Your Cricket Jake's off season diary

Tuesday 31st Mar 2009​

Worst day today. We get to leave school at the start of 4th period to go home because the road is flooding. We go, and the bus isn't there. So we have to go back to school, and come back later. We get there, and luckily I go home with my mum. The backyard is like a pool, the pool is like an ocean, the neighbours are flooding (never seen that before), the road is flooding in about 6 places, and it's pouring rain. I really wanted to do cardio, even if it rained, but I didn't know it would be this bad!

Jakester1288 added 20 Minutes and 20 Seconds later...

Monday - Weights
Tuesday - HIIT
Wednesday - Weights
Thursday - Circuits
Friday - Weights
Saturday - LISS

Just putting in what my Physical Activity will be (in bold) is that good?
Found an awesome little bodyweight routine that I will do once a week, goes for like 45 minutes. Gun as.

Did the workout, went for 51 minutes. Hopefully it made up for my cake and going over 2000 calories (I am cutting weight as well as gaining muscle, so a low calorie intake is best).

nice to see some importance being given to domestic cricket

I'm not a domestic cricketer (if you mean state cricketer).....well, not yet anyway. :D

Thursday 2nd April 2009​

Good day today. Ate well (in regards to calories, haven't had dinner yet though) and did a 30 minute bodyweight circuits workout. Looking at having eggs for dinner for that extra protein.
Friday 3rd April 2009​

Been a good day. Set PR's on shoulder and bench press, and was around 200 calories under a 2000 limit. Was looking at a few calorie counters to maintain a 60kg weight, one suggested 2400 and the other 1800. :S I will stick with the 2000 for the moment, see how that works out.

Tomorrow I have my senior cricket presentation, have to go out, going out = eating unhealthily. I have ordered a 3 course meal with a drink (well, that's what everyone gets) and will only be lightly snacking through the day (proper breakfast though) to try to stay somewhere within the calorie limit, and although I won't have much time to exercise on Saturday (extremely busy), if I don't get much in (even if I do!) I will be working hard on Sunday.

Overall, good day, did my workout, find that here: BodySpace Workout Tracker: roosters1995.

Attached my diet as well.


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Going out ice skating today, been eating **** so far, then going out tonight and eating a 3 course meal with a drink. Will be 3000-4000 calories for the day.

I am also getting some protein powder today as well.
Saturday 4th April 2009​

Terrible, terrible day. Crazily bad diet, chips, cake, coke etc, and the only exercise was a bit of ice skating. I am really going to have to eat under my calorie limit tomorrow, and exercise like mad to burn off the deficit. Got my protein shakes today, probably going to take one every day, or perhaps days when I haven't had much protein. Not going to bother posting my diet, it's just shocking, plus I can't find a kind of roast dinner thing on fitday with gravy and whatnot.
Sunday 5th April 2009​

Decent day food wise, didn't want to do my workout (circuits) but did it, and hurt my leg doing bodyweight squats, on the inner part of my thigh, which I hurt last week as well. Hopefully it will clear up before tomorrow (deadlifts, should be ok) and Wednesday (leg day).

Diet was pretty good, ate a lot of bad foods, but stayed with roughly 1614 calories, my lowest since starting this log. Pretty happy.


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Monday 6th April 2009​

Decent day today. Set PR's on deadlifts, bent over rows and bicep curls (and started on upright rows). Didn't do cardio, because I had a headache, had a couple of tablets before the workout, and really didn't feel the best.

Still lacking protein in my diet, not sure about the total calories though, I just estimated my chicken casserole with rice and vegetables to be about 600.


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Tuesday 7th April​

Decided to take a rest today, and it went well. Had my least amount of calories since starting this log and the rest was probably good for my back (and to an extent biceps).

My school cross country is coming up (5th May) and I want to compete for a variety of reasons.

1. To get out of first period
2. It's a cardio day, so it will be my cardio
3. Show I am fairly fit
4. Show I am not the fat kid
5. Hopefully, beat my fit friends

I really gotta get some competitiveness going between me and my friends, I really want to go well. Any tips on what I should do to my training schedule? I am thinking of getting up early to go for jogs every morning (even weights days) through these holidays (holidays start in 2 days) and eating properly, hopefully raise my fitness considerably. I am trying to get up tomorrow at 5:40, rain or shine, and I know I can do it, I used to do it, I just need the motivation back.


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Wednesday 8th April​

Starting weight: 64.8kgs
Week 1 weight: 64kgs -0.8kgs
Week 2 weight: 62.9kgs -1.1

Good progress there.

Decent day today. 20 minute run in the morning, had a coke when I went to the shop, again got **** all protein, had a good workout but it in a way sucked because I couldn't put enough weight on my leg extentions. I had 22.5kgs and wanted to go to 25kgs but it wouldn't leave space to put the stopper on the end. Looking to get a couple of 10kg weights sometime soon, hopefully before next legs workout (this time next week).

BodySpace Workout Tracker


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Thursday 9th April​

Fairly crappy day today. Did a 22 minute cardio workout with jogging, sprints, skipping and boxing, ate 400-600 calories over my calorie limit, but on a positive side I got 140 grams of protein.
lol, I saw that you had made a similar thread on, at least I think it was you.

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