Features you want to see in next iteration of Big Ant Cricket

There are two arguments re licensing - the developer's argument that it increases sales is a valid one, so if this was a "how can BA sell more" thread, hell yeah, ask for licenses.

It's the gamer's argument in respect if DBC I don't get. As @Chief has pointed out for lots of reasons licenses bring editing restrictions. I don't know how Bug Ant manage it in RLL where there's a licensed product and the Big Ant academy but for me anything that restricts my editing/customisation options is detrimental to my enjoyment.

Now I know I am an extreme cricket tragic, and most people don't want to spend their time playing with and against obscure teams but prefer the current. So I'll offer the following thought experiment:

Imagine Ashes 13 had been a decent, competent game. Not as good as Bradman but playable. I'm sure the licenses would have helped it sell by the bucketload.

Because of the licensing restrictions, today you could play a fully up to date Ashes series in unlicensed DBC, but not the licensed Ashes game.

Now tell me why/how licenses are better for the gamer than what we have with the academy?
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There are two arguments re licensing - the developer's argument that it increases sales is a valid one, so if this was a "how can BA sell more" thread, hell yeah, ask for licenses.

It's the gamer's argument in respect if DBC I don't get. As @Chief has pointed out for lots of reasons licenses bring editing restrictions. I don't know how Bug Ant manage it in RLL where there's a licensed product and the Big Ant academy but for me anything that restricts my editing/customisation options is detrimental to my enjoyment.

Now I know I am an extreme cricket tragic, and most people don't want to spend their time playing with and against obscure teams but prefer the current. So I'll offer the following thought experiment:

Imagine Ashes 13 had been a decent, competent game. Not as good as Bradman but playable. I'm sure the licenses would have helped it sell by the bucketload.

Because of the licensing restrictions, today you could play a fully up to date Ashes series in unlicensed DBC, but not the licensed Ashes game.

Now tell me why/how licenses are better for the gamer than what we have with the academy?

For the gamer, for the end-user who knows that it's basically "licensed" when you press a button because of the academy, it's much better this way.

It's only from a marketing/sales etc perspective that a license is useful. Even though most of the reviews said it was a clever workaround, it still sounded like a negative. On the box it makes the game look half-assed (if I read another "why couldn't they be BOTHERED to get the licenses" comment on forums etc I'll freak).

And yes, I think that a theoretical Ashes game would have sold more on the license alone (Like FIFA did when PES was a much better but unlicensed game). (Even when we had a SORT of licensing parity with BLIC and EA Cricket they did similar sorts of numbers, despite most acknowledging that the BLIC games were better.)

I think it's a balance. You could argue that the extra sales benefit the gamer long term because they ensure a solid financial backing for any developer to iterate and improve. With the academy as WELL, maybe this is the best of all possible worlds.
Now tell me why/how licenses are better for the gamer than what we have with the academy?
So people don't download all the teams out of the box and get county teams playing in Melbourne, and England playing ODIs in whites - among the dozens of other complaints about the game which make it look bad but are as a result of Big Ant not being able to go in and set up all the teams properly.

The flaws in the downloadable teams - that we dismiss as being part of the nature of community created content - is to the average user a problem with the game itself - people look at what they get out of Get Best, and then think "this game is so shit, they don't even know that xx is left handed not right handed".

Considering no other sports game takes this academy approach - it's not something people are used to. They don't realise DBC is unlicensed, they think it is licensed but badly done. People thinking that they got the logo for a team wrong because they didn't research it.

The downsides are rather big too, but the inclination has to be towards more licensing - just to give Big Ant the quality control over the experience of the player. The goal has to be to get rid of the 'get best' prompt - have the game be strong enough on its own out of the box licensing, and then be able to have the academy as an additive thing for people with the time to do things right.

I don't buy the excuses about the restrictions in Ashes 2009/IC2010 - Cricket 07 had the Ashes licence, but still had a built in player editor that let you edit the Australian/England teams. It looks like Rugby League Live 3 will similarly have no significant limitations on what you can do with the academy and the licensed teams. If they preserve the Academy's flexibility as part of license negotiations, then they can deliver both.

Things like animations really aren't licensing - even if the teams were licensed, there's no way you're getting actual international cricketers to put on the mocap suit and start playing shots. Ashes 2013 did a video of their mocap sessions - you just couldn't have real cricketers take that level of risk. The best you'll ever get is someone trying to clone the style of current players.

I'll depart from most people here and say I don't think early access would be a good idea. I don't think the benefits would justify the resources. Think of the amount of late nights and extra work that went into delivering us the Academy beta - and then multiply that by being a whole game, to people who can complain on the basis of being paying customers.

