WWE: You're Fired! - The Rock Doesn't Give A Rats Ass About This

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Henry:- I'll make you pay for that,I accept your so called challenge!!

Show:- Bring it on su**er!!
^ I Think So
I just went through a huge accident and my hands are kinda out of order. Luckily, it happened after Wrestlemania. :p I'll be back by the 10th of next month and then we'll resume this ----.
John cena- Hey Tensai you can see me but i can't see you

WWE: You're Fired! Souled Out PPV​

LIVE from Buffalo


The United States Championship Match: Mason Ryan (C) Vs Daniel Bryan

Mason Ryan came out to huge a cheer which looked nothing compared to the 37,000 in attendance chanting "YES! YES! YES!" for Bryan. Mason Ryan showed his power by slamming Bryan on the floor multiple times. Mason Ryan had the upper-hand for the most of the match but the things turned upside down when Ryan slipped from the top rope and fell on the turnbuckle area while attempting a top rope clothesline. Daniel Bryan then hit a cross body on Mason Ryan and tried to work on Mason's arms. That probably signaled what was about to come. The YES! lock! He locked Mason into the YES! lock but Mason showed tremendous power and picked Daniel Bryan up and went for a choke bomb. Luckily, Bryan escaped got hold of Mason's arm and quickly put him in the YES! lock. This time, Mason couldn't do anything but tap as he was far away from the ropes and he was so down and out that he couldn't power out again.


Winner by submission and the new United States Champion, Daniel Bryan!

The Divas Championship Match: Natalya (C) Vs Trish Stratus w/ Stephanie McMahon as the Special Guest Referee

Natalya caught hold of Trish in the beginning and tried for a few roll ups which went in vein. Trish then Stratusfied her fans as she recovered and came back as quick as lightning! She took Natalya down with a few clotheslines followed by a hurricanrrana. But that wasn't enough to keep Natalya down. Natalya retaliated with a Sharpshooter out of nowhere but Trish made it to the ropes. In the mean time, Stephanie, the GM of the Women's division and the Special Referee at this time, couldn't stay away from the spotlight. She kicked Trish in the face as soon as she got up and on the other side, Natalya took Trish down with a powerbomb leading to a clean pinfall. After the match, Stephanie clotheslined Natalya, who was busy celebrating her victory. Stephanie then took the championship title in her hands and raised her arms before leaving. Other divas better wake up!


Winner by pinfall, and still, the Divas Champion, Natalya!

Backstage: One half of D-Generation X, Shawn Michaels walked towards the door of his locker room to see what was waiting for them followed by a knock to their door. Meanwhile, Hunter was getting geared up for his match next. And as soon as HBK opened the door, Jinder Mahal and Zack Ryder, lead by Jericho flooded in with steel chairs and kendo sticks and beat the ---- outta HBK and Hunter. Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash then came in and laughed at HBK and HHH, who were stuggling to get up.

The Tag Team Championship Match: Triple H and Shawn Michaels (C) (D-Generation X) Vs Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash w/ Chris Jericho, Jinder Mahal, Zack Ryder and Michelle McCool at ringside

Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash came out in their trademark black and white style. Then, DX's music played but as we all knew, HHH and HBK were barely able to walk. Hogan and Nash waited, and so did the 37,000 fans in attendance. And then, HHH and HBK were seen entering the ring - but not by all themselves! They were being carried down the isle by Jinder and Zack on wheelchairs! Jericho took care of the unconscious HBK outside the ring and Zack and Mahal threw Hunter in the ring. And as the match was scheduled to happen, it did. HHH was lying down on the mat and Hulk Hogan didn't waste time. He went for his finisher, the leg drop and successfully won the gold! All their members joined them and they celebrated their first title win.


Winners by pinfall and the new Tag Team Champions, Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash, the New World Order!

The Intercontinental Championship Match: David Otunga (C) Vs Kofi Kingston.

