Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

Maybe but you can't blame cricket gaming fans for being antsy based on the past record of cricket games.

Haha I love how you just slipped that one in there, poor Chief :D
I'm sure all this fretting will have been for nothing.

i agree, i guess its the not knowing that's making people going crazy. We will be playing it sooner or later :)
Yes on positive pak vs india today so excitement diverting to other things.
Nothing but the truth;) I will be on the edge till I get my hands on PS3 DBC 14 copy and will go into @blockerdave mode if we don't hear anything by early next week :noway

As long as we get it early April I don't care when we get info on it :)
When it's all sorted out, we'll be told what's happening. Very much looking forwards to the next couple of weeks being over and we can turn the conversation to the game! I'm sure all this fretting will have been for nothing.

genuine question, and not attempting to lead you into in anything, but does that suggest you think it's not all sorted yet, as in the distribution deal isn't signed, or not sorted in some other way you might care to expand on?
As long as we get it early April I don't care when we get info on it :)

It's highy unrealstic to expect the game to be available early April if there's no more info shared by end of March. But there's still a few more days to go for that to happen and I'm keeping my fingers crossed :)
Nothing but the truth;) I will be on the edge till I get my hands on PS3 DBC 14 copy and will go into @blockerdave mode if we don't hear anything by early next week :noway

Blockerdave came to the party bit late. I remember you going on one before.:p.... I am very hopeful to have some news tomorrow. If not then i will import it.
The experience with Sidhe's rugby game was that availability was patchy at best, even through online distributor's.

to be fair, the sidhe rugby game was an abortion, so i'd like to think what was true for that won't be true for dbc.
genuine question, and not attempting to lead you into in anything, but does that suggest you think it's not all sorted yet, as in the distribution deal isn't signed, or not sorted in some other way you might care to expand on?

Not at all. I'm sure everything is in place, and they will announce at the time they think is optimal.
Not at all. I'm sure everything is in place, and they will announce at the time they think is optimal.

so... and again not trying to lead you into anything... "when it's all sorted" was more of a general "when the announcement is made" rather than when anything particular happens?


As long as we get it early April I don't care when we get info on it :)

as @cricket_online says above, surely you must accept the longer it goes on the less likely it is we'll be getting it 3/4 at least... i reckon that chance has to be very small right now.
surely you must accept the longer it goes on the less likely it is we'll be getting it 3/4 at least... i reckon that chance has to be very small right now.

Yeah but the units are probably already here by now as ross said they've been sent a while back. So it would take very little time to get them to the retailers as they are already here...maybe i don't know none of us do but when were getting mixed signals from different stores can be confusing as it's in games till system but not on their new releases. So something is close to being done by that news.

''Ive just checked our new release schedule and its not in there. It is however on our till system but i cant guarantee its the correct pre-order codes'' My local game
as @cricket_online says above, surely you must accept the longer it goes on the less likely it is we'll be getting it 3/4 at least... i reckon that chance has to be very small right now.

The chances may be slim, but i am hopeful of some sort of announcement very tomorrow. If that does not happen than i would say the chances are very slim of releasing near April 3rd.

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