England's tour of India - 2021

A message to the Indian bowlers. Please let Ashwin get a couple more wickets. The milestone would take him along the all-time greats of the game.
Moeen Ali 146 loading........
Joe Root 267 loading........
England victory loading.......
Onto the Day-Nighter now. Anderson will wreck havoc, Broad will ably support him and Archer will break something.

Umpiring - has been horrific this series. England ended up on the receiving end for most part but credit to Root for not making much fuss about it even though they were quite questionable. Compare that with how Virat reacted and you'll know what I'm talking about.

Pitch - I firmly believe all the negative talk about it is unwarranted. The home team relishes on spinning tracks so they will use that to their advantage - whether it turns from Day 1 or Day 5 should not matter. And it wasn't like wickets kept falling like 9 pins from both sides. When we tour England, I'm sure we will be the ones doing the complaining :p

Comprehensive victory by India. Much like how England did in the 1st Test. Series still wide open, so things should remain interesting.
A message to the Indian bowlers. Please let Ashwin get a couple more wickets. The milestone would take him along the all-time greats of the game.
Didn't happen but that doesn't measure his performance over the years. He is probably one of our best of all time
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When we tour England, I'm sure we will be the ones doing the complaining :p
When did we? :spy
What on earth just happened?
I disagree that this pitch was unplayable. The wicket played out similarly on all 4 days of Cricket which means it held itself up pretty well. And Chennai is a traditionally spinning wicket so you can always expect it to turn on all 5 days. I didn't see any delivery in the match that was unplayable or kept awkwardly low. We have seen far worser surfaces at Nagpur back in 2015 and at Bengaluru in 2017. And this pitch still was a lot better than the ones we had at those venues during that time.
According to me a wicket that is competitive and keeps both bowler and batsman interested along with the fact that it doesn't show much of a change in its nature over the course of a match is a good surface. Infact I am looking forward to more such games in future where we have surfaces like these. If you can have Moeen Ali smashing sixes for fun but you can't survive on that surface then it's a question of the approach the batsman played with. England was completely dominated throughout the match and were comprehensively beaten. They simply had no answers to it!!!
Thank you Kuldeep and Pant, you saved Misbah's record for fastest Test fifty.
England was completely dominated throughout
the match and were comprehensively beaten. They simply had no answers to it!!!

they had no answers because

They lost the toss
India have better spinners
Indian batsmen play spinners better

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