Cricket 22 General Impressions

Ken Tremendous

International Cricketer
Dec 2, 2004
With so many of us having the game now i thought it would be ok to start this sort of thread? No bug chat etc, just general impressions of gameplay/graphics etc.

My initial ones, after one T20 game in which i got pasted (on Legend AI, Hard Batting & Bowling) is that i need to sharpen my skills!

Lot of the gameplay is good, but certain things glare quickly.

The running between the wickets of the human batsman when setting off for a run (for the striker, the non-striker is fine) is severely delayed, and it led to many run outs on what should have been easy singles, so youll have to be very careful on this until it gets patched. You press X to run and the striker often doesnt move until a full second or more later, certainly needs looking at. Doesnt seem to be an issue for the AI when batting though, their striker sets off straight away as he should, so seems a player only issue.

Batting and bowling are both fun again, you need to be selective about what you go after, there are some kinks but generally its sound.

Graphically its not NBA 2k, or FIFA etc, but it most definitely is a step up from Cricket 19, i play on a 43" 4K monitor in all the highest settings and it does look very nice and plays smoothly, so no complaints on this.

Other random thoughts...

* Crowd look a lot better than before, but they need some work on behaviour, often going crazy for the most inane events, and quiet at others
* AI fielding...not good. Not awful, unplayable, but not great, letting balls right next to them sometimes go to the boundary, running over the odd ball etc. Needs work
* Commentary - not bad, but not stellar. Nice to have new voices but its a bit haphazard as to what they say and when, and if it makes any sense to the game state

Need to see how longer forms play as this was just a first T20 bash to see how the game was, definitely things BA need to tweak but if they can, i think we've got a very good game on our hands.

The commentators need to stop telling me I can't get the ball off the square when I'm 20-0 off 3.4 overs on the first day of the first test.

Graphics are okay, not a major improvement but certainly not a downgrade - I've never seen them as an issue.

I've noticed the running issue too - particularly when you play a back foot pull, your non-striker is halfway down the track before the striker starts to run. Delay seems a bit excessive.

Couple of unlicenced players in the Aus test side which is a bummer. First change I had some quick called Green bowling at me. Tim Paine isn't in the game also.
Couple of unlicenced players in the Aus test side which is a bummer. First change I had some quick called Green bowling at me. Tim Paine isn't in the game also.
Couple in the England squad too but i just deleted them, remove from squad. Paine is in my game?

Yep, some of the striker running delay is worse on back foot shots agreed, but its present on front foot too, certainly that and the AI fielding stand out to me as the biggest things to fix first.
Fielding is dreadful, ruins what is a really good experience playing the game. But overall I'm very happy. At the moment its just a case of trying to nail the difficulty to perfect the gameplay for me
Agreed on the difficulty. Ive always played Hard/Hard on batting and bowling as anything less than that its way too easy to smash everything and bowl the "ideal" ball every time.

Always played on Legend AI too to have the hardest challenge, but may consider coming down to Veteran if i cant be competitive enough on Legend.

What are your settings?
Like the gameplay so far.

New shot animations like the cut shots and the variations looks good in the game.

Change in the ball physics make the bounce feel more natural and connects the shot much better.

Running between the wicket needs improvement the striker just waits there for like 2 secs before taking a run meanwhile the non striker is halfway there.

AI in tests only played 1 session seems more smarter with the approach likes to run a lot and pierce the gap rather than forcing a release shot like in C19.
Career interesting but some of those exercises in the gym seem unintuitive etc and not fun or interesting to do.

Fielding is pretty piss poor with the standard carrying the ball over for four etc. Not seen many good stops etc.
Batting seems quite fluid and enjoyable.
Bowling I am ruined by playing to the C19 meta although I seem to have more edges just now and the dismissals I have seen are interesting off a fast bowler so far. A bit more varied.
Mike Atherton sounds like he wants to die.
The more i play this game the more obvious it is whats holding it back.

Fielding, fielding and...fielding.

The batting and bowling are good, challenging and enjoyable, fluid.

Where the immersion gets lost is the fielding from AI, running over the ball, carrying it over the boundary for four etc.

Sort this and with the graphical improvements we have a belting game on our hands.
Career interesting but some of those exercises in the gym seem unintuitive etc and not fun or interesting to do.

