Bug Report Discussion


i dont even know where to start.

After horrible start of dbc 14 where rolling ball to fielder was counted as a catch to no difficulty setting in dbc17 and now sliders working on ashes/difficulty tooooo easy on legend. Note, the sliders were working on dbc 17 as well at launch date, so they’ve done the same mistake.

I mean cmon man? Why cant we get a solid game? Why do we have to wait for a patch for a game thats already out? All games hv bugs at start but its not unplayable bugs. Every bug about online on bug thread is seeiouslt too much. Im amazed beta guys havent done crap and instead defends the game as if its perfect. WHY NOT SPEAK HE TRUTH?!?!?!?! The online mode is so crappy atm. Bouncer landing on stump on short bounce, not able to be played on back nor front foot, batting tooo easy every ball going for six, runout bug when u cancel and the batsman stairs as if someone stole his phone. Not able to cut on green balls/red balls at all on FRONT FOOT??? Why? Have u never seen someone cut a shot on front foot? Seriously!!! Batsman getting stumped when missing shot because he cant get back in time. Fielders sometimes not reacting at all to the ball, sometimes dont even take the catch. The ball marker doesnt even show where its gonna pitch, its just a round circle which is another huge thing. Cutters???? I mean wth, cutters are turning more than a spinner turning the ball?! So unrealistic. There’s not even good change of pace in this game, we want what we had in past? How hard is it? Other than the mo-cap this game has just let us down, specially online mode. How can you make such buggy/laggy game again after making 2 mistakes already at launch on previous titles? Legend mode = hit all balls away for 120m away for six? I mean for god’s sake just keep the same timing bar as before. Batsman doesnt even play short ball on front foot? Why? It happens irl and it was possible on dbc 14 n 17. Why not here? Why not on ashes? Why has this game gone down so low? Have u guys not learned from your mistakes? Sorry but i was quiet fr so long expecting u to fix this and not make this mistake again after dbc 14 and dbc 17. But honestly u guys dont put any effort into online mode. Someone using a slider that makes his batting easy and someone doing something else?!

And ross should stop being rude on forums instead should spend his time fixing these issues As soon As possible. Ffs im so angry that u guys hv again done the same mistake. FIX THESE ISSUES FFS ONLINE IS NOT PLAYABLE AND LEAGUES ARE SHUR DOWNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We as customers have the right to give even negative feedback. I mean if the game is not good at something and needs patch because its unplayable even at LAUNCH DAY, then dont expect good respone from us. Havea good day :)

Edit: i really dont want anyone to tell me to be nice. Because ive tried that and have played a game thats not even fully fixed still after so many promises (DBC 17) this is what u guys deserve atm.

@BigAntStudios @MattW :@

  • If you were so unimpressed with the previous efforts, why keep coming back to the well?
  • Your lack of respect for the beta testers, who took their own personal time in an attempt to create a better game for you, is embarrassing.
  • You do realise Ross isn't sitting at a computer writing code right? He is the CEO, not a developer.
  • You are absolutely right you are entitled to negative feedback, as is everyone else. A single post has never been deleted on the grounds that it was merely negative towards the game/s.
  • The inability to coherently, rationally or respectfully express a point of view isn't going to get you anywhere. If you have problems, and want them to be heard, report them in the correct format, without the overly emotional and irrational language in the correct Bug Reporting Thread
I hv been through this since dbc 14. Waiting waiting waiting n not getting shit... these guys dont even focus on online and slmetimes u have to show them this side. Im absolutely pissed

