The rhyme all the time thread

No don't do wrong
dont make me lift my finger
bro, you need to see the 8th king kong
Usy you don't grasp this thread,
so try to get this in your head,
this thread aint asking for a rap,
coz that whole scene is utter crap,
so instead please try to rhyme,
so it saves our Colin a lot of time
P*ss in the rain or go under water
try not to be smart, so your tone sounds better
The rapping king round here is matt
Usy, your rhyming sure ain't phat
I pay respects to kev as well
Especially cos he's old as hell
Now's the time for me to split
Before I write another bit
Usy you suck! All I see if dog muck.
But when I break it down, I take you down town.
mod edit - failing to rhyme anything but the words "yo" and "bro" twice each
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Here's a new thread in which we all can share
To stop all these posts that are driving me spare
In here you can rap, you can speak in rhyme
Remember that and you'll be just fine
If I find a post with rhyming malaise
I'll get up my tools and I'll hit the erase
Poetry, rap, even freestyle is sound
But make sure you do cos I'll be around
If I find you've been rassing and for sure I'll know
I'll bury your ass under 10 feet of snow

treat me fair.
i'm the only mc here.
What the hell was that?
You pathetic little twa.....

Just playin' :D
Cricket is not just about wicket
You need to bowl the right length
Don’t forget the right channel
You don’t want Gilly to hit you all the way round
Keep your eyes on the ground
Focus on the game
If you don’t like my stuff, don’t read my thang.
The Rhyme of the Ancient Cricketer:

The sun now rose upon the right:
Out of the pavilion came he,
Still hid in mist, and on the left
Went down into the crease.

And the good south wind still blew behind,
For down the slope he bowled,
Nor any day for food or play
Came to the cricketers' hollo!

And I had done a hellish thing,
And it would work 'em woe:
For all averred, I had bowled the opener
That made the runs and hits.
Ah wretch! said they, the batsman to slay,
That made the runs and hits!

Nor dim nor red, like God's own head,
The glorious sun uprist:
Then all averred, I had bowled the opener
That brought the runs and hits.
'Twas right, said they, such men to slay,
That bring the runs and hits.

The fair breeze blew, the white ball flew,
The batter followed thru; :p
We were the first that ever burst
Into that silent crease.

Down dropped the breeze, the bails dropped down,
'Twas sad as sad could be;
And we did speak only to sledge
The silence of the crease!

All in a hot and copper sky,
The lunchbreak will come soon,
Right up above the floodlight did stand,
No bigger than the moon.

Over after over, maiden after maiden,
He stuck, nor run nor motion;
As idle as Geoff Boycott :p
Upon a sticky wicket.

Fours, Fours, every where,
And all the averages did shrink;
Wides, wides, every where,
Nor any dropped at slip.
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treat me fair.
i'm the only mc here.

We don't hold with no non-rhyming beats
If you're gonna rap then please don't cheat
No space for MCs who let's face it
Only don't rhyme cos they know they can't make it

If I speak like an MC, yeah it might sound real
But folks will wonder why when I have no direction
Rapping's about soul and any fool can spout words
Making them fit is what brings in the lettuce
But your freestylin, i’m just lookin back smiling
You may think I cant make it,
I broke the 91 Olympic records if you still rememba
I represent no south, no west,
Nor American dream, too many sharks to swim Atlanta
I’ll take the Swedish dream instead
Why is your face going all red

I’m going to sleep
Come back to this thread after school
I just wanted to say that legend u rule!
for lyF??
for life.
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Your all fat
Like my pet rat who just sha.....t
Your hairy, like Bloody Mary,
You look scary when your leery,
You swallowed a canary.............TRUKISH SNOWCONE!

PS: Cmon Matt the whole rap scene isnt bad, rap music is beautiful no one can live without a bit of it!

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