Cricket 19 General Discussion

Base Difficulty - Legend
But then amended to
Striker timing 70
Wicket chance 50
Bowl Quality 80
Run Rate 60

Bowling, batting and fielding on Hard with the odd slider changed depending on whether or not I think the ball would swing or spin etc
Was the 11 sixes in licensed stadium or custom?
@GaxGards @Mouseydread @wasteyouryouth

my system is less scientific, more hunch-based and based on an idea that nobody is good enough to be full bar at everything.

I consider towards the end of the 5th bar as “All time great”, the beginning of the 5th bar being “world class”, 4th bar runs from top international back to international/top domestic, 3rd bar good domestic back to journeyman etc.

I’ll also tweak based on what I know of the player. A Robin Smith for example, averaging 43 in an era of great bowlers, great against pace less so vs spin. He’ll be mostly around the end of the 4th and beginning of 5th block. For pulls and cuts he’s nearer the end of the 5th block, for sweeps he’s down in the 3rd block.

if I don’t know a player well I’ll work off their average and a “stereotype hunch” - eg sub continental players I’d generally make better and drives, glances and sweeps than cuts and pulls.

for perks, only the world class and all time greats get a gold, and they also get at least 2 silver. They may or may not get all perks filled with bronze.

Top internationals get 2 silver and a few bronze, internationals 1 silver and a few bronze

journeymen just bronze, not all filled.

I generally come out a little lower on overall rating than others but I think I get good results in gameplay certainly in tests.

I completely avoid having brute bowlers as they bowl huge numbers of bouncer wides.

Overall matters. And perks changes the overall more than the actual SKILL POINTS. Especially the gold and silver perks

Your teams/players are just too unrealistic and quite boring, based on your own personal opinion. There's better people out there who made better teams and players, with proper skill points and PERKS.

And also, "5 bars" or whatever. That's quite irrelevant.. since those bars solely depend on the PLAYER ROLE. Nothing else. It can't ever change beyond the role you chose for a certain player, which is unrealistic.. but it's a video game. Big Ant did their best.. so that's alright.

I'd say, 4+ bar is World Class-All Time Great (depending on HOW MANY 4 or 4+ bars the player has on each skill/technique)

And 5 bars everything are just the SPECIALIST Batsman or Bowler. The best ones

The rating, skill and perk system is extremely strict and doesn't allow too much freedom or any realistic growth. You can't make a LOT of players realistically. This game doesn't have those options.

If the "capped" bars based on player roles was completely removed, only then you could have made any player.. realistically. But with such role based hard caps, there's just not enough options. Just gotta do what you can
Your teams/players are just too unrealistic and quite boring, based on your own personal opinion. There's better people out there who made better teams and players, with proper skill points and PERKS.

Ive played a huge number of test matches, every ball, with these teams/players which I’ve made to suit my style of play.

Whenever I’ve used other users players I generally reskill them to my system (and they nearly always end up slightly lower “overall”).

most issues I have with the game (which are few) are generally “engine” issues: ring/outfield catches, left-armer bowling lines, bowling changes.

you don’t play the volume of matches I’ve played on the game - every ball, no simulation - if your “personal opinion” is it’s boring.
Anyone playing cricket 19 in xbox or xbox series x.
Can anyone tell me how big is the online community in xbox compared to ps4 or ps5.
Will i find matches online in xbox.
Can anyone share the leaderboard screenshot for online xbox.
Ps4 i am aware as till now i played in ps4 now planning to get xbox series x.
Only doubt will i find online games in xbox .
Can any one help me then it will be easy to make a deceision.
As i only play online.
lol To be honest I don't bowl much in cricket games anyway, I like to see more bowling actions instead of the same 3 actions.

That's sad, because bowling is the most fun thing in these games. Taking wickets is a huge adrenaline rush, and feels rewarding.

Batting is way too easy, even on the harder difficulties.. and especially online.
What setting have you guys have for shot force? I have played a long time with shot force on 40 in ODI and T20’s but found that 30 is giving me better gameplay.
Base Difficulty - Legend
But then amended to
Striker timing 70
Wicket chance 50
Bowl Quality 80
Run Rate 60

Bowling, batting and fielding on Hard with the odd slider changed depending on whether or not I think the ball would swing or spin etc
thanks mate yesteday i played test match AI trIed to to score every single ball ...they hit all bouncer to pull/hook shots in test match no more realistics in test match

match difficulty is LEGEND & BOWL--HARD
thanks mate yesteday i played test match AI trIed to to score every single ball ...they hit all bouncer to pull/hook shots in test match no more realistics in test match

match difficulty is LEGEND & BOWL--HARD
These are the settings for my T20 matches, I change them for ODIs and Tests and I also change them depending on the country I am playing in, more bounce in Australia, less bounce and more spin in the sub continent, more swing in England and New Zealand etc

I just try to tailor it to each situation/match, I even lower the swing and increase the spin as the ball gets older/pitch gets older. Currently playing a test at Lord’s and I started with swing at about 50 but after 20 overs lowered it, then lowered it again after 40 then after 60 etc
I'm getting Cricket Academy is unavailable, please try again later since 2 days on my PS4, can somebody help me with this please
I'm on PC and have noticed its quite sluggish as of late, takes thirty seconds to download playfaces after a search, normally takes five seconds max.
I'm searching for players on PC as well. The academy sharing service is not available. Anyone facing the same issue?

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