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Hi. If i play a practise matches in the casual mode, will it affect the XP in the leaderboard ?

The XP points you rack up in any form - online, offline, Tests, odis, career mode etc. - will show up on leaderboard under "Total XP" category. There's a separate category for online points which only takes into account the points you gained while playing online.
Like your pic. A fan of the spaghetti westerns, best directed films ever made.
yeah...but i wanted to know the answer,it's not a big deal of course,but a confirmation would be satisfactory
The XP points you rack up in any form - online, offline, Tests, odis, career mode etc. - will show up on leaderboard under "Total XP" category. There's a separate category for online points which only takes into account the points you gained while playing online.
Thanks mate.
Not everyone has lots of time to invest, and would like to be able to play a game of cricket on their computer without being an expert. I also don't think batting is very easy. Not at all. I find it extremely difficult. I am more of a bowler though, and as the bowling is largely pointless, I don't enjoy this game. Its the best cricket game we've ever had, but I don't like playing it.

Wait for Table Top Cricket, that is been made exactly for player like you who want to enjoy the game as soon as they start playing it and who dont have time or interest to invest to learn how to play it properly. There will always be difference of perspective about how difficult a Sports game should be and that is the way it should be. As for Batting, you will find it hard to believe that most of us who play online and bat against human bowlers, find batting in Career or Offline (Yes on Legend Mode) too easy. Basically in Offline Mode, you can play as long as you want and score as much as you want if you are conservative and dont go for lofted shots.
Wait for Table Top Cricket, that is been made exactly for player like you who want to enjoy the game as soon as they start playing it and who dont have time or interest to invest to learn how to play it properly. There will always be difference of perspective about how difficult a Sports game should be and that is the way it should be. As for Batting, you will find it hard to believe that most of us who play online and bat against human bowlers, find batting in Career or Offline (Yes on Legend Mode) too easy. Basically in Offline Mode, you can play as long as you want and score as much as you want if you are conservative and dont go for lofted shots.

I'd just like to add, I do have the time to invest in it, I was just saying, that some people don't! I have played this game a lot, and I never play lofted shofts, and I am always out around the 10-15 mark. I am a very conservative batter by nature, I just really strugle with batting. I think some people will always find things easier. I'm a singing teacher. I find singing stupidly easily. Others don't (just as well or I'd be out of a job!).

I am a massive Test cricket fan, and I find it a shame that this longer format of the game isn't enjoyable when playing AI. I'd go online, but as I live in the countryside (kind of!) my connection isn't very good so don't go online. A question though, are edges more prevalent online? So is bowling to a plan more rewarding? If so, I might start giving that a bash to see if its more fun.
I'd just like to add, I do have the time to invest in it, I was just saying, that some people don't! I have played this game a lot, and I never play lofted shofts, and I am always out around the 10-15 mark. I am a very conservative batter by nature, I just really strugle with batting. I think some people will always find things easier. I'm a singing teacher. I find singing stupidly easily. Others don't (just as well or I'd be out of a job!).

I am a massive Test cricket fan, and I find it a shame that this longer format of the game isn't enjoyable when playing AI. I'd go online, but as I live in the countryside (kind of!) my connection isn't very good so don't go online. A question though, are edges more prevalent online? So is bowling to a plan more rewarding? If so, I might start giving that a bash to see if its more fun.

I get your point completely. I am terrible in Shooters game, by the time I take aim, enemy can kill me at-least 30 times if not more. Its true that something comes naturally to few people and for someone else it may be not so easy. When I started, I also used to struggle big time even on Pro Mode, but after investing considerable time with this game, I have seen a very apparent and visible difference in the way I play and frankly its like driving a car, initially you feel like putting an effort to keep instructions (line & length etc) in ur mind, but gradually you reach a stage when you dont even have to think and ur finger will automatically push the correct triggers to play the perfect shots. I cant even pin point what I am doing different now than what I used to do before, but its like your mind and fingers are tune with the game so much that you play all correct shots (Mostly) as soon as the ball leave the bowlers hand. I think there is no trick or short cut in it, the more you will play and the more you will reduce your previous mistakes the better you will get with this game.
Wait for Table Top Cricket, that is been made exactly for player like you who want to enjoy the game as soon as they start playing it and who dont have time or interest to invest to learn how to play it properly. There will always be difference of perspective about how difficult a Sports game should be and that is the way it should be. As for Batting, you will find it hard to believe that most of us who play online and bat against human bowlers, find batting in Career or Offline (Yes on Legend Mode) too easy. Basically in Offline Mode, you can play as long as you want and score as much as you want if you are conservative and dont go for lofted shots.

Surely making bowling as rewarding an experience as batting is the solution, I like Richowebbo have always preferred bowling and in this department I honestly don't think DBC is any better than previous titles apart from the move away from the bowling circle and the controls( which is fantastic). These two things do not improve the gameplay though which is fairly average, unrealistic and for the most part unrewarding!

As for Tabletop Cricket, who do BigAnt think their target market is for TTC? I don't know a single person who would purchase an watered down arcadey version of cricket and do you think that somebody who isn't a fan of cricket is suddenly going to buy it? So that leaves kids with an interest in cricket (small market) and those on the subcontinent who'll lap up anything cricket related. It's retail price will have to be far lower than DBC to appeal and even then I just don't see it being popular.
@kushari : Do you find online rewarding?? For me it isn't as you can play wrong shots for a good delivery and easily get away with it, Like a fast yorker length delivery can be played off the back foot towards third man region, I mean seriously?? That's ridiculous and premeditation is best thing people do on online and easily get away with it scoring runs...And then there's the flight delivery...:mad
Your views??
I'd just like to add, I do have the time to invest in it, I was just saying, that some people don't! I have played this game a lot, and I never play lofted shofts, and I am always out around the 10-15 mark. I am a very conservative batter by nature, I just really strugle with batting. I think some people will always find things easier. I'm a singing teacher. I find singing stupidly easily. Others don't (just as well or I'd be out of a job!).

I am a massive Test cricket fan, and I find it a shame that this longer format of the game isn't enjoyable when playing AI. I'd go online, but as I live in the countryside (kind of!) my connection isn't very good so don't go online. A question though, are edges more prevalent online? So is bowling to a plan more rewarding? If so, I might start giving that a bash to see if its more fun.

Everyone will have their preferences and handicaps; I have found that by sitting slightly to the left or right of my batsman in close batsman cam and thus being more in line of the trajectory of the ball I am able to judge the ball much better. You will also need to take into account that the red ball is much less forgiving than the white one in the game: straight bat and a narrow v are your best friends in first class games.....
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@kushari : Do you find online rewarding?? For me it isn't as you can play wrong shots for a good delivery and easily get away with it, Like a fast yorker length delivery can be played off the back foot towards third man region, I mean seriously?? That's ridiculous and premeditation is best thing people do on online and easily get away with it scoring runs...And then there's the flight delivery...:mad
Your views??

Bro, as all the game mechanics/animations are same for both Offline & Online..So if you can hit 6 towards Third Man on Yorkers ball in Online, that means you will do it much much more easily on Offline mode. Online is much more interesting & rewarding for those who find Offline too easy. At least you dont get Predictable Balls in Online and you have to deal with different bowling strategies and field setting in Online mode. Its basically more challenging/rewarding to play and play well in Online (Of course against good quality players) than on Offline. Now, the flaws and bugs whatever is there are because of Game Mechanics and not for game modes (Online/Offline), so my advise would be one should venture into Online arena only when Offline Mode feels too easy and it stop giving him any challenge what so ever. Personally I find Online much more challenging as I have to deal with opponents psychology and strategy, whereas when I play Career Mode (Legend) I can predict 90% of the stuff AI try to do and more than anything its the boredom which makes you give away your wicket..And we all know that AI field setting is absolutely ridiculous.
Was wondering if anyone has managed to get a PS4 controller to work properly with the PS3 copy. The only problem I seem to be getting is that the triggers (L2/R2) don't seem to be working.
As for flighted deliveries and slow Bouncers from Medium Bowlers, in almost all the Organized Online Leagues/Tournaments, we have banned bowling below 6 meters with Spinners and Medium Bowlers..Fast & Fast Medium can bowl anything they like. Though few of us dont find anything wrong with these flighted or slow short balls, but we play with 6 meters rule fr the enjoyment of majority of the participants.

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