What games have you been playing recently?

So...has anyone bought COD: Advanced Warfare? I haven't, the flying around using jetpacks put me right off plus as I have explained previously i'm not too keen on this futuristic warfare (Killzone is an exception).
Apparently it's not too bad compared to the last few ones
My brother bought it and it looks crap. I really hope the next instalment is based on WWI or WWII.

I'm absolutely bossing Killzone at the moment. Every game, I finish with a positive KDR (My overall is 2.38).
Playing Killzone: Shadow Fall and I've now switched to the Sniper class which has a invisibility cloak which is quite fun to use :)

Suggestion Please :)
Been playing International Cricket Captain 2014 for the past 2 days. Really enjoying the new features and good to have updates this year. :)
Just finished The Walking Dead: Survival instinct for the 3rd time. Almost to the last relic which is unlimited ammo. :D
Bought a legit disc(PES 15) after a long time.

onami has decimated EA here.The game is freaking awesome.Although the license is a place where EA takes,PES' gameplay is way too fluidic and amazing..RIP EA,PES rules here.
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