Cricket Academy Upgrade#3 (Version 0.93a) is now live.

Looks like teams consisting of players that have already been uploaded previously are having issues. It will be the morning before we'll have an answer as to why.
ross, my CA automatically closes sometimes (it has happened thrice),its been like that since the 2nd update...had no issues before ..:)
Got a weird Error for you... When creating a team, was full of auto generated "ZZ Anyplayer" so I went through and removed them all, bar two... swapped out some other created-players. However, now it's created the two I couldn't remove into my "created player" list and Ican't delete them for their either? In fact, I can't seem to delete/remove any of the players - I'm assuming that's because they're all assigned to a team though.
^Does it happen when you're trying to select a team ?

I can see few "ZZ" players in the list. Mumbai Indian someone uploaded got 2 zz players.

Also Fiction your England teams has "A Player" too.
Yeah, I know there are some random players like "A player" in my team.I'll upload some more english players in couple of days,then,you can swap those randomly generated players with legit players.
I can see few "ZZ" players in the list. Mumbai Indian someone uploaded got 2 zz players.

That was just to fill up the 25 player list. Had made some 15 player squad (though it shows just 10 players on the database, rest aren't shown) & had to fill it up with these 'zz' players cos you can't upload the team if it has less than 25 players. I guess Ross said somewhere that he'd rectify it in the main game. There has to be flexibility here. A team with a squad ranging from 12 to 25 players (or more) must be uploadable.
Though CA does not crashes on mine, it does hang up while changing menus and options, irrespective of the keyboard or the controller. Didn't happen earlier though!!
slight issue

I had some zz players in my classic windies team so made them into classic players only for them to appear in all my other teams as classic windies players in the zz slots hope you know about this ross im sure you will sort it cheers:thumbs

I removed my created players from online so i could re send them in a team but this still did not work and now cannot re send my players to server individualy confused .com:eek:
Ross, there is a typo under stadium names, it is written "Rawalpini" when it should be "Rawalpindi".

Great to see loads of stadium, never expected so much in a cricket game. Just one thing though, I can't manage to find Dharamshalla stadium there, will it be there in full game or you thought to exclude it for some reasons? I am asking this because I have seen mention of this stadium numerous time in those 'hidden' files.

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