Just wondering - NZwarriors


Retired Administrator
Mar 12, 2003
[color=#000000:post_uid9]How old are the guys who run the forum cos I was looking at the admins on NZwarriors and they're just a bunch of immature kids. Most of them are 14 or 15. I'm a 20 year old uni student and I kinda object to having a 14 year old 'judge' my postings and give me a rating on 'how I'm doing' Are you guys actually more interested in cricket than posting libelous rumours cos if so I'm changing forums.[/color]
<span style='color:#000000:post_uid0'>hello barmy, great avatar there! the guys who call the shots here are ritwik, shailesh, zimrahil, ste, bomber...the majority are 18-20 (bomber is the pensioner)...and are very helpful with all things to do with cricket 2002 and the like. the words "nz warriors" is filth on these pages mate, they ar ea bunch of c,ock suckers...there's some good people around here so stick around...you made the right choice, trust me mate... :P :cool:</span>
Anyone who
a) says that about NZ Warriors and
B) has that avatar
is welcome here :) .
As sonic says, there's some excellent ppl and posts on this forum. Genuine cricket and c2k2 (most of the time!) lovers, who don't give a monkeys about how many posts you have...

btw sonic, who says bomber's the pensioner? :;): ...
Good on you Sonic, :laugh: :D , smart arse!!
You too Jonah, :D :laugh: .
If you blokes keep carrying on like that, I will shove my walking stick up your arse!! :o
sashi, your comments are not welcome here.

This is a place for cricket lovers. I will ensure it remains that way.

Edited By zimrahil on 1047552361
No offence but it sounds like some of your guys need to sort their shit out and work out why they're actually here.
[color=#000000:post_uid9]This forum is great! stay here
NZ Warriors sucks[/color]

looks like nzwarriors are chasing you..


Edited By Shailesh on 1047518733
What are you guys like? This page has been edited to try and give me a good impression. I saw what Moshin and Shailesh wrote originally.

I'm not interested in any of that stuff, I'm here for the cricket.
What are you guys like? This page has been edited to try and give me a good impression. I saw what Moshin and Shailesh wrote originally.

What Moshin wrote originally? Well as you can see quite plainly his post has NOT been edited by anyone, as a message of edition appears below any edited post.
Shailesh? he is a moderator here and if you go through some of his earlier posts you will realize that Shailesh complimenting NZ Warriors will be akin to something like the sun rising from the west!
I expect there was some grammatical mistake and Shailesh edited his OWN post to correct it.
What are you guys like? This page has been edited to try and give me a good impression. I saw what Moshin and Shailesh wrote originally.

I'm not interested in any of that stuff, I'm here for the cricket.

I don't know what shailesh and moshin said originally but what I do know is this:

This is a board for cricket fans. And that's it, period. Its not a place for people to post lies, fabrications, and generally be destructive.

If people want to enjoy this board for its online tournaments, news on how to improve gameplay, and cricket news in general etc, then we welcome them and hope they find their stay enjoyable.

However for them to enjoy their visit, then non related cricket news which is destructive, defamatory, or devisive in any form cannot be tolerated. There is no place for it on this board.
This page has been edited to try and give me a good impression

You should concentrate on cricket, c2002 discussions. And there are loads of this stuff. What goes on other than that should not bother you.
and one last thing - we have no need to impress anyone.
Yes , as ZIM and shailesh said , if you are going to be good and honest , you are most welcome here .
This is a great forum with cricket2002,online tournaments,cricketzone and news

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