World Most Dangerous Country

World Most Dangerous Country?

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Dangerous in what sense? Pakistan is currently attempting to stop terrorists from going to other parts of the world (specifically the U.K. and the U.S. at this point), so prehaps the source of the biggest danger is right here. While I know we have been successful to some extent, I'm afraid it's not enough.

But then there is South Africa, where the amount of rape is very high, and Palestine, where who knows when you'll fall to your untimely death.
Any country in the middle east which is always on the news for blowing up stuff is the most logical answer.
Three places I would never want to live:

Russia-Seems so corrupt
South Africa
I LOVE it how South Africa always cops a lot of stick for having the "rape capital of the world" and all that. What you people don't realise that South Africa is arguably the safest country in Africa - in all areas, whether it be murder, rape, whatever.

Let me tell you a little fact about Zimbabwe. When I was in year 7, my school year had around 130 kids. 47 are still alive. We are 19/20/21 years of age.

Of course, this was in a terrible neighborhood (one of the worst in the country during 1985-2005 if I'm aware - it's slightly better now) and it doesn't reflect the whole country but my point I'm making is that statistics you find on the internet are a load of rubbish. Statistics aren't even recorded in the worst places on earth - so they are completely redundant. 40 people are horribly murdered in the US in a University, it makes the front page on every paper on Earth - while I have been around and even on the odd occasion seen killings of 40, 50, 60, 100, 200... Seldom makes any news - even in Afrika.

But yeah, keep pointing the stick at South Africa, it's hilarious. Lets the real scumbags like myself and my mob fly under the radar ;)

Everywhere has bad places though. If you're the wrong type of person in the wrong place, at the wrong time, you are dead meat anywhere.
Yeah, my mate who fled from Zim in '03 said it is one of the most dangerous and corrupt places in the world, I'm not shocked at the stats you put forward about your school - that country is in a terrible state. Mugabe...

But yeah, we could talk about Zimbabwe for hours in another thread.
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Yeah, Jordo has told me some scary stories about Zimbabwe. Wouldn't want to live there.
I LOVE it how South Africa always cops a lot of stick for having the "rape capital of the world" and all that. What you people don't realise that South Africa is arguably the safest country in Africa - in all areas, whether it be murder, rape, whatever.

But yeah, keep pointing the stick at South Africa, it's hilarious. Lets the real scumbags like myself and my mob fly under the radar ;)

Everywhere has bad places though. If you're the wrong type of person in the wrong place, at the wrong time, you are dead meat anywhere.

You really couldn't have put it better, all of these statistics are based on 'reported' cases anyway, so you might then say SA has the most reported rape cases, whereas another country has far more but they aren't reported and therefore the country is considered safe. As you said, SA is probably in the top 3 safest countries in Africa, it's only really because of 2010 people are doing their nut.

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