A closed beta of a near final version before submission to console would be my suggestion, do it a few months out when they are winding down production and the game is stable.
Things like animations really aren't licensing - even if the teams were licensed, there's no way you're getting actual international cricketers to put on the mocap suit and start playing shots. Ashes 2013 did a video of their mocap sessions - you just couldn't have real cricketers take that level of risk. The best you'll ever get is someone trying to clone the style of current players.

I didn't really understand this part. What is the risk actually? FIFA is doing it then what's wrong with it if it is implemented in cricket? I want to know the problem with it. ( curiosity)[DOUBLEPOST=1433107547][/DOUBLEPOST]
so if this was a "how can BA sell more" thread, hell yeah, ask for licenses.

Do you have thread for that too? :p
I didn't really understand this part. What is the risk actually? FIFA is doing it then what's wrong with it if it is implemented in cricket? I want to know the problem with it. ( curiosity)
Because of the potential for players to get injured while doing the motion capture. EA might be able to afford the cost of insurance against that risk - but that'd be all of Big Ant's budget gone.
Because of the potential for players to get injured while doing the motion capture. EA might be able to afford the cost of insurance against that risk - but that'd be all of Big Ant's budget gone.

I'd be very surprised if the actual players did the bulk of the motion capture even for FIFA. Maybe an hour to get some key animations and some publicity shots/video... But it takes hours and hours and hours. Even without the risks, the budget for that would just be far too ridiculous.
I'd be very surprised if the actual players did the bulk of the motion capture even for FIFA. Maybe an hour to get some key animations and some publicity shots/video... But it takes hours and hours and hours. Even without the risks, the budget for that would just be far too ridiculous.

Someone who can mimic the player's actions would be the best choice in that case.

And I agree with the closed beta approach. That would ensure that there is constructive criticism.
Firstly thanks to BA to give cricket lovers a perfect starter on next gen consoles :clap:clap:clap,

Now for next iteration would see the following options (that's just my point of view)

Game Interface:
a) The game user interface along with game menu must be change with bright/dynamic colors or flags of nation (the one which you select in your profile during very start), and background keep change with next/prev step. It should include and game video as well other than BA video ad.

Game Options:
a) More camera angles need to include, specially Fielding/Running cameras. Customizable camera option would be great in terms of Height, Zoom for each camera angle in Running/Fielding/Bowling/Batting category.

b) Need to give option of Ground size in game settings instead of match creation, as some time you want to play ODI in short length grounds.

c) Make an option of grass level in game settings like pitch grass and ground grass as customizable like random,high, low, medium etc. Accordingly it impact the bowling and playing shots respectively.

d) Give an option of soil hardness in game settings like pitch soil and ground soil (same as grass level options)

Game play/AI:
a) Must include one more hard difficulty level where AI is more intelligent to bowl block yorkers or extra slow ball etc

b) Lower order must be less intelligent like in running

c) Game speed must be increased specailly when bowler runs

d) 6 counter must be added

e) More celebrations need for bowler and batsman for achievement or

Cricket Academy:
a) Calendar year creator must be good if added

b) More kit design must be there

c) Stadium creator must be interesting to see how BA introduce, must have lots of option so we can create max stadium like in real no of stadiums

d) Celebration creator, during match like bowler and batsman and post match like fireworks, during boundaries

c) Commentary player name must be add all for atleast current palyers

In Game View:
a) There must be customziable score line UI in match like at least to change colors/style (like bottom/top right/top left). Also BA live or replay logo would feel more real game playing.

b) In game stats must be added instaed of just scorecard like wagon wheel, partnerships,6s 4s, Hawkeye, worms, variable bounce, runs per over, Bowl speeds, run rate graph, beehive placement etc

Needs lots of improvement and dynamism, along with FX sound must be real as per pitch hardness. Also Noise depends on crowd attendance along with option of home-away crowd or neutral crowd type

a) As captain there must be batting change option and squad selection and control of bowlers selection

b) There must be world cups and KO champion trophy addition in 16 year interbnational career

a) There must be Team stats as well on each match finished and similarly accumulated like Players stats in current version

b) Based on match playing/tour there must be point system and that will use as input of Ranking system for played teams. For example for one match win it should give 1 pt. Points similarly based on tours/no of match/white wash/no of team in tournaments etc.

Game Graphics:
Need improvement so atleast it looks like 2016 NGN console game

Last not least its just POV, so thanks to BA studios for bringing such great game for cricket lovers.
Because of the potential for players to get injured while doing the motion capture. EA might be able to afford the cost of insurance against that risk - but that'd be all of Big Ant's budget gone.

Then I hope BA will try to get some mimics to do those parts. We know there are some really good mimics. I am very good at mimicking shakib al hasan but in right arm :P.