Then stop buying their games. If you were unhappy twice before, then why come back again. Its foolish.
  • If you were so unimpressed with the previous efforts, why keep coming back to the well?
  • Your lack of respect for the beta testers, who took their own personal time in an attempt to create a better game for you, is embarrassing.
  • You do realise Ross isn't sitting at a computer writing code right? He is the CEO, not a developer.
  • You are absolutely right you are entitled to negative feedback, as is everyone else. A single post has never been deleted on the grounds that it was merely negative towards the game/s.
  • The inability to coherently, rationally or respectfully express a point of view isn't going to get you anywhere. If you have problems, and want them to be heard, report them in the correct format, without the overly emotional and irrational language in the correct Bug Reporting Thread
Get a life and stop replying something that’s not relevant to you. Beta guys didnt do shit, thats why online is crappy. If it was one or 2 bugs then it was fine but look at it lol. YOU ABSOLUTE FOOL.
Get a life and stop replying something that’s not relevant to you. Beta guys didnt do shit, thats why online is crappy. If it was one or 2 bugs then it was fine but look at it lol. YOU ABSOLUTE FOOL.

It is relevant to me given I was a beta tester, and you're directly addressing the beta testers in your post.

Have you perhaps thought, that the Beta testers were not in a position to test the online mode? Or perhaps it wasn't their responsibility? I'm sure the 180+ pages of beta discussion would indicate to you that they did actually 'do shit'.

Have you thought about correctly reporting your issues with the game with the hope of being genuinely heard? That's the whole point of the Bug Report thread - Big Ant employees actually monitor that thread for bug reports. Not this thread for random shouting.
  • If you were so unimpressed with the previous efforts, why keep coming back to the well?
  • Your lack of respect for the beta testers, who took their own personal time in an attempt to create a better game for you, is embarrassing.
  • You do realise Ross isn't sitting at a computer writing code right? He is the CEO, not a developer.
  • You are absolutely right you are entitled to negative feedback, as is everyone else. A single post has never been deleted on the grounds that it was merely negative towards the game/s.
  • The inability to coherently, rationally or respectfully express a point of view isn't going to get you anywhere. If you have problems, and want them to be heard, report them in the correct format, without the overly emotional and irrational language in the correct Bug Reporting Thread

Then stop buying their games. If you were unhappy twice before, then why come back again. Its foolish.

1. Who are you to decide whether we should buy games or not
2. Majority of folks who buy these games are online players. If they stop buying cricket games then bigants will go bankrupt
3. No game company release games with these many bugs. There is something called 100% code coverage while testing.
4. Modifiers being accessible ONLINE happened in DBC 17 as well. I mean no one documents that when they fix it so that future versions are taken care before game is released.
5. You talk about learning to be constructive but first BigAnts have to learn to be professional
It is relevant to me given I was a beta tester, and you're directly addressing the beta testers in your post.

Have you perhaps thought, that the Beta testers were not in a position to test the online mode? Or perhaps it wasn't their responsibility? I'm sure the 180+ pages of beta discussion would indicate to you that they did actually 'do shit'.

Have you thought about correctly reporting your issues with the game with the hope of being genuinely heard? That's the whole point of the Bug Report thread - Big Ant employees actually monitor that thread for bug reports. Not this thread for random shouting.
Oh... but beta guys were crappy mate. Sorry thats all i gotta say. And online mode should hv been fixed WITHOUT THE BETA GUYS BECAUSE BUG ANT DID MAKE DBC 14 WHICH DID NOT HAVE THESE ISSUES AFTER PATCH. Instead of learning and making this better at launch, they still made incomplete game and are making us waiting for a patcj after we spent 60 dollars. Disgusting.
Oh... but beta guys were crappy mate. Sorry thats all i gotta say. And online mode should hv been fixed WITHOUT THE BETA GUYS BECAUSE BUG ANT DID MAKE DBC 14 WHICH DID NOT HAVE THESE ISSUES AFTER PATCH. Instead of learning and making this better at launch, they still made incomplete game and are making us waiting for a patcj after we spent 60 dollars. Disgusting.

Here are your options
  • Keep posting in this thread and don't get listened to
  • Post official bug reports in the bug report thread and get listened to
It's completely up to you
It is relevant to me given I was a beta tester, and you're directly addressing the beta testers in your post.

