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What do you suggest? Worth watching or skipping to some regional content to enjoy the weekend?
The trailer pretty much reveals the story.
Film has good BGM (especially eminems song in the credits), chemistry between Venom and Eddie is lovable, Woody Harrelson doesn't disappoint, action sequences are good, short lenght movie.
I'm disappointed with the way they showed carnage, more screen time would have been great. Nonetheless its a good movie, simple time pass film. If you love Marvel go for it, post credit scene will hype you up for upcoming projects.
I recently watched the movie "Marley and I" and it really impressed me. I was so imbued with this film. The actors played their roles so vitally that it seemed to me as if everything was happening for real, as if everything was happening to me. The film shows love, true love, man's love for man, man's love for an animal - a strong, friendly seed. Of course, the film is predictable and the ending seemed clear to me at first, but how hard it is to lose a faithful friend, emotions flooded over me in full swing and at the end of the film I cried for a long time.
That is so awesome. There’s still so much more to explore. Vulture and Scorpio are only in prison, not dead. Miles Morales is yet to be introduced. His uncle Aaron Davis (Prowler) was teased in Homecoming.
Michael Mando is a fookin Legend, would love to see if he turns out be the 6th sinister.
(Offtopic - Far Cry series is bringing him back, don't know how. He was dead in FC3)

MM's uncle was played by Donald Glover, I don't think Marvel would cast such big personality for just a cameo. I mean he could be a big part of movie if they ever make one, Just saying...

Great movie solid 8/10
Interestingly (or not) I was in conversation (actually having a drink) with a colleague and this film came up in conversation, absolute classic.

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