How Often Do You Find Yourself Playing This "Cricket" Game?


ICC Board Member
Dec 5, 2006
West Australia
Online Cricket Games Owned
  1. Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Steam PC
Well, myself I can only play this game for about 15 Minutes, before I get annoyed at how crazy the AI plays! But I keep going back to it, acting as if I play the game enough, I will grow into it!

But anyways, how often do you play Brian Lara International Cricket 07?
With the player editor and so on i really enjoy this game. Batting is much harder and a challenge.

I play it most nights when not revising.
I play it every day, i play on Xbox Live thoguh, not against the AI.
almost everyday online
never one player - ive only played one player once.
Haven't played it since the week I bought it lol but I haven't played cricket 07 for ages either. Pro Evo,Football Manager and ICC are the only games I play atm
Once, the day I bought it. Played for about an hour before I realised I could beat everyone with anyone on Test level and completely lost interest.
Well I've played it a couple of times this weekend but when the computer scores at 16 an over against you despite numerous defensive field changes you sense that maybe it isn't just that your bowling sucks!


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I play it each day. I started a new Aus v Sri Lanka match yesterday as well. And of course i'm going to win it lol. I love this game. I play cricket07 as well. I play this for one dayers and a test match against Eng., and I play Cricket07 for the Ashes series atm. CBA series later on. :)
I don't completely understand the people coming specifically to a BLIC thread to say that they never play the game or the people that bash this game constantly under a topic that says "BLIC 2007." I dunno, something about the title of the topic that all of these threads are under implies that its aimed more at fans than haters. And do these people seriously have that much free time?

I mean, I know freedom of speech, but seriously, do they really have that much spare time to completely go out of their way to bash a game? Do they not have anything better to do?

I know I'm sounding like the red font dude right now, but its just starting to get annoying. There is no originality in any of the newer criticisms! All of the older criticisms are just regurgitated and reused. Or you get a topic like this one - "How much do you play Brian Lara Cricket 07?" And then the poster says "I can't stand it!" or its equivalent in the first post. We get it. We got it the first time. You're cooler than us and have better taste. We really don't care. We can look past the shortcomings, you can't. Go and play something else then.

I have a theory for this bashing. I see it as a complex for their undying love for ea cricket 07 and wanting other people to play that over this...but really, its scary when they go this far. I mean, if they love ea 07 so much, they should be playing that instead of bashing blic07 on the forum.

So, just to all the haters: I get it, you don't like the game. Get off your high horse because no one is really impressed anymore by your criticism because I'll assure you that someone else has already critiqued the game before you on whatever grounds you're criticizing it for. The fans of the game realize its shortcomings and are willing to look past them - swallow that pill and it'll save you the time. It's all about having fun - let the people who like the game have fun, and you guys will probably have more fun w/ ea cricket than sitting here on the forum bashing blic2007 anyway. So every time, before you post a criticism that has already been said before, ask yourself this: Am I just wasting time right now?

Because I sure am! Procrastinating to the max! Okay, gotta go study for finals.
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