A couple of questions and a couple of comments...



Hi guys, not sure where to post this but....

1. Can you terminate contracts at the beginning of a game or only at the end of a season? Say I want to free up more funds to buy an overseas player can I do so at the start of a game? I don't seem to find any way of doing it so either it can't be done or i am as blind as a Bakewell Tart.

2. How do you guys determine which players to play in the different forms of the game. Are you looking at form, stats, both, something else?

3. Is it me or since this latest patch has this game become pretty damned hard to win with? I just don't seem to do anything right!

4. How do you assess the pitch conditions and use that info to determine your bowlers length and line?

5. If the opposition is not getting out, do you go defensive or balanced or what? Whatever i do i just don't seem to get sides out. Or I will knock over the top six fairly economically and the tail-end put on three hundred!

Sorry for the variety of question but any help would be appreciated. Or tell me to sod-off and get a job, whatever you like!
1. Only at the end of a season, not at the beginning

2. Not much really as there is only one rating. tbh, I just use form and aggressiveness normally and how well they normaly play in that format in ICC.

3. Not sure. I haven't updated yet as I am still doing my rosters

4. What do you really mean by that?

5. The tail ends up scoring many runs a lot of the time, normally just give bowlers a few overs in a spell, bowl part timers and do anything to get wickets.
Well if the bounce for example is poor for bowlers I imagine you would want to bowl fuller? Also if a batsman prefers the backfoot you want to draw him onto the frontfoot more?
1. What Hedger said.

2. I try to limit the defensive players I play in OD cricket, and cap the amount at 1 or 2 in T20 cricket. Other than that I pretty much play a similar side for all three. Sometimes I'll only play 4 bowling options in FC cricket, but need to bring in a fifth for OD and T20 cricket.

3. I haven't really noticed a difference. :p

4. I don't change that stuff based on the pitch conditions. The pitch does influence what sort of bowlers I play, and how many in a FC match, what I chose to do at the toss, and how aggressively I bat/bowl, but I don't change my line/length tactics based on the conditions.

5. I assume you just mean FC matches. If there's a massive partnership, I'd bowl part-timers on very defensive fields. Unless they're on like 100 or something, if I'm bowling a decent pace bowler I keep the aggression on balanced (3), while I'll normally bowl spinners on 2 bars if a partnerships developing. Of course when the runs start flowing, I'll go back to defensive, and also try bowling to their weaknesses. Other than that you just got to be patient, and limit the boundaries.
Don't mean to divert the topic but can someone tell me why is it that in the last couple of versions, we don't have the ability to terminate contracts in the first season itself? It was possible in ICC 2006 & I believe it was a good feature; I guess it was done away with to achieve parity between real-life squads & first season in the game but may be there should be two modes ie one where we start with the real-life squad & another where we have the abilty to terminate current contracts. I'd raised this issue on Childish Things forum a while back but none of the moderators bothered to answer (as usual :sarcasm).
I think there should be an mode with completely randomised players.
I agree with Chewie, like the option with the IPL on CC.

It would actually be good to start of with a full budget, and then buy all the players we wanted.
Okay guys thanks for the answers. I would still like to further one point if I may: how do you use the bowling line and length in the game? What real difference does it make? When do you decide to come around the wicket and when not? When to bowl short when not? Does the pitch condition influence our decision or the batters weakness/strength or both or do you not bother? Or something else?
I never bother using that sort of stuff because I'm lazy:p
I always go over the wicket at first, so with left armers to the right, and right armers to the left.
If I'm struggling to get wickets I'll just change it around, and mix it up.

If a player has a short bowling preference, I'll sometimes bowl full, and vice versa with short bowling.
Same goes with the line, if they have an offside preference I'll bowl on the leg, and vice versa.
I always go over the wicket at first, so with left armers to the right, and right armers to the left.
If I'm struggling to get wickets I'll just change it around, and mix it up.

If a player has a short bowling preference, I'll sometimes bowl full, and vice versa with short bowling.
Same goes with the line, if they have an offside preference I'll bowl on the leg, and vice versa.

Good to hear. What i am curious about is whether the it really makes a difference in the game. I haven't played enough to be able to know properly but do the calculations of the game really take account of that kind of setting.....
I'm pretty sure the game does take it into account. Batsman have preferences so if you take those into account when bowling to them you'll probably do better.
No idea sorry, one of the in-game tips says bowl to batsman's weaknesses, so I assume it makes some difference.
I've also noticed that its alot more effective to bowl full to tailenders to encourage your players to hit the stumps.

If the weather is overcast and you've got a fast man on I tend to bowl full to encourage the swing. Seems to be alot more effective than bowling short or just on a good length in such situations.

And if you can't get someone out with normal bowling I tend to go for their weaknesses and if they still keep going mix it up.
Sad, sad truth

2. How do you guys determine which players to play in the different forms of the game. Are you looking at form, stats, both, something else?

"It's sad, so sad, it's a sad, sad situation. And it's getting more and more absurd". (Elton John's lyricist)

From what I'm hearing, form is irrelevant - a red herring, as you might say. Surprisingly, stats are also irrelevant. The only things that matter are player ratings - which are invisible - and aggressiveness. If the computer rates a guy with a career bowling average of 38 above a guy with an average of 27, then you will get better results picking the guy with the 38 average.

If you want to pick teams this way, you can use the number of stars that the computer gives your team in the team selection screen, as follows:

1. Make a note of how many stars the computer has rated your team.

2. Make one (experimental) selection change.

3. Click on 'Play Match', but don't play the match - choose 'Main Menu' from the list of options that comes up.

4. Click on 'Play Match' to return to the Team Selection screen. The computer has updated the star rating it gives to your team. If it is higher, it will perform on average better.

5. Repeat steps 2-4 until you have the most stars you can acquire (or until you get fed up with the whole business):noway

I find this very, VERY sad!

I hear Wizardry 7 is a really good game.

6ry4nj added 13 Minutes and 4 Seconds later...

Well if the bounce for example is poor for bowlers I imagine you would want to bowl fuller?

I would confidently say that uneven etc. bounce will help your bowler's performance whatever length (and line) they bowl. In real life, you're just as likely to get out to a short ball that keeps low (eg. bottom edge to keeper or onto stumps), as you are to a full ball that does (assuming of course that it bounces at all)

Also if a batsman prefers the backfoot you want to draw him onto the frontfoot more?

The tip about bowling to batsman's weaknesses is mysteriously silent on this point. However I'm fairly confident that front foot players prefer full bowling, and back foot players prefer short bowling, (so don't give them any!) Someone unfamiliar with cricket in real life (not suggesting you are:)) might be inclined to get these the other way round.

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