Fantasy British Government


International Coach
Feb 26, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
We now know the current government is living in a fantasy world or, at least, its unelected leader is if he thinks he can stumble through to June 2010 against the massive public opinion in favour of a General Election sooner than later. However, as Fantasy Football, Cricket, etc. seem popular diversions, how about nominating your preferred choices for as many major ministerial posts as you like? The only thing is you can't select politicians! I'll start the ball rolling with this a few of my own.

Richard Branson
A character it is easy to warm and he clearly a grip of financial matters as he has run a diverse, global business in competitive areas.

Robert Peston
Or the CEO of Barclay's Bank, if we can afford him, which I doubt. One big British bank that's still working efficiently.

Jeremy Clarkson

Sir Alex Ferguson
Okay, maybe not?

Stephen Fry
(all that training on QI would do wonders for the post)

So, what do you think?
At least with Branson as PM, I guess we can have a titter when the House of Commons is renamed The House of Virgins!
Mayor of London

I hate him, but I'm sure London would be so much better :p
Prime Minister

Karl Pilkington- Would be brilliant. Gays would have their own toilets, there'd be freak museums, monkey sanctuaries all over the place, capital would be Manchester, and everyone'd 'av a 'orse in house. Sorted.


Steve Merchant- Known for being abit tight with money, he'd definitely sort the financial stuff out.


Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond- They'd soon sort everything out, get 'em in.


Not really bothered who it is, just so long as Cricket is more of a focus, and we ditch Rugby.


Sir Ricky Gervais- His speeches would always be hilarious, and if he'd had a bottle of wine the night before, even funnier. He'd have to be knighted as well, obviously.
Prime Minister

Karl Pilkington- Would be brilliant. Gays would have their own toilets, there'd be freak museums, monkey sanctuaries all over the place, capital would be Manchester, and everyone'd 'av a 'orse in house. Sorted.

Haha, he'd hate that. :D

I remember Ricky asked him once what he'd do if he was PM and he seemed very strongly against the whole thought of it. It's a shame, cause he'd be brilliant.

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