3 New International Cricket Captain Versions

So that's why they have never bothered to release a patch for the current one. I know it only ever needed one or two things changed, but I guess they have just decided to work on the next release instead.
It'll be a real test of personal strength to hold off buying a new version until the World Cup version comes out, but with improved graphics at last I think it'll be worth it. Great news.
It wuold porbably make sense to buy the world cup one, and if you want ICC06 or Ashes 06, they would be a lot cheaper.
Yeah, this will be all hype, just like ICC 2005, that was poor. No Domestic Teams, so I doubt I will get this game.
Good news.But they should see to it that the icc 2005 saved game files work on the future games.That would be nice.
Hmm - I'd be interested in it if you can control more than the 10 Test nations - I've always wanted to take the reins of Namibia, Holland, etc.

Also more domestic teams, expand outside England! I'm not fussed about graphics - I skip all highlights except for ODI's and Pro20 games.
Hmm, interesting. Definately good news, although 3 versions might get a bit confusing. I'd need to hear more about the respective features of each before deciding which one to buy - although I'll definately buy at least one.
I'll probably buy the Ashes version and then the World Cup one, new graphics sounds good. Seems a bit silly releasing 3 in quick succession though, if the first one is bad, it will put lots of people off buying the second one.
Hallelujah! This is GREAT news. Been an avid fan of the ICC series I will get ALL three versions. Although I am really looking forward for the World Cup Edition with new graphics and all. pez
I will also getting all three versions , but I will propably wait for the ICC06 version because I personally think that this version is only a database update but any way if thats not true I will get it.
The release dates seem pretty close to each other...I worry that it won't be at it's best potential.

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