General Chat The PlanetCricket League 2 | General Chat

First name: John
Last name: Peterson
Nationality: :ind: India
Batting style: RHB
Bat position: Opener (2)
Batting ability: ★★★★ (4)
Bowling hand:
Bowling style:
Bowling ability:
Fielding position:
Outfielder (0)
Player likeness: Ricky Ponting
Sorry but Ricky Ponting has been picked.[DOUBLEPOST=1594228619][/DOUBLEPOST]

The number of players of a certain role have been written in the second post. Please check it before signing up.
Wait...Pawan Negi is still relevant in 2020 :eek:
I see you coming back to where you started, we need EtCetra to finish the games off!
First name. Saffron.
Last name. Nigella
Nationality. :eng:
Bat position. Middle order.
Batting ability. 3.
Batting hand. Right.
Bowling style. RM.
Bowling ability. Under arm. :p
Fielding position. Outfielder.
Player likeness. Ian Botham! :D
You sure you want to use only 3 points?

Also Ian Botham is taken... (You can take female players if you want)
I'll skip Ian Botham and choose Heather Knight instead then! :D
How many points is the limit?
6 points. Please read the first post carefully
Oh boy it's so exciting already! Can't wait for it to kick off! :D

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