Have you perhaps thought, that the Beta testers were not in a position to test the online mode? Or perhaps it wasn't their responsibility? I'm sure the 180+ pages of beta discussion would indicate to you that they did actually 'do shit'.

Have you thought about correctly reporting your issues with the game with the hope of being genuinely heard? That's the whole point of the Bug Report thread - Big Ant employees actually monitor that thread for bug reports. Not this thread for random shouting.
That's what I said , opportunity lost in inclusion of specialists online beta testers..
U deleted my post.
It is relevant to me given I was a beta tester, and you're directly addressing the beta testers in your post.

Have you perhaps thought, that the Beta testers were not in a position to test the online mode? Or perhaps it wasn't their responsibility? I'm sure the 180+ pages of beta discussion would indicate to you that they did actually 'do shit'.

Have you thought about correctly reporting your issues with the game with the hope of being genuinely heard? That's the whole point of the Bug Report thread - Big Ant employees actually monitor that thread for bug reports. Not this thread for random shouting.
Mate, the 180+ pages are not about online. And as i said many ppl are appreciating and commenting without trying online themselves. If ur a beta tester and havent tried online still, why are u replying? Just back off when im sharing my opinion
That's what I said , opportunity lost in inclusion of specialists online beta testers..
U deleted my post.
Agreed bro. But even if they didnt hire anyone for Online. I think the same mistake should not have been repeated from previous games. Anyways let’s hope for the best.
Patch 1.05 still hasn’t resolved many of the ONLINE issues
Majority of the gamers are ONLINE gamers. There are three active ONLINE communities: Facebook, WhatsApp and Planetcricket.
And all of them are dead right now because of the bugs that make online gaming impossible
I would request at least address these 4 issues soon, so that these ONLINE communities are up and running.

1. Modifiers should not be active ONLINE - If we change difficulty (medium/hard/Hardest) of the modifier even when modifier is disabled, it still impacts online gameplay. Legend mode should be difficulty Hardest whether we play Online or Offline

2. Add front foot pull shots and late cuts (like how it was for DBC 17). Switching to backfoot for a 150+ delivery in legend mode is next to impossible

3. Fix the run out bug which makes the batsman stranded on middle of the pitch when the run is cancelled

4. Fix the issue where batsman steps ahead even when he is deep inside the crease while playing a shot resulting in a stumping wicket
Patch 1.05 still hasn’t resolved many of the ONLINE issues
Majority of the gamers are ONLINE gamers. There are three active ONLINE communities: Facebook, WhatsApp and Planetcricket.
And all of them are dead right now because of the bugs that make online gaming impossible
I would request at least address these 4 issues soon, so that these ONLINE communities are up and running.

1. Modifiers should not be active ONLINE - If we change difficulty (medium/hard/Hardest) of the modifier even when modifier is disabled, it still impacts online gameplay. Legend mode should be difficulty Hardest whether we play Online or Offline

2. Add front foot pull shots and late cuts (like how it was for DBC 17). Switching to backfoot for a 150+ delivery in legend mode is next to impossible

3. Fix the run out bug which makes the batsman stranded on middle of the pitch when the run is cancelled

4. Fix the issue where batsman steps ahead even when he is deep inside the crease while playing a shot resulting in a stumping wicket
Late cut animation is also strange, looks like the batsman is defending. Was way better in DBC 14/17. And the fact about frontfoot is absolutely correct. We need shots back on front foot.
Hi all,

The other thread can be used to report the bugs so that developers can have a look at them. Instead of flooding that thread with comments, use this thread instead.

PS: Comment about bugs only if you have played the game to avoid confusion.

Please can somebody advise how Countback is calculated to decide drawn matches in career mode?

In one match my team were 145 runs behind with just one wicket left when the game finished but we won on countback. I’ve looked at other scorecards and can’t get my head around it.

Also in one match we scored about 568 and opposition got about 228 then followed on and got maybe 220-3 when game finished but result said we won by an innings and 7 wickets. I put that in the bug thread.

Many thanks

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