Line up editor

yeah it is, i had a look at trying to do the bowling but i couldn't really find out where to get it from. There was a sugestion in another thread but it didn't look right i have yet to test that out properly.
whiteninness said:
while i havn't tested it yet, the problem i found when playing exhibition games and setting the lineups myself, the bowling position was fixed to a certain number for different teams

ie: for Australia, 11 (McGrath) will open the bowling but if you were to change the lineup and put say Hayden or anyone there at 11 (he is batting pretty **** at the moment), he will then open the bowling

is this still the case if you use this lineup editor?

Thats why I want to see if the lineup editor works for the demo.

Also, if I use the player editor, could I replace the Windies with India?(I'll just use Kabir Ali's face...).

Also, I dunnow if this will count as piracy, but their is the File-Team_Heads_Demo. Could someone post the one for the full game, so we could have any team(s) faces?
it doesnt seem to work for me?

this is what happens to mine


  • erro wid lineup.jpg
    erro wid lineup.jpg
    23.7 KB · Views: 181
push open file that will let you look at all the teams

also just figured out how to do the bowling might upload that today :D
Have you figured out keeper as well cos that was a problem I had when I made the World XI. Freddy was keeping...

Edit: ok, few problems around the West Indies, World XI area. It seems to be reading the wrong squad rather a lot.
sweet ill look at this now, also i will be fixing the keeper/captain problem.

if there is no keeper selected i have no idea who they will chose as keeper.


Found the problem with the team, will be fixed today and uploaded with the bowlers and hopefully the captain/keeper change as well.
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A thought:
Won't changing the lineup mean that the name is displayed wrong unless the Game Profile is changed?
no, the lineup is kept at the end of the file, so i am not moving players around in the file just changing the values at the end. If you have found it different tell me, it has worked for me
I was changing it by swapping players around within the squad.
Any ideas why World XI isn't letting me select a keeper?
in the program? yep um... thats my error, who does it let you choose in the game?

Edit - Updated!!!!

Please use it and give me as much feedback as possible to make sure it is going. I am going on holiday in 2 days time so any feedback to it not working or something going haywire i need to know.

Any problems i would like to correct before i go on holiday :)

cheers all :D

Just checked the india bowling and that worked ;) yay no more kumble and singh opening the bowling LOL :D


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So I can use it in the demo? I'll give it a shot. Solanki and Ali's faces will have to do. Might use Symond's...

A run time error problem while trying to open England's lineup :(
i dont think it will run in the demo i havn't got it to try it

if you send me the teaminfobag file i can put it in i suppose wouldn't take much

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