The rhyme all the time thread

This thread has died,
It's so sad.
This thread has died,
It makes me mad.

Rhyming is an art,
It can be so much fun!
This thread needs to be revived,
And so I'll be the one,

Who bumps this thread back to notice,
Who kicks starts the rhyming fad!
There we go, the thread's back to life!
Now aren't you all glad?

Ok, lets now listen to the master closely
Gonne start it again but really slow and fozy

It's Been a Long Time coming
My album is now strictly commercial running
Yes, rapping about the stunning sunny day in Havana
Playing some pelota, going all bananas
Over my place they call it cricket,
The best game in the world
Takes 5 days to comple a test
Ya?ll it involes hard skills, with some brains
something you ain't got out there,
play it in England cause you know it always rains.
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*Sigh*, I forgot.
You people can't rhyme!
For bumping this thread,
I should be made to do time!

Yes I can Zorax and you'd better know
That I was a big blow
This thread has been inactive but
It reached in everybody's gut
So let's make it active again
Let the rhyming again begin
And after that we can all say yo ho ho!
Is the sky really blue?
Does the air come though?
Ya’ll my hood is still away for the dry cleaning.
Yes I can Zorax and you'd better know
That I was a big blow
This thread has been inactive but
It reached in everybody's gut
So let's make it active again
Let the rhyming again begin
And after that we can all say yo ho ho!
And lets be frank.
That piece of rhyming,
Truely stank.

Okay, that was a bit harsh,
But it isn't as good as you think
Ryhming gut with but and blow with how,
Kinda made that effort stink

Think of more creative rhymes,
Like something to rhyme with Orange
And not using made up words
Like yo-ho or Kaporange.
(see what I did there? :p)
Usy, your sig is poor, it's got no meaning
To the rap scene, you gotta stop leaning
You don't got the class, you aint got the skill
Now it aint like me to spit so ill

But you give me choice but to rip it apart
You're defacing what used to be a young blud's art
But you've turned it, twisted it, destroyed it, killed it
Your reputation's gone and you've all but sealed it

You're using experience you don't even have
You try to act a G but come across as a chav
You'll never be a part of the rapping scene
Unless you pick your game your game up, you know what I mean

To conclude the 4th stanza of this lyrical diss
Pointing out your rhymes are less hit, more miss
No need to be upset, I don't want you to start crying
But please Usy, for the sake of PC, stop trying
LOL, now there, my friends, is some rhyming!
He dissed Usy there with great class and timing.
His poem was long and well thought out
And is sure to make Usy run off and pout.
There was a young batsman called Ponting,
Who as a Test captain was found wanting,
He had a great 58 average in Tests,
But his batting in India was useless at best,
And the Tests his team won there were the ones that he missed,
When he was replaced as team captain by Adam Gilchrist,
But please don't you tell him I said this,
Because old stupid monkey face will surely be p****d.
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Dare I revive this thread again?
I don't see why not.
As long as usy refains from posting,
this thread shouldn't be left to rot!

So everyone, get typing,
And unleash your wicked rhymes here
I've got a poem about Man U that I'll post here later,
You'd better not read it if you hold that club dear!
Fear not on that score, MC Usy is gone
Will someone else here take on the baton?
Or instead will they do what the thread says they must
And get on with rhyming with minimal fuss

I cracked several smiles as I read back this thread
Evo's rhymes where he tried to send Usy to bed
Old man Kev's homages to literary feats
Ripping off poets from Wordsworth to Keats

And I knew at that moment that Zorax was right
We should strive to write poetry all day and all night
As a challenge, an achievement, for the pleasure it brings
As food for the soul and the language of kings

So I set you a task to accept if you will
Read closely the standard that you must fulfil
I seek out a poem with craft and with guile
One that can make me both despair and smile

To the winner great glory, adulation by peers
Irrespective of race and irrespective of years
100,000 vcash shall I give to the verse
Which of all the entrants I am least averse

Who'll win it? Maybe me if I'm tight with my cash
Or if I decide all the entries are trash
Seven days you do have as I finish my call
Go forth and write and rhyme, one and all

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