Are Modern Footballers Overpaid?

They get paid a lot of money of that there is no doubt.

Too much? Well the clubs can afford it, and there's nothing you can do about it. Not cappable under EU law.
Well at end there are fors and against, but more bad points.

Now days players don't play because they "love" the game, just like music artists, so it is questionable, if it is right or wrong.
Well at end there are fors and against, but more bad points.

Now days players don't play because they "love" the game, just like music artists, so it is questionable, if it is right or wrong.

All footballers love the game. You only get a decent wage playing it in the top two tiers in each country, and to play in those you have to be good at it and train really hard.
Ofcorse not all, like they don't love it as much as they should, like big names..
Ofcorse not all, like they don't love it as much as they should, like big names..

They might not love it as much as they should, but they still love it. Each and every single one of them.
They get paid a lot of money of that there is no doubt.

Too much? Well the clubs can afford it, and there's nothing you can do about it. Not cappable under EU law.

Yes. They are way overpaid! How anyone can justify the average wage of a Premiership player (Woodgate gets ?60,000 a week) is completely beyond me. Ok, so their careers are short, but that doesn't mean they warrant that much money. Oh, by the way, Woodgate is moaning about the price of living in London. On ?60,000 a week!! I'd love to have such a problem!

Damn straight they're overpaid. Obscenely so in my view.

Ok, rant over.
Yes they are overpaid. Players get to do a job they love and get huge wages in the process. People like doctors, police and teachers don't get nearly as half as much as footballers because they don't sell products. (eg: Beckham endorses Adidas) I don't think you can blame the players for it because most big clubs around the world these days have owners who can afford to pay these ridicioulous wages. Some players don't let it go to there heads, like Timmy Cahill but some other get out of control and don't know how to spen their money so they become stupid and spend it on the wrong things.

In short, they are overpaid but it ain't really there fault.
Although such jobs as teaching, police, doctors etc are important and fairly difficult, they do not need the same level of skill at what they do as a top class footballer needs to be successful.
People with special talents which entertain people on a large scale regularly will obviously earn a lot of money, and rightly so in my opinion.

Please don't tell me you just said Doctors don't require more skill than Footballers.

Tell my Dad that after 5 years of medical school and having spent 40 years working with his holiday's being taken up from retraining because medical procedures are ALWAYS changing. My Dad used to treat around 40 patients a day, which is around average, despite the fact he works in a small, specialist department, 90% of the time, those 40 patients would all have a different condition, which my Dad would have to identify, then treat continuously with the ultimate aim being a cure. So off hand my Dad would have to use 40 different procedures and be able to identify 40 different diaseases a day, and that's probably way under 2% of his overall knowledge. Then if you thrown on the fact he had to in 4 pages of paperwork to get those patients treated, and have to go teach some student teachers on various rare conditions as part of their course.

I could go on and on, and you made a point about Footballers having be to skilled, but you shot yourself in the foot the moment you said they had more required skill than a doctor.
Although such jobs as teaching, police, doctors etc are important and fairly difficult, they do not need the same level of skill at what they do as a top class footballer needs to be successful.
People with special talents which entertain people on a large scale regularly will obviously earn a lot of money, and rightly so in my opinion.

Oh dear, What have you just said,
  • Teaching is something that requires alot of skill, you have to be able to hold around 20-30 peoples attention for about 40 minutes for around 6-8 times a day. Im sure the teachers that there are will back me up by saying they wok their f****** arses off and next to no money and next to no holiday. While your at home snuggled up at home watching The Simpsons there sitting at a desk marking some work or preparing stuff for the following days. Try getting Beckham to teach. The only words that would ever come out of his mouth would be 'umm' and 'errr.' A good lesson all round for all.
  • Then there is the police force. The people who day after day try and help the community in mayn different ways. Day in day out they go through some serious situations. Riots at matches, fights, Alcholics who are agressive and brutal. Again they get little money unless they actually do something good. They share something in common with doctors.
  • And then finally Doctos. The people who try to save lives and sometime succed and sometimes fail. They then have to go and tell the relatives or friends the succes of what has just happened. Sometimes joy, Sometimes pain. They live a rollercoster ride. They ride the ups and down's. They also have to know alot. As Animator has just said. The thing they share in common with Police Officers is the fact they could be called at any time. Doctors could get called up at 2 in the morning to have to go and look at seriously injured person. Then have to get up the next morning and do their real shift.

    We dont give these people enough credit for the amount of effort day in day out.
  • Yes i do agree, these people have alot of talent. But i think the one word that stands out in your post is 'entertain.' Nobody deserves 60,000 a week to entertain people.

Footballers have to train maybe 5 days a week and then play a match. Not really anything to strenuous. Especially when there are international matches nobody in the Premiership plays. Thats a weekend off for the non internationals.

Sorry about that.
I'm pretty sure a split second decision on a medical procedure that takes hours worth of knowledge on both scales equates to being worth more than making the correct pass. It's almost as if you are valuing someone having the ability to score, ahead of someone who can save a life.
Kicking a ball is hardly harder than performing keyhole surgery. Everyone can kick a ball, not everyone can perform keyhole surgery.

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