pulling my leg? She seems adment that the Earth is going to end in 5 years time. Even that guy Nostradamus's prediction states its 2011, and she takes everything he says seriously. This documentary might just back him up.

The end is near :eek:

Trust this with extreme scepticism. If this was indeed true the scientific community would have been writing an endless amount of literature on the topic. Also, the sun will become a giant fireball-but in about 4-5 billion years or so, certainly not anytime soon.

CNN, is unfortunately propelled by sensationalism in the effort to raise ratings for its, otherwise pedestrian, 24 hours 'news' coverage.
Here is the site for all end of world scenarios (There are some really good theories in there - if you have time to kill, be sure to check it out).

And yes, we all have to die - sooner or later. It doesn't really matter if the world ends tomorrow or 50 years from now.

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