David Otunga had to do it on his own and live up to what he had said. And this time, there was no one present at ringside to render him any help! Kofi fought like a brave warrior with all his high flying moves and dominated Otunga like hell! But luck wasn't on his side this time. When Kofi went for his finisher, Trouble In Paradise, Otunga bent down and Kofi's foot accidentally hit the referee! Kofi then went on to check on the injured referee, which gave time for Otunga to come back. As soon as Kofi turned, Otunga hit him with the Verdict and got the pin as another referee joined them in time.


Winner, and still the Intercontinental Champion, David Otunga!

Triple Threat Match: Batista Vs Brock Lesnar Vs Goldberg

All three of them entered the ring in style and were about to go against each other. And just when the bell was about to ring, we heard the glass shattering sound! Stone Cold made his way into the ring in a referee's attire and announced about the last minute changes! With Goldberg and Austin being good friends, it looked like Goldberg really had the upper hand now. The bell rang now and the wild brawl had begun. After 15 minutes of ups and downs, Batista striked with the Batista Bomb on Lesnar. In the mean time, Goldberg was out of the ring, recovering from the bashing he had went through. And witty Stone Cold played it unfair at the right time by counting slowly which lead to Lesnar kicking out at two and a half. Angry Batista then jumped on Stone Cold only to get hit by a Stunner! Nobody could capitalize and go for the pin as all three of them had been through a tough fight for more than thirty minutes. The war went on and on but in the end, Goldberg hit Batista with a Spear and followed it by a Jackhammer. Batista was down and out. And then, Lesnar came in out of nowhere and hit Goldberg with an F5! Austin favored Goldberg yet again and counted slowly. It looked like Lesnar was going to tear Austin apart by the looks on his face but surprisingly Lesnar didn't do a thing. He then picked Goldberg and hit him with three consecutive F5s. And this time, even the slowest count couldn't stop Lesnar from winning. After the match,


Winner by pinfall, Brock Lesnar!

Eight Man Money In The Bank Match: Alberto Del Rio (Fenil) vs Cody Rhodes (Fenil) vs Sin Cara (Blitzberg) Vs Wade Barrett (Farhan) Vs Mark Henry (Ahmad) Vs JBL (Yash) Vs The Miz (Umair) Vs John Cena (Yudi)

This match went back and forth, just like every other Money In The Bank match. There were amazing spots like Sin Cara hitting the Senton Bomb from the top of the ladder on the Miz, John Cena AA'ing Alberto from the top of the ladder and hell, the greatest thing was Mark Henry almost winning the match! Henry had almost tucked out the briefcase but suddenly, the topmost stair of the ladder broke because of the World's Strongest Man's weight and then Henry couldn't get up the rest of the match as he broke a bone down there. In the end, it was Wade Barrett and Cody Rhodes who were battling it out on the top. After exchanging tons of punches, Cody managed to throw Barrett down as he striked Barrett with the briefcase and emerged victorious.


Winner of the 2012 Money In The Bank Match, Cody Rhodes (Fenil)!

Never Before, Never Again Tag Team Main Event Match:
The WWE Champion Kane and the World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton Vs The Undertaker and the 2012 Royal Rumble Winner Sting.

This match lived up to the hype and sure did live up to the expectations of all the fans. It was an amazing scene in Buffalo as fans got to see Sting and the Undertaker, the greatest of all time pair with each other. Surprisingly, neither of them attacked each other and paired up well throughout the match. Kane and Randy tried their level best - Chokeslams, DDTs, RKOs, everything. But nothing could stop the two most dominant wrestlers. The match ended in an amazing way as Stinger hit the Stinger Splash on Kane followed by a Tombstone by the Deadman on Randy. Taker went for the pin and succeeded.


Winners by pinfall, Sting and The Undertaker!

After the match, the Undertaker and Sting shook each others hands and out of nowhere, Undertaker hit Sting with a Tombstone! Payback's a bitch!
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If Cody wouldn't have won, I'd left following this thread. :p

Goldberg haven't lost many matches in his career but it seems he is losing all of those here on the trot. :lol
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If Cody wouldn't have won, I'd left following this thread. :p

Now all you've gotta do is PM me about the title and the PPV on which you will cash your MITB briefcase. And there's some good news for ya..!
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