7/11 Mumbai shocked with serial train bomb-blasts

sohummisra said:
I haven't read the papers yet, this morning, but has this been confirmed as a terrorist attack?

NA its not confirmed but evidence says that it might be a terrorist attack.
Did you guys watch BBC y'day? An ex- CBI/INtelligence Bureau official blatantly blamed Pakistan for this. Idiot!
ya i know...it looked like al-qaida anyways...cos all the bombs went off at the same time and had a similar pattern as al-qidas previous attacks...dunno why they do it...once the previous attack is forgot and it's all back to normal, they do it again...
Thing is, the terrorist organisations have always been hating the West, like the USA and the UK. Why would they want to bomb India? Makes no sense.
I agree, the media here in Australia isn't showing very much at all comapred to the London Bombings or 9/11.

But if it is Al-Quada (or however you spell those morons) I dont understand why they would attack India instead another country which is part of the coalition force in Iraq (such as Australia) What have they done? Strange.....
I think it was either:
A) Really bad planning - all the bombs probably should have gone off in one minute, not 11!
B) A giant coincidence - 8 terrorists groups decided to set off bombs at rush hour, but happen to choose the very same hour.
C) An attack probably used to cause an impact, not any serious damage per say. Just to attract attention, maybe as a diversion for something else...
I agree there zorax. As stevo said there isnt much here in aus there isnt much on sky news active havnt watched it on normal tv.

As the sky news pplz said that the bomb pattern was similar to madrids what do you guys think?
Shocking !

Brett_Lee said:
I agree there zorax. As stevo said there isnt much here in aus there isnt much on sky news active havnt watched it on normal tv.

As the sky news pplz said that the bomb pattern was similar to madrids what do you guys think?
Really shocking for we people and it was a really sad evening yesterday .
The people who`ve done this do not have the courage to do things in the open.
They only know to attack us from the back.
This has been happening to Bombay which is our financial capital since 1993 (when 13 blasts went off) .
Mumbai has seen terrorist attacks at 22 places since 1993 in 4 terrorist attacks in 1998,2002,2003,2006.

8.2 million pople travel by local trains each day and Iam one of those.
I don`t know how one can prevent an attack.
This attack won`t deter me or anyone in Mumbai from travelling by these trains.
The spirit of Mumbai will help it get back soon. MUMBAI does not stop or anything
In fact I just came back after using the local trains.

Mumbai is the only major city to be hit twice by these serial blasts.
Adarsh said:
Thing is, the terrorist organisations have always been hating the West, like the USA and the UK. Why would they want to bomb India? Makes no sense.
Mumbai is India`s financial capiltal just like New York or London.
These morons do not want India to emerge as a huge power in the world.

This is an attempt to slow India`s economic progress.
India has just been included in the world`s 15 most wealthiest nations in 2005 .
Adarsh said:
Thing is, the terrorist organisations have always been hating the West, like the USA and the UK. Why would they want to bomb India? Makes no sense.
India is Al Qaeda's target number 2 (after Israel) due to the Kashmir imbroglio. I am just repeating what Al-Zawahiri had said in an interview a few years back. India has been dealing with terrorist attacks for the last 25 years. Although I doubt that Al Qaeda has any direct responisibility for this, but one of their splinter or sister organizations may very well be. But it is not my job to hazard a guess.

Quite sad to hear about the British media's virtual blank-out of the event. If this had been New York or Madrid, it would've received far greater attention in Europe, but then again it took 9/11 for the west to wake upto terrorism inspite of what had been happening in India, israel/palestine and even Northern Ireland.

zoraxdoom said:
I think it was either:
A) Really bad planning - all the bombs probably should have gone off in one minute, not 11!
B) A giant coincidence - 8 terrorists groups decided to set off bombs at rush hour, but happen to choose the very same hour.
C) An attack probably used to cause an impact, not any serious damage per say. Just to attract attention, maybe as a diversion for something else...
The way I see it, terrorists have decided that instead of attacking State institutions or symbols of the State, let us go for soft targets. That is, innocent civilians on local trains were consciously targetted, unlike in the past when they came in the way of attacks usually aimed at military installations, political leaders and State institutions.
Ritwik said:
Quite sad to hear about the British media's virtual blank-out of the event. If this had been New York or Madrid, it would've received far greater attention in Europe, but then again it took 9/11 for the west to wake upto terrorism inspite of what had been happening in India, israel/palestine and even Northern Ireland.
To be fair, it's mainly the "gutter press" that are blanking it. The papers that are worth bothering with are giving it the prominence a tragedy of this magnitude deserves.

Ritwik said:
The way I see it, terrorists have decided that instead of attacking State institutions or symbols of the State, let us go for soft targets. That is, innocent civilians on local trains were consciously targetted, unlike in the past when they came in the way of attacks usually aimed at military installations, political leaders and State institutions.
Although, as Northern Ireland has shown, such a tactic doesn't work. In the end, the only way to overcome these problems is to sit down and talk about it like adults. Sadly, it seems like the people doing the arguing have all the intellectual capacity of a five year old. A five year old with guns, no less. Whilst the majoirty of people, who just want to live their lifes without fear of being killed, are caught in the middle.
India has been at the receiving end of acts of terrorism for a while now. One may even conclude that it has happened so often that most people globally have stopped caring about it. Srinagar was rocked with 8-10 serial blasts yesterday, too. And a couple more today, too. The Kashmir issue has resulted in an almost constant flow of corpses out of the area, but not a constant inflow of sympathy.

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