Academy release 0.0.69 - discussion

just played an off spinner from round the wicket on legendary difficulty
and instead of bowling deliveries expected at legendary level
the bowling machine is bowling beamers which are going way outside off stump
i mean even out of the pitch
and some are going above batsmans head
fix this issue ASAP
not able to play off spin at all
out of every 6 deliveries atleast 3 deliveries are beamers and full tosses which are so wide that are not playable.

I understand English may be your second language but if I receive another post with "fix this issue ASAP" then I'm just going to add you to the ignore list.

This is a Beta, it is a work in progress - remember that ASAP.

Essentially, be civil, take the time to make a reasonable post, or don't bother.
Was able to connect hook shots in a session and the next session not even one shot..Can this happen?
Was able to connect hook shots in a session and the next session not even one shot..Can this happen?

Hard to say, I haven't seen this issue in the office, please give it a bit longer to see if there is a pattern.
instead of bowling deliveries expected at legendary level
the bowling machine is bowling beamers which are going way outside off stump

Its a bowling machine bowling random deliveries, difficulty has nothing to do with it. A minuscule problem, chill.

Anyway I recommend people try and move left and right on the crease before a ball is bowled, move to the off side to open up leg side shots, and giving your self room to play on the offside, really fun! Something I don't think you could really pull off in 14.
I understand English may be your second language but if I receive another post with "fix this issue ASAP" then I'm just going to add you to the ignore list.

This is a Beta, it is a work in progress - remember that ASAP.

Essentially, be civil, take the time to make a reasonable post, or don't bother.
Ignore button is the only thing keeping me sane these days....
So gave it another session was missing again, but manged to slog 4-5 shots..But thought there should be a reason for this so changed the cam to broadcast to analyse and came to know its the lack of bounce making it an issue..And balls coming up to chest height are very well slogged away..SO its not a pattern..:D
I think its more that your brain has ways of basically getting rid of the jerkiness plus your eyes will generally focus on things while you are running so you don't notice it, while a camera doesn't do that so its a lot more obvious. A bowling pro-cam would be... interesting and I think possible, but it'd probably take quite a bit of effort to get right. Its only something that certain people will play with: I can't play with the pro cam in DBC14 because it doesn't make sense to me partially because you have a limited FOV because of the monitor being a thing (and it can't be an accurate FOV since then you'd have real tunnel vision); although my awful batting IRL is probably a big factor in that.

Finally pro cam is the hot topic.

Pro cam is the best and most authentic way to play...for me....and some more mayb.
It just needs some tweaks. which will make it perfect.
And yes
Bowling pro cam should b there.

Pro cam (batting + running) improvements needed in the following areas.

.cam angles after hitting the shot to see the ball. Point, third man etc.
. Ball marker when ball is in the outfield
. Reduce head shaking
. Sight screen adjustment when bowller bowls around the wkt.
. Wider sight screen.
. Sight screen color changes(against red ball )due to shadows in Dbc 14, needs to b cheked.
I think its more that your brain has ways of basically getting rid of the jerkiness plus your eyes will generally focus on things while you are running so you don't notice it, while a camera doesn't do that so its a lot more obvious. A bowling pro-cam would be... interesting and I think possible, but it'd probably take quite a bit of effort to get right. Its only something that certain people will play with: I can't play with the pro cam in DBC14 because it doesn't make sense to me partially because you have a limited FOV because of the monitor being a thing (and it can't be an accurate FOV since then you'd have real tunnel vision); although my awful batting IRL is probably a big factor in that.
Eyesight is nothing like a camera. You don't have little movie screens at the back of your eyeballs that your brain just dampens the jerkiness of the projected image. It's more complex than that and it does make it difficult to emulate. My point was essentially that you can't just use a camera as a substitute for vision and expect it to be easy for everyone to get on with. It is more like thinking first about what the experience of vision is and then produce a model that is closer to that (but also accounts for the fact that this will also be viewed, with real eyes, by the player). Not easy given the limitations of screens and controls...and for a sports game where things happen at speed on a ground that covers 360 degrees. The addition of Pro Cam was a great innovation in DBC14, and I've used it a lot, but I can see how some people can't get on with it because it does feel more like a camera than it does vision. Just stripping out 95% of the bobble and removing unnecessary lateral head turning might help...but, however it gets implemented, I'm still going to be going with it has my default for career-mode batting (but not running)...because I like the perspective it gives of being out in the middle...albeit normally very briefly. The one thing I do hope does change in DBC17 is for Pro Cam to remain until a run is selected...then switch to chosen running camera. Switching to running camera before a run has been selected has caused me all sorts of confusion in DBC14 and resulted in quite a few unintentional run outs.
Ok so after the first play through, my views...