There should be improvement in celebrations. It will be a pleasure to have manual celebration like fifa. I hope it's not too much to ask.

Though big ant tried a lot but still players movement specially the batmen's movement like running, playing certain shots look a bit generic.

I don't know why do people think crowd isn't an important thing. You guys were criticizing Ashes 13's crowd screenshots but could BA do a better job? The crowd don't respond at boundaries even. Only the crowd sound is good.

Fielding animations like catching, diving, throwing should look better (not generic).

i hope that BA is thinking about adding fire burners, led stump, cheer girls , fireworks ( cosmetics are important as a matter of fact)

As I mentioned on the "patch" forum on this site, I think for any new releases or incarnations of the game the team should take a look at my other posts on here and give us better and more realistic grounds, better commentary and fix the issues with DRS.

Also rather than coming up with anything new they should read the posts from others with issues (that I have seen on these forums) and see if these issues can be fixed, as form playing the game over a period of time we as the game players (the people that spend the money on purchasing the game) know more about what need to be fixed to make the game better than any test team as we play the game for much longer.

Also I thnk if we have to have to purchase a new release of the game to get any updates rather than on a patch of some kind that those on here that have pointed out the issues/problems should get a discount to purchase the game as it can cost between £40 and £50 for new games in the UK.


I have been thinking more about this next release for the game and apart from the need for more realistic grounds and better commentary (Using the likes of the TMS (BBC Test Match Special Team) team) and fixing the various DRS and bowling issues along with other issues mentioned in these forums, I would also like to see the following improvements/enhancements

1. The function to be able to design your own grounds to play at and be able to upload these so that others can view and also play at these grounds.

2. The ability to be able to (in career mode) change the position you bat in during your career. for example you are batting No. 5 in county matches but want to be able to bat 3 or even open in PRO40 or T20 games. (I have seen while batting 5 that some of the T20 games are over before I get a chance to bat and that means I get zero xp for that match)

3. The ability in online games for two or more players (in different locations) to play for the same team when Bowling or Batting

4. The ability when you are chosen as club or country captain to be able to not only control the coin toss but to be able to change the batting order, decide who bowls the next over and also being able to change the fielding positions.

5. The facility to be able to create and save your own saved fielding positions while playing in career mode instead of having to quit career mode and do it in the academy

6. The ability to be able to upload your own image to use as the face of the cricketer in career mode (I have a feeling you could do this in one of the EA sports Tiger Woods golf games but cant be 100%)

7. To have better updated stats and messages on screen for when you break batting records for the fasted first class or international fifty or hundred or you get the highest team or solo scores, also the ability to show to stats of other players online along with what the current records are.

8. The ability to be able to design your own kit and be able to save these for others to be able to use.

9. When you get good enough to play for your country (in career mode) then the matches you play for your country follow more on the lines of the current ICC Match calendar.

10. The ability to be able to save highlight reels of your batting or bowling from career mode so you can download these and add on social media (Facebook or YouTube)

Anyway I am looking forward to the new release in 2016 and will be looking forward to all the changes and enhancements that have been included.

I certainly hope there'll be more stadiums... one thing i'd particularly like is smaller, more intimate, parks-style grounds.

I was playing a "provincial" match for a warm up on a tour, and I had set the provincial opponent to have a home ground of the Bradman Oval - it was just perfect, the different atmosphere there, smaller crowd... the ambience was just absolutely spot on for the match.

While we're definitely in need of more international ground options, I really would love more smaller grounds, whether real or not.
I certainly hope there'll be more stadiums... one thing i'd particularly like is smaller, more intimate, parks-style grounds.

I was playing a "provincial" match for a warm up on a tour, and I had set the provincial opponent to have a home ground of the Bradman Oval - it was just perfect, the different atmosphere there, smaller crowd... the ambience was just absolutely spot on for the match.

While we're definitely in need of more international ground options, I really would love more smaller grounds, whether real or not.

These smaller grounds replicating club type weekend cricketing experience would be a great thing. Though it should come after AI and online gameplay fixes & enhancements.
@kamrul Do you actually own the game? The game has original players and faces created by the community. If they turn it down, that's their choice, what other cricket game are they going to buy instead?

People have bought this game not as a token of respect, but because they like cricket and it's a computer game simulating cricket.

You keep talking about FIFA ie EA Sports who are massive, with a massive budget. Football is the most popular sport in the world, therefore sales are huge. Cricket does not have the same popularity therefore neither does the market for cricket games.

And DBC does have mo-capped players, just not ones you or I have heard off.

Mate cricket is the second most popular sport in the world. I know theres the Indian copyright thing and all so dont start that arguement. Just saying cricket is 2nd in the world. Ea are just Yankees. Yankees have no time for cricket.

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