A few bowling styles...

I am talking about the direction of the spin. I guess I am wrong in assuming this but this is the definition as far as I know it. Therefore the general definition that I gave was correct because the direction that these bowlers spin to a right-hander are the same. As for the variations and whatnot...I guess this does not hold true. I basically wanted to give an idea as to the direction of the spin.
The direction of spin definition only applies to right handers. Their bowling style is the direction of the spin they get to a right hander. For left handers, it's either Slow Left Arm for finger spinners, or Slow Left Arm Chinaman for wrist spinners.
Okay...but doesn't it make it easier to understand which way the ball is spinning. Personally, I think it's fewer things to remember. I know Chinaman is the opposite of a leg-spin bowler in terms of the way they have to bowl, but I just think its easier if you think, "Oh...this guys a leg-spinner." when Giles comes on to bowl. Having said that, the angles also present a problem to deal with. Whatever. This is getting to be useless conversatiobn.

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