is pci express card must to run BLIC2007? help


School Cricketer
May 3, 2007
Online Cricket Games Owned
hello i have intel mother board with internal vga i dont have pci express card and BLIC2007 is not running on my pc its running but when u go to match to play nothing came please help whats the problem whether i have to buy pci express card or there is some other problem
A PCI card is not a must. I suppose you mean a non integrated card?

I run an AGP slot card, and get excellent performance. If you are on a laptop I dont think there is much you can do.

If it is a desktop PC, I would recommend getting a proper video card, as tbh, integrated cards plain suck.

I'm pretty sure they are not properly supported, but they can be configured by removing movie files or something. As I haven't needed a fix, I'm not sure where this is in the forum.

Link anyone?
Really anyone who hasnt got a dedicated video card is nuts. Not just for gaming but for video and 3d applications. Look at something like a 6600gt (AGP or PCIX whatever you got) U cant get them for like $150 AuD new or around $60 secondhand. Good bang for buck and will play any game (all be it some with low settings)
i have intel motherboard D945GNTL i have updated my video drivers but same problem its built in memory is 128mb but the game is not working please help
Dude, these guys have pretty much answered you already. An integrated graphics chip like yours will not run the game. You need to get hold of a proper 3D card. It all depends on what your motherboard supports. If it supports PCI-E then get one of those, if it supports only AGP then get an AGP card.

I don't have a PCI-E compatible motherboard but my AGP card (an ATI X850) is more than capable of handling the game. I'm actually debating whether to upgrade to one of these or whether to wait until the new DX10 cards come out and build myself a new rig. We'll see how impatient I become....
Wow Burma I have been planning the exact same thing, (other than the fact I would buy a Radeon x1950 Pro 256MB PCI_E/PCI_E16). An inquiry though, can any and every PC handle DX10 cards?
As far as I'm aware, yes they can. There's no obvious reason why they shouldn't unless Microsoft make DX10 incompatible with older versions of Widows but I find that highly unlikely.
Thansk for the swift reply Burma's Finest. However unfortunately I sill have another inquiry left. Take a look at this:
.......In order to get the most from their video cards, users would have to upgrade their operating systems to Vista.

Given XP shipped in 2001 and it was late 2003 when the DX10 design solidified - it should be obvious that 'what the OS was' was well beyond XP before serious DX10 work commenced. Heck, the Longhorn reset was in 2004 and DX10 wasn't done until later. The build that was demo'ed [sic] at WinHEC 2004 with the texture memory management was a very fresh build and wasn't feature complete - and that was April or May 2004. The 1st DX SDK supporting DX10 didn't appear until Dec 2005.

Taylor also noted that it would take a tremendous amount of work if the company were to retrofit DX10 into XP.

Softpedia said:
There are troubled times ahead. Through one bold move, Microsoft has decided that it will not support, the already too "old" DirectX 9, not to mention DirectX 8 or any of the previous versions. But... it appears to be some logic hidden somewhere.
What do these mean for us?? Does is merely state that to get full effects of DX 10, you need to obtain Windows Vista?? Or they will not run with older windows versions at all?? In any case what type of advantages would DX10 cards have over current cards and will they be compatible with older Winows and DirectX versions??
Thank you for you patience and cooperation.
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