Friedlele's Cricket 19 Creations - India Alternate jersey updated 29/06

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Yeah I would start with Eng Dom, it fills the number of possible players and also covers a lot of other leagues and players. Then Smaller domestic sides if ready and then end with Internationals. The key is the side with the most PlayFace should be last. Or perhaps do internationals by date.
I'm actually in the process of downloading all the playfaces separately because when I downloaded all the international teams it came up with the no eyebrow thing.
Sorry if been asked before but say you download a player/team then later on it gets updated will you have to download it again or does it auto update?
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Hash and Southee with a few little tweaks. Will share later tonight along with the Santner @Snowy posted earlier.
No wonder when I sorted out according to number of downloads (the best way to download new players, since it doesn't list the date when the player was shared), these two were there as well! Well I did download them and really enjoying these so much. Thank You again, teacher![DOUBLEPOST=1560934453][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm actually in the process of downloading all the playfaces separately because when I downloaded all the international teams it came up with the no eyebrow thing.
Did the same, surprisingly it doesn't take very long. Plus, the PlayFace option when searching is good!
It’s not too bad but individually downloading 70 players can get tiresome. Would be nice if we could have a checkbox and do it via bulk. Same with deleting players.
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It’s not too bad but individually downloading 70 players can get tiresome. Would be nice if we could have a checkbox and do it via bulk. Same with deleting players.
Agreed, bulk downloading will help. Or if that 'eyebrow missing' while downloading the whole team gets a fix, will help!
Just noticed I have received 10000 thanks on Planet Cricket at an average ratio of 3 to 1. Thanks for all the support guys, I really appreciate all of you and will continue doing what I do for this community.

Just got the game and will download your creations! Just want to know that what's the difference between quick and normal download? What should I download and also is there any sheet where I find which all players are there like Krunal Pandya, Khaleel Ahmad? Thankyou for your wonderful creations, cheers mate
Amazing work on Santner, Amla, Southee & Nicholls, you guys are pulling off amazing likenesses! The new World Cup kits look great too. You guys are the number one creators on here for sure.

I was right about Henry though. He's got too peculiar a range of bland and strong features to get as accurate as the rest.

One question, are you guys skilling these teams as well as you're making kits and likenesses, because I've played some games with some of them and so far they seem reasonably well balanced for top international sides. At least miles better than in Ashes and before. If you are doing this, thank you for that also!
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