Why do people vote for Donald Trump?

The sort of forces that Trump uses are present in most Western countries and always get worse during times of economic hardship; its the reason why the Front National is big in France now, or why UKIP surged in the UK. A big part of it I think is because even though we've technically been "recovering" for a few years now very little of that has actually made it down to working class people, and parties have been able to feed off of that totally reasonable discontent by scapegoating people as being really at fault - it can be "immigrants" or "mexicans" or the EU; provided its something different and foreign some people will agree with you. Its much easier to create a bogeyman and blame that for all of the problems that people are facing rather than try to actually deal with the problem; which is the economic system more broadly.

What's interesting to me is that lots of Trump's rhetoric on trade was also a - only I'd argue that he had a lot more credibility on , while Trump has been using free trade to make lots of money since NAFTA and other agreements were signed; and he's only against it now because he needs votes. I'm not totally anti-free trade, I just think that free trade deals need an dimension that also protects workers and prevents a situation where the deals only benefit capital and not working people: that's why I'm in favour of the EU while opposing TTIP and other similar deals.

Last week I was totally confident that he didn't have a chance; now I'm a lot more worried. Although I imagine that Clinton actually has competent people on her staff which no one seems to have in the UK anymore other than the SNP; so I'm still pretty sure that she'll win. I might just put a few quid on him winning though; so that I can afford to buy the most expensive whisky while the world burns...
I don’t even follow or like Trump for voting I have always been Labour. Now I don’t have a clue who I should be voting for so line up the whiskey's :lol I need a JD or vodka with coke. Though last time I had a mop bucket on my head I was been a Dalek funny at the time now well not so much it’s one of those you had to be there situations to fully understand it.
Do you really think the "Muslim" countries are in a position to help? I think only Saudi Arabia and the UAE have the capability to take in refugees, but of course they won't.
Iran,Bahrain,Turkey,Kuwait,Qatar are quite rich.Why Blame EU and America. ?? Or Donald Trump?
Iran,Bahrain,Turkey,Kuwait,Qatar are quite rich.Why Blame EU and America. ?? Or Donald Trump?
Who's blaming them? Donald Trump didn't call for the ban of refugees, he called for the ban of every single Muslim on the planet. In case you don't know, Turkey is the country with most refugees in the world. The countries you mentioned don't take in refugees because refugees don't want to go there. Most of them want to go to Europe.
Who's blaming them? Donald Trump didn't call for the ban of refugees, he called for the ban of every single Muslim on the planet. In case you don't know, Turkey is the country with most refugees in the world. The countries you mentioned don't take in refugees because refugees don't want to go there. Most of them want to go to Europe.

Most of us wants to go to Europe , doesn't mean they have to accept us :)


I think except of Iran,Every other nation has open their borders for refugees.Jordan and Lebanon are also taking in the refugees.
Western Media's Miscount of Saudi Arabia's Syrian Refugees

Good to know that :)
Most of us wants to go to Europe , doesn't mean they have to accept us :)
Yes, they don't have too, but currently they're kind of forced to, because the refugees are simply too many to send them all back, and determining whether they can apply for asylum can take a long time.
Why are people against Trump ?.........
Is he bad ?

He isn't bad just different. Says things as it is and people take what he says and blows it out of proportion and disliking him became the new internet 'thing' (like Harambe and Primal Spongebob)...
He isn't bad just different. Says things as it is and people take what he says and blows it out of proportion and disliking him became the new internet 'thing' (like Harambe and Primal Spongebob)...
So you think he'd be a good president?
So you think he'd be a good president?

He's better then the other candidates. His whole foreign policy actually has a lot of merit. How can a country be expected to look after Mexico when they still have unemployed people in their own country? To be honest I haven't payed a large amount of attention but I've talked to people who have and what they have said makes Trump seem like a reasonable president. Personally I like him because he says things how they are. He's very black and white which I think is much needed from a political view. That's a large factor for why he has so much support...
He's better then the other candidates. His whole foreign policy actually has a lot of merit. How can a country be expected to look after Mexico when they still have unemployed people in their own country? To be honest I haven't payed a large amount of attention but I've talked to people who have and what they have said makes Trump seem like a reasonable president. Personally I like him because he says things how they are. He's very black and white which I think is much needed from a political view. That's a large factor for why he has so much support...
The political fact-checking website "Politifact" rated 76 percent of all his claims as varying degrees of false.
The wall he wants to build cost way too much. And no, Mexico won't pay for it.
The fact that he wants to ban Muslims from entering the US, and those already living there to wear special recognition badges and have their names put in a database is incredibly discriminatory.
He doesn't have the temperament to be in charge of the most powerful country in the world.
Do you think that he'll really build a wall and ban muslims?
The wall will never be built. Yes, he will really ban Muslims. I really think so.
The wall will never be built. Yes, he will really ban Muslims. I really think so.
Firstly, I don't think that guy's gonna win. If He does win, and builds that wall, bans Muslims, and shits all over the world, then He'll probably get assassinated. [HASHTAG]#BelieveThat[/HASHTAG]
Firstly, I don't think that guy's gonna win. If He does win, and builds that wall, bans Muslims, and shits all over the world, then He'll probably get assassinated. [HASHTAG]#BelieveThat[/HASHTAG]
Certainly, es I agree.

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