Modern Warfare 2

Right now that Ive got some extra xmas cash ill probly be getting this game soon.
Im pretty aweful at cod4 online, hopefully I can put up a fight in MW2 :p

If you're not good at CoD 4, I reckon MW2 will only prove to be frustrating. In MW2 for those players who can get the killstreaks, there are things like:

AC 130 gunships (the same one from the airborne mission in CoD 4)
Chopper gunners (step outside and you'll get mowed down)
as well as all the airstrikes and so on from CoD 4 (this is all based on experience of watching my nephew play MW2 on Xbox 360).

And of course, tactical nukes, which wipes everyone off the map and wins the game for the player who deployed it. MW2 sounds like a game for those who are good at online games - for the rest, me included, I reckon it might just prove annoying.
Yeah well im not completely crap. I do improve everytime I play, I just havnt played much (only had cod4 for a couple of months) My highest killstreak in cod 4 is 12. Im not a hard-out gamer but I think Ill be ok lol. I guess I'll wait and see
Here's the most awesome MW2 video montage you'll ever see :

YouTube - Mundus Toto by lilchavPS3

Params7 added 3 Minutes and 48 Seconds later...

Chopper gunners are godly!

Backup class with Cold Blooded and Stinger = Goodbye chopper gunner :p

But it is deadly on open maps such as Afghan, if you have Harrier Strike-Chopper-Nuke pretty much means 7 kills and you have a nuke.
Few questions

1) Scar with Red dot laser or Scar with Holographic scope

2) any way to just play 1 map and not change every game?

3) if I get a kill streak reward and I get killed before I use it, is it lost?

Cheers guys
Only if you play private matches.
Nope, your killstreaks reward only goes once you use it, or the game ends.
Got the game for x-mas on 360 and it's incredible. Not had chance to play online yet, but the single player campaign has been brilliant so far. Love everything about it, so much better than the last COD game I played, MW1. Loads incredibly quickly as well, very impressive.
Whats the best assault rifle to use? Ive been using the Scar but Params7 said it sucks
Just finished the campaign, and it's my favourite game even if it didn't have online. Absolutely stunning, great story-line, great moments and even some sad moments to, It was like playing a movie!
I must be the only one on this forum who thought IW bollocked up the storyline after what they did for CoD4 then.

Still truly epic, but.

On another note, this might be a tad too late, but definitely worth sharing in the spirit of Christmas:

Twas The Night Before Mw2​
Twas the night before xmas
And all through the house
Not a creature was stirring
Not even a mouse
The noob tubes were hung by the chimney w/ care
In hopes that 40mms soon would be there
The team was all nestled, snug in their beds
While visions of holo-sights danced in their heads
And Ghost in his mask, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a two-hour nap
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
The claymores went off, what the hell is the matter?!
Away to the windows I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters (that’s it, no sash)
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave luster to players without arctic ghillies below
When, what to my wandering eyes should appear,
But an inbound Cobra, which filled me with fear
With a little old driver, so lively and quick
I knew in a moment it must be [XMAS].-=St_NiCk=-.
More rapid than eagles, the chopper it came
And he whistled, and shouted, staying true to his name:
“Uh, Dasher 5-5, requesting permission to move from the top
of the porch to the top of the wall, over”.
“Roger that, solid copy, dash away all”.
As dry leaves before the wild hurricane fly
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky
So up to the house-top the chopper it flew
With a big-ass chain gun, and St._NiCk too
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
A Tactical Insertion go off with a “poof”
As I drew up my rifle, and was turning around
Down the chimney St._NiCk came with a bound
A flashbang laid on the ground by his foot
It was a dud, all covered in soot
A rucksack of ammo he had hung on his back
He gave his ACR’s bolt a mighty rack
His eyes, they were black, almost mean
The beard on his face made his features unseen
His droll (wtf?) mouth was NOT like a bow,
The beard on his chin was covered in snow
He held a cigar tight in his teeth
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath
He had a broad face and like a flipin 8-pack
He wasn’t the kinda guy who was laid back
He was bad to the bone, yet confident in himself
I could speak when I saw him, I nearly ████ myself
A wink of his eye, a twist of his head
Soon gave me to know, I had nothing to dread
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
He filled all his mags, then turned with a jerk
Taking another drag on the cigar
He looked off into the distance ever so far
He got to his feet, threw the stogy off the cliff
The wind was so harsh I couldn’t get a whiff
And I heard his voice, as he walked through the snow,
“Break’s over, Roach. Let’s go”.
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Well not giving anything away to somebody who hasn't played it yet, but it definately sets up a MW3. I really hope it's soon.

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