Details regarding swing bowling issue - Update available

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Agreed...I only played in the practice ground but saw no exaggerated seam movement and it certainly doesn't change direction off the pitch. Cutters and swing are now distinctly different options.

very very pleased to hear this
Hi Everyone,

As I'm sure many of you have seen in the other discussion thread for the patch that was released on the 26th, there was an issue with swing bowling which caused outswingers to seam in.

We have looked into this issue and identified the cause. While we work on an update for the console version of the game, we have put an update containing this fix onto an opt-in beta on Steam.

To opt-in, right click the game in steam and select properties. Then select the 'Betas' tab, and select 'preview', then click close. This will then download the update containing the fix for this issue. You may need to restart Steam before this option will show in the list.

For console, we can't currently provide an exact date, however we expect it to be some time next week and will be working to deliver it as soon as possible.

Thanks again.

Wow, very quick work guys, well done on the quick response. I really hate to sound like a broken record, but is there going to be any update or fix to the stats issue? It's literally the only thing that's stopping me play this game right now, as the rest seems amazing!
Wow, very quick work guys, well done on the quick response. I really hate to sound like a broken record, but is there going to be any update or fix to the stats issue? It's literally the only thing that's stopping me play this game right now, as the rest seems amazing!

Would be a great thing to know, as I'm wanting to have an short limited overs tourney with some friends and wouldn't mind if we could look at leading run scorers, averages, leading wicket takers, bowling averages, those kind of things, and know that they're correct.
The random pro cam pan movement bug, is still there and in online it's a deal breaker. Thought to mention this here also so that may be it can b rectified and looked upon urgently( if possible) along with the swing issues.
The latter.

Edit: In my opinion things are pretty much back to pre-patch in terms of swing/seam movement.

I might be in a bit of a minority with this one, but I really liked the seam movement. It was a bit excessive, I'll admit, perhaps on the more extreme side of what could realistically happen, but I do think genuine seam movement in seam friendly conditions are a big part of cricket that I never really saw in the pre-patch game.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad swing is back, that's pretty important to, but I am quite sad that some genuine tough seaming deliveries may well be gone to. I don't really count cutters in that regard, they're a different kinda thing.
What is the size of the update? My keeps downloading and the size is keep increasing from 22mb now to 1.3gb now
What is the size of the update? My keeps downloading and the size is keep increasing from 22mb now to 1.3gb now
In some cases Steam may need to reacquire other parts of the game if there was an issue in applying a patch - the same as if you run the 'Verify Integrity of Game Cache' function, it may need to download a large portion of the game to correct itself.

This happens mostly if you've had disconnects or dropouts while downloading or somehow otherwise interrupted the process. Either way it is on the Steam end and not something Big Ant can control.

The random pro cam pan movement bug, is still there and in online it's a deal breaker. Thought to mention this here also so that may be it can b rectified and looked upon urgently( if possible) along with the swing issues.
Please report/discuss bugs not directly related to this change/issue in the other discussion thread and/or bug report thread.

really hate to sound like a broken record, but is there going to be any update or fix to the stats issue? It's literally the only thing that's stopping me play this game right now, as the rest seems amazing!
I'll make a more detailed post regarding stats and a few other commonly raised issues in the coming days, but in the more appropriate thread. Please keep this one on topic.
Thank Mattt downloading it ... and online is perfect but too hard on legnd :P
@MattW is there a timeframe for console? Is this going to be a quick fix as in it has already gone to Sony/Microsoft for approval or are other issues going to be addressed first? Thanks
Noob question.. Swing.... Is it much more dependent on conditions now? Not had time to play it since this beta patch option. Glad to see a quick fix for it as i was sad to see no swing at all when trying the initial patch. I myself love bowling swing i get abit carried away with it but so enjoyable :)

Thank you @MattW for the post and the future communication :) .
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