Cricket Life General Discussion

Update: Jan 23, 2013

We are experiencing technical delays in releasing the CL HQ to general public. We will be shortly announcing the release once the technical issues are sorted out
They have been trolling PC ever since 2007:D
That is around almost 7 years.
It is time this thread is closed in PC until ,proper evidence of game being developed is shown.
I agree they may have met with various difficulties during the development process,but over 7 years nothing credible has been shown nor any proper engagement with community ,they have just been playing hide n seek.
So its time PC chose to ignore them until proper engagement with the community with proper updates of the game . Its highly probable for a game dev to miss a few dates but not all the time.We may have been desperate a few years ago but Bigant have set a new benchmark for community interaction and updates and if CL cant even get the basics of that right,
It is time the thread is closed pending further proper news/update.
The technical difficulties mentioned previously mean that the developers are going to need to limit the number of people who can try out the HQ at first - but the good news is that they'll be doing so on PlanetCricket.

So if you're interested in being able to try out the Cricket Life HQ, just post to let me know. There's capacity for around 100 users so it probably won't be an issue, but they can't make it 'public' as such yet.
I'll bite... If there's room.
I will give it a go
Add me to the list :)

Or do I need an alias :spy
I'd rather use one of my other ones, duded64 HAZHaroon martyn Pomers Tab84 thefonz usher08 or Vishnu Karthik

The Cricket Life guys should be ok with it as I'm sure they have the Cricket Academy ;)
If this is actually legit, count me in.

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