  • Padding works really well for me on both L-Direction+LT+LS and L-Direction+LT+A. It's mostly down to having the time to play that shot.
  • Playing the hook shot is really satisfying.
  • Helicopter shot is one fascinating addition. For whatever function it has, it certainly looks beautifully animated.
  • The batsman doesn't withdraw as soon as he plays the shot.
  • Late cuts off front foot are really crunchy! Hope only highly skilled batsman pull that off of yorkers.
  • Both padding and leave animations seem to have more delay than other shots which requires the input to be given much earlier. If the animation could play faster/slower depending on the timing just like the other shots, it could be better.
  • Can the traditional leave be mapped to these controls?: L-Direction+R-BackwardArc+RT. Someone else had suggested this and it would organic too I feel. The batsman defends in the forward arc and leaves in the backward arc. Even visually by leaving, the batsman takes 'back' the bat to leave. So what do you think?
  • About the Pro-Cam, I had the exact same thought as Plotinus. It would be best if the camera doesn't pan/tilt (so we can focus on the ball) but just looks straight (instead of the side on look now) till the ball reaches the batsman. The only movement during this period can be absolute position movement in 2-D (Front/Back and Sideways and inbetween but no up/down movements). More like the function of a third person camera without the panning or titling but positioned right where the batsman's eyes are. Once the ball is hit, it can do the panning and tilting but still should only move in 2-D. The same can apply for bowling (Maybe a slight shake during run-up for fast bowlers can make it natural). I feel this will remove the nauseating feel.
  • Batsman is playing pull for all footworks and ball heights when R stick is pushed towards square leg. I hope he plays glances for all balls on full and very full length. While for good length, depending on the stats on drives/glances and hook/pull...whichever is higher, let him play that and obviously for short balls, pull/hook.
  • Pulling a short ball off the spinner seems to be really hard (Timing and connecting, I mean). Is it the same for everyone? And I swear I saw a different pull animation during on the deliveries where the batsman creates a wide base just like in real life. Maybe a graphic glitch or did BA really mo-cap that too?
I had mentioned this during the previous update too and not sure if they will be in the final game but want to mention again and would like to know other's opinion too:
The only three major shots I feel that are missing:
1. Ramp/Uppercut...L-Direction+R-Back for Ramp (Just glide above the keeper's head like how the batsman glides to third-man now) and L-Direction+RT+R-Back/L-Direction+LT+RT+R-Back for Upper Cut (A powerful swish).
2. Chip Shot...L-Direction+LT+RB+R-Direction (The lofted modifier combined with the precision modifier)
3. Variety down the wicket...After selecting RS -> L-Direction+RT+R-Direction (Advance Defense Shot), L-Direction+R-Direction (Advance Grounded Shot), L-Direction+LT+R-Direction (Advance Lofted Shot), L-Direction+RB+R-Direction (Advance Precision Shot), L-Direction+LT+RB+R-Direction (Advance Chip Shot) and L-Direction+LT+LS/RS/A (Advance Padding).
I want to note that advancing down the wicket is not only an aggressive move but also a defensive one where if the ball is turning a lot and is pitched on good length, the batsman can counter the turn. And also used to unsettle the bowler with his length. Additionally I would like to suggest adding an advance shot skill that oversees all the advance shots. Is that possible?
(Plus going through the academy last week got me thinking...are front foot drive skills and backfoot drive skills considered the same? Probably will be better if the drive skill alone is split into two?)

Regarding animation and their mapping, I would rather not mention it here as I wouldn't know which are final. Probably on another thread. But can't help but say you guys at BA are just nailing the core gameplay. What I have written above are mostly nitpicking. It's not a measure of the fans wanting to see something in the game but the belief we all have in BA. The true belief that BA can nail this sport to virtual perfection.
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I don't know if it's just me, but I haven't been able to connect a single hook shot. I have tried it for an hour now, and I got a dozen of all Greens, yet not even an edge. Maybe I'm wrong somewhere?

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