Wishlist for next Trailer

The wishlist by the many of them has been harsh! It is very difficult to put all aspects of the real game into video game. And I hope the release date of BA14 will be announced in the first week of August! :cheers:cheers
Would like to see the first person cam as a batsman & fielder :cheers!
I would like a weekly 30 sec video of shots, bowling, features, career mode [One topic a week]....So if separate videos are done people will know the capability and the depth of the game....:yes:thumbs
I would love to see mike(bigant) playing the game and showing us how to play the game, maybe start with batting and then go from there.:cheers
I would love to see mike(bigant) playing the game and showing us how to play the game, maybe start with batting and then go from there.:cheers

I always thought that was the reason why we didnt get the batting controls from Mike. I was expecting that they would instead release a video showing the controls along with Mike explaining them, once the gameplay trailer is released.
True, it's the second best way to see the controls after the game is in are hands being number one. PS I hope ross let's mike do this but hard to see what the next move will be from ross. Where is yoda when you need him.:(
I hope all players have correct names and correct faces also ;) and please release it soon this year :thumbs


I think i am the biggest fan of this game now :clap
I would like to see the below features:
  • Different bowling actions.
  • Game Sound [No Music]
  • a Fielder diving full length to take a catch:cheers

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