Fielding is pretty piss poor with the standard carrying the ball over for four etc. Not seen many good stops etc.
Batting seems quite fluid and enjoyable.
Bowling I am ruined by playing to the C19 meta although I seem to have more edges just now and the dismissals I have seen are interesting off a fast bowler so far. A bit more varied.
Mike Atherton sounds like he wants to die.
This is what annoys me..the carrying the ball over the boundary etc etc..its STILL happening BA must know its still an issue and yet its still there in the game, same as the player's running through the umpires it happened all the time in C19...needs finally patching
ENG(ME) vs

So the first thing that stuck out to me was how horrendous the graphics were. The match is on a summers day with clear sky and with my graphic settings maxed (I have pretty good PC) anyway I don't know if it was the TAA or the Bloom or Light Flare settings but I could not see the white ball at all and everything looked so blury. However I did change it from TAA to FXAA and the visibility was quite a bit better as in I could see the ball when it was hit to the outfield. I will tinker further when I can and see if it yields better results.

Apart from the specific graphic settings, I don't know what me and other people are playing or if it's just because of my match conditions but the game still looks pretty bad imo. I was playing Ashes17 yesterday and this looks extremely similar maybe worse, the lighting is almost blinding me its really off and not what I was expecting at all. In fact I've put a picture of the two games and I think AC17 looks better. I doubt this will be improved and I think I'll find playing games on these conditions an eye sore as it is quite distracting to be looking at that constantly.

I've mainly stuck to using the arcade controls as I love having the old circle control, I'm not sure what aftertouch does and I have gotten all 3 main dismissals (lbw, edge behind & bowled). Some edges do seem very random and predetermined, the ones that go to gully area but hey ho it's not a bad problem to have I suppose. I was playing on the wrong difficulty for the majority of the time but when I bumped it to hardest the way the pace of the ball goes through feels really nice. I play on auto-fielding and as people have mentioned it is a bit odd at times and feels like little to no progress has been made since AC17, the same weird buggy stuff is happening from that game (fielder sliding the ball to make it a 4, ball going past fielder etc)

The AI batting I have been impress with feels organic and feels like some pressure when bowling especially when they have a good few overs, I've put the scorecard below. In terms of their shot selection it's doesn't feel like much of an improvement from AC17 tbh, they still do the leg side pull type shot to balls on off on a good/full length and all in all just similar to previous titles but they keep the scoreboard ticking so thats the main thing just mentioning this for people who want a lot more variation. I mean it would be great if they got rid of the back foot cover drive that goes to mid off just very similar to AC17. Long and short of it, it's been fun bowling to them so far and feels like i'll have a good game on my hands.


Generally speaking I think the game feels very fluid and just fun to get through the overs whilst bowling, seems to be a lot quicker be it transitions or just getting to the next delivery, very happy with this element. The flow of everything feels good to just feels quite polished which isn't the feeling I got from AC17 on release so I'm happy here. I think the bowling animations look beautiful yet to see all of them but Broads is lovely idk what people hated about it, looks very nice in game and one of my favourite actions in real life too, batting animations I'm also yet to see all but they to look similar to previous games but I'm sure theres a few new ones in there.

I may have missed stuff out and will do a video review soon and also post some highlights of some nice moments, for the time being I have some screens below and my "verdict" so far is similar to others, I think I'll get a lot of enjoyment out of this game but I feel it would have been really great if they just nailed some stuff right graphically and gameplay wise.



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Some stuff from playing on Legend AI difficulty.

Going to start with the negatives because they became obvious very quickly:
The AI fielding at present is indeed utterly terrible. So many easy catches getting put down. So many direct hits from the outfield. Players running past the ball.
The teleportation catches are also in. Got this on my stream earlier >
I'm struggling with no balls as well. Using classic controls, I'm finding it hard to judge with the new visual "bar".
I will say batting feels like it is harder compared to 19, but that might just be down to me getting used to the game.
A big shame that the tour mode seems to have been removed unless I'm being blind, along with stadium creation. I spent a lot of time with both in Ashes Cricket and Cricket 19.
Gameplay waiting for animations seems even worse this year.
The delay in pressing the run button while batting and it actually starting is horrible.
Commentary is really no better than before either.

I haven't played a huge amount, but for all that to have become obvious in two Hundred matches already is a tad frustrating.

Some positives:
From the two Hundred matches I played, there was a lot of variety in the strokes the AI played.
I will say the AI did hit quite a few sixes against me in a Hundred match at Headingley. That said, some of the Headingley boundaries are really small.
They were very aggressive full stop in both Hundred matches.
There should have been several catches in the outfield (from ring to boundary), but all of them were put down.
The game felt like it had more variety in general. From AI seam bowling speeds to shots they played.
The game in general feels pretty smooth.

I'm sure I'll add more as I play, but that's what I can recall from my first two matches.
ENG(ME) vs

So the first thing that stuck out to me was how horrendus the graphics were. The match is on a summers day with clear sky and with my graphic settings maxed (I have pretty good PC) anyway I don't know if it was the TAA or the Bloom or Light Flare settings but I could not see the white ball at all and everything looked so blury. However I did change it from TAA to FXAA and the visibility was quite a bit better as in I could see the ball when it was hit to the outfield. I will tinker further when I can and see if it yields better results.

Apart from the specific graphic settings, I don't know what me and other people are playing or if it's just because of my match conditions but the game still looks pretty bad imo. I was playing Ashes17 yesterday and this looks extremely similar maybe worse, the lighting is almost blinding me its really off and not what I was expecting at all. In fact I've put a picture of the two games and I think AC17 looks better. I doubt this will be improved and I think I'll find playing games on these conditions an eye sore as it is quite distracting to be looking at that constantly.

I've mainly stuck to using the arcade controls as I love having the old circle control, I'm not sure what aftertouch does and I have gotten all 3 main dismissals (lbw, edge behind & bowled). Some edges do seem very random and predetermined, the ones that go to gully area but hey ho it's not a bad problem to have I suppose. I was playing on the wrong difficulty for the majority of the time but when I bumped it to hardest the way the pace of the ball goes through feels really nice. I play on auto-fielding and as people have mentioned it is a bit odd at times and feels like little to no progress has been made since AC17, the same weird buggy stuff is happening from that game (fielder sliding the ball to make it a 4, ball going past fielder etc)

The AI batting I have been impress with feels organic and feels like some pressure when bowling especially when they have a good few overs, I've put the scorecard below. In terms of their shot selection it's doesn't feel like much of an improvement from AC17 tbh, they still do the leg side pull type shot to balls on off on a good/full length and all in all just similar to previous titles but they keep the scoreboard ticking so thats the main thing just mentioning this for people who want a lot more variation. I mean it would be great if they got rid of the back foot cover drive that goes to mid off just very similar to AC17. Long and short of it, it's been fun bowling to them so far and feels like i'll have a good game on my hands.


Generally speaking I think the game feels very fluid and just fun to get through the overs whilst bowling, seems to be a lot quicker be it transitions or just getting to the next delivery, very happy with this element. The flow of everything feels good to just feels quite polished which isn't the feeling I got from AC17 on release so I'm happy here. I think the bowling animations look beautiful yet to see all of them but Broads is lovely idk what people hated about it, looks very nice in game and one of my favourite actions in real life too, batting animations I'm also yet to see all but they to look similar to previous games but I'm sure theres a few new ones in there.

I may have missed stuff out and will do a video review soon and also post some highlights of some nice moments, for the time being I have some screens below and my "verdict" so far is similar to others, I think I'll get a lot of enjoyment out of this game but I feel it would have been really great if they just nailed some stuff right graphically and gameplay wise.


If you think the Graphics in AC17 look better, I can't be bothered to read the rest of your review :thumbs
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92 Reviews and "Very Positive" - good start
If you think the Graphics in AC17 look better, I can't be bothered to read the rest of your review :thumbs
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View attachment 258564

92 Reviews and "Very Positive" - good start
A bit harsh and some pre-release photos aren't really proof....I'm talking actual in-game footage you can even see the pictures I posted and if I'm totally honest there isn't a whole lot of difference in the two. I should clarify and say maybe it's just the particular weather conditions that make it look like that but even then it shouldn't be like that 4 years on
5 wickets, 4 caught behind (no pro cam) 1 caught slip (did get pro cam).

im playing 19 with worse player models, none of my beloved retro players and an intrusive run out mechanic
A bit harsh and some pre-release photos aren't really proof....I'm talking actual in-game footage you can even see the pictures I posted and if I'm totally honest there isn't a whole lot of difference in the two. I should clarify and say maybe it's just the particular weather conditions that make it look like that but even then it shouldn't be like that 4 years on

I'm kinda with you. I can't say I'm seeing the level of detail from the Steam screenshots in my game. I've got it cranked at 1080p and turned up various settings in Nvidia Control Panel as well

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