Console Patch 3 Release?

While there is certainly no obligation, it was somewhat promised (long before the PS4 version came out):

We have had to remove the co-op play from Patch#2 as it has required more testing and refinement. The good news is that as I promised the feature, it means we are committed to a Patch#3.

This is likely where people got the idea that local co-op would be patched in. Most people likely depended on this forum for features, as opposed to actual advertising or what's printed on the box.

I'm sure everyone has nothing but respect for Big Ant (it is hands down the best cricket game ever made in my opinion, supported like no other) but I can understand people coming across as frustrated - they just want it 'better' and they know it's so close!
PC - 1, Console - 0 :p
That doesn't make any sense. You buy a game for whats in the box, not what you hope might be. Any number of things totally outside of BigAnt's control determine whether or not co-op makes it onto consoles... why on earth would you make a purchase decision for a game for something that isn't advertised as part of a game? It's an utterly illogical complaint to be making...

I get people are frustrated that the patch is taking longer for consoles, but just buy the PC version (which already has it as an advertised feature) if it's that much of a problem. It's literally cheaper than the console version and has been for months... If you're buying a product in the hope you might get something you maybe read somewhere on the internet, I have a magical gold pooping cat to sell you for a crisp Zimbabwean dollar... PM me your bank account details...

It makes total sense. They promised it would be added in the game. Therefore I bought the game with the expectation that co-op would be added. Just attempt to get that in your head. If you let go of your bias for just one second, you'd understand that people would inevitably be lured into buying the game upon hearing the promise of co-op being added. And I'm certain many many people were, like me.

Also, I have a Mac.
It makes total sense. They promised it would be added in the game. Therefore I bought the game with the expectation that co-op would be added. Just attempt to get that in your head. If you let go of your bias for just one second, you'd understand that people would inevitably be lured into buying the game upon hearing the promise of co-op being added. And I'm certain many many people were, like me.

Also, I have a Mac.

Co op was mentioned for patch 3. The PS4/Xbox One versions were heavily flagged as NOT being patch 3, and having no difference from the previous gen bar improved graphics, particularly grass and light textures.

It would be, was, and is, utterly moronic to therefore buy the PS4 version expecting this to somehow get you co op quicker.

It has never been mentioned, suggested or vaguely hinted that PS4/XB1 would get co op quicker than previous gen. Your reasoning is baffling.
I understand your logic Tazzron , dont mind Biggs , he is like that on most days.

Just now and then , he actually makes sense :)

Explain the logic then? Where are the posts or advertisements or reviews saying that PS4 version had features not in PS3 aside from the graphical improvements?

Where are the posts or advertisements or reviews saying PS4 would get patch 3, including co op, before PS3?

There is no logic whatsoever to owning the game on PS3 and buying it additionally on PS4 thinking that got you patch 3. None whatsoever.
Well it wasn't in at time of PS4 release, so yes it was crazy to buy that expecting it to be in there. Batshit.
Explain the logic then? Where are the posts or advertisements or reviews saying that PS4 version had features not in PS3 aside from the graphical improvements?

Where are the posts or advertisements or reviews saying PS4 would get patch 3, including co op, before PS3?

There is no logic whatsoever to owning the game on PS3 and buying it additionally on PS4 thinking that got you patch 3. None whatsoever.

I didn't want to imply that I thought co-op was already added into the PS4 version, I meant that by the time I had bought the PS4 version, it had been promised that co-op would be added into the game in the future.

And to clarify, I don't think anyone else thought I implied that (incase you think the logic Acid Burn was referring to was that of expecting co-op to have been already added upon release of the PS4 version).
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The PS4/Xbox One versions were heavily flagged as NOT being patch 3, and having no difference from the previous gen bar improved graphics, particularly grass and light textures.

Exactly, outside of anything else it's literally the same game and any "patching" that would be happening, would be an incredibly slow process, a process that is entirely at the will of the developer to continue at their own cost to no discernible value to them, might I add. I would say there would be very few people picking up a year old game based solely on reading "they might add co-op" on a third party forum... It's a crazy argument to be making...

I meant that by the time I had bought the PS4 version, it had been promised that co-op would be added into the game in the future

Nobody, in their right mind, buys a game for a feature that wasn't advertised. Period. If that's your issue, then you're at fault. If you purchased the game based on "well, I might be getting Co-Op eventually" then that's your prerogative, but as I've said at least twice now, you're owed NOTHING by the developer. They could just as easily cancel any further patches or updates for a variety of legitimate reasons. So again; Purchasing a game for something that isn't advertised on the box is entirely at your own risk.

Also, I have a Mac.

So do I and I play Don Bradman Cricket every day on it, not sure what that has to do with anything...
I didn't want to imply that I thought co-op was already added into the PS4 version, I meant that by the time I had bought the PS4 version, it had been promised that co-op would be added into the game in the future.

And to clarify, I don't think anyone else thought I implied that (incase you think the logic Acid Burn was referring to was that of expecting co-op to have been already added upon release of the PS4 version).

never was it ever promised that PS4 would get patch 3 before the version you already owned, so the idea that you were hoodwinked into buying the PS4 version as well is preposterous
never was it ever promised that PS4 would get patch 3 before the version you already owned, so the idea that you were hoodwinked into buying the PS4 version as well is preposterous

No no no. Look, when I bought the PS3 version, it could potentially have been before the time when the co-op was promised. I then saw a PS4 version coming out, by which time the co-op had already been promised. I DID NOT think PS4 was getting co-op before PS3. I stopped playing the PS3 version due to unplayability of career mode and the fact that I didn't use the PS3 anymore. When I saw the co-op promise, I was happy to make do and swap controllers to simulate co-op with the PS4 version until I got co-op. The key here is I wouldn't have bothered to buy the PS4 version in anticipation of co-op if I knew another 8 months later, there would still be no co-op.
Hahah, I give up. This is hilarious...
Exactly, outside of anything else it's literally the same game and any "patching" that would be happening, would be an incredibly slow process, a process that is entirely at the will of the developer to continue at their own cost to no discernible value to them, might I add. I would say there would be very few people picking up a year old game based solely on reading "they might add co-op" on a third party forum... It's a crazy argument to be making...

Nobody, in their right mind, buys a game for a feature that wasn't advertised. Period. If that's your issue, then you're at fault. If you purchased the game based on "well, I might be getting Co-Op eventually" then that's your prerogative, but as I've said at least twice now, you're owed NOTHING by the developer. They could just as easily cancel any further patches or updates for a variety of legitimate reasons. So again; Purchasing a game for something that isn't advertised on the box is entirely at your own risk.

The promise of co-op came directly from BigAntStudios, so I AM owed that by the developer. Now re-read my last comment addressed to you. We are both repeating ourselves and going around in circles.
No no no. Look, when I bought the PS3 version, it could potentially have been before the time when the co-op was promised. I then saw a PS4 version coming out, by which time the co-op had already been promised. I DID NOT think PS4 was getting co-op before PS3. I stopped playing the PS3 version due to unplayability of career mode and the fact that I didn't use the PS3 anymore. When I saw the co-op promise, I was happy to make do and swap controllers to simulate co-op with the PS4 version until I got co-op. The key here is I wouldn't have bothered to buy the PS4 version in anticipation of co-op if I knew another 8 months later, there would still be no co-op.

so you bought a game without a desired feature, knowing it didn't have that feature, and now you're complaining that it doesn't have that feature?

and that's Big Ant's